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Selectmen Minutes 10/17/2006
Chichester Board of Selectmen
October 17, 2006

MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman MacCleery, Selectman Colbert, Selectman DeBold and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens.   

Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00pm.     



Selectman DeBold discussed the outcome of the meeting with Jim Gallagher, Chief Engineer from Department of Environmental Services and Dale Quinn, Inspector from the Dam Bureau regarding the removal of the town’s portion of a beaver dam at Marsh Pond.  The State has re-classified the status from a “dam in disrepair”, to a “dam in ruins”.  The State does not regulate dams in ruin, however the owner is still required not to let the dam get built up again.  Monitoring will need to be done on a consistent basis.  

Bruce Dyke representing the Town Organization Committee discussed a letter the committee has drafted for distribution to surrounding Select Boards notifying them of the committee and their work and asking for their support with assisting the committee with their data collecting.  The Board signed the letter.  Lisa will copy and distribute by the end of the week.

A brief discussion was held updating the Board on the work of the committee.  Motion Chairman MacCleery seconded by Selectman DeBold to appoint Paul Adams, Lisa Drouse and Lou Barker (replacing his wife Heather) as members of the Town Organization Committee.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.

 The Board directed Lisa to send a memo to the Road Agent in regards to re-imbursement from the State for the Webster Mills Bridge over Sanborn Brook Project.

The Board is still waiting for correspondence from the Department of Revenue regarding the assessment inspection performed.  The status of the septic use/approval is still being sought.

Selectman DeBold has contacted the Department of Environmental Services to follow-up on the determination by the state as to the classification of the Hillcrest Campground, seasonal or year round.  Mr. Cavacco made a statement during the dam removal that he was relocating his year round people to up front.  Previously, the State has classified this campground as seasonal and has communicated to Mr. Cavacco the steps necessary to change status to a year round facility. The Board is not aware of any changes.   

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BOS minutes
October 17, 2006


The Selectmen reviewed a memo from the Conservation Commission seeking permission to contact the Road Agent for assistance with the preparation of the foot path across the Plummer lot.  The Board approved this request.

A request from Mr. Mullaney for a walk through of Malachy Glen II for the purpose of acceptance of the roads was discussed.   The Board directed Lisa to contact the Road Agent to schedule a meeting at the site to include himself, Selectman DeBold, Mr. Mullaney and Mr. Bill Rollins; engineer from Vollmer Associates.  

The Board reviewed the Stumpage Value List for the period of October 1, 2006 – March 31, 2007 and agreed to stay with the average price for each type of wood cut.

The Board reviewed an e-mail from resident Lucinda Reid and directed Lisa to forward to the Road Agent.

Paul Adams was re-appointed as Budget Committee representative for the Solid Waste District.  

Chairman MacCleery and Selectman Colbert were sworn in by Selectman DeBold as Ex-Officio Alternate members for the Planning Board.

After reconsideration on an abatement filed by Kearsage Telephone, Selectman DeBold made the motion to abate $16,186.25.  Chairman MacCleery seconded the motion.  Selectman Colbert abstained from the vote.  Two votes in the affirmative.  Motion carries.

An abatement was signed for Eggers, missing Veteran’s Credit; Map 5, Lot 71-6, $500.00.

The annual Local Government Center Conference was discussed.  The Board was in favor of the office staff attending which may necessitate the need to close the office for a day or two the week of November 13th.  

Lisa discussed the option of re-writing the present lease on the copier to eliminate the additional costs to be incurred once the number of copies exceeds the current contract. The proposal will be an additional $12 dollars and one more year on the lease with an additional 6,000 copies added to the copy limit.  This is more cost effective than a maintenance contract of $505.00 plus the cost of the additional copies. The Board directed Lisa to consult with the town’s auditor at the Department of Revenue for the Boards authority to re write the lease.

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BOS minutes
October 17, 2006

Space needs for the town offices was discussed.  The new file cabinets for the Supervisors of the Checklist have been ordered.  The old copier and desk at the end of the hallway need to be disposed of.  Lisa has once again asked other departments of their interest.  Lisa will look into consignment with state surplus before disposing of the items.

A discussion took place regarding the spending of impact fees. Impact fees are assessed in order to meet the need occasioned by development for the construction or improvement of capital facilities.  RSA 674:21, V, does not describe a dollar amount necessary to determine a capital expense. Chichester’s Capital Improvement Program defines a capital item with a cost of $10,000 or more.  This figure was agreed upon by the Planning Board to be used as a guideline in the development of capital projects and is used as a budgeting tool only.  As long as the expense can be attributed to growth, the Board may allow the request by a department to expend the money from the impact fee account.    

Payroll and Accounts Payable were signed.

The minutes of October 10, 2006 were approved as written.

The Board directed Lisa to order copies of the 2006 editions of Budgeting and the Law Lecture Series, for each Board member.

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10:15pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant   

Stephen MacCleery, Chairman   

David Colbert  

Richard DeBold  

                                                        APPROVED AS WRITTEN