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Selectmen Minutes 10/10/2006
Chichester Board of Selectmen
October 10, 2006

MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman MacCleery, Selectman Colbert, Selectman DeBold and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens.   

Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00pm.     

SUBJECT: Department Heads   
PRESENT: Dave Paveglio, Building Inspector; Mike Paveglio, Fire Chief; Patrick Clarke, Police Chief; John Martell, Emergency Management Director; and David Kenneally, Road Agent

BI - The Board updated Mr. Paveglio of the State’s assessment of the Crannell/Evans property on Hutchinson Road.  Living area does exist; however the owners are not living there at this time and are not allowed to under the current zoning regulations.  The Selectmen asked Mr. Paveglio if the owners had applied for a permit to occupy the trailer located on the property.  Mr. Paveglio replied they had not.  The owners have stated previously that they live at 20 Paradise Lane.

A general thought looking towards the future is the probability of increasing permit fees.  Mr. Paveglio has looked into surrounding towns in the past and will work on updating this information for future discussion.

EMD – Mr. Martell had nothing to report this evening.

FD – The Fire Department has tested the dry hydrant on the Ferman property and discovered no problems at this time.  The truck did get stuck and the Ferman’s will be adding gravel to the access location.  The hydrant will need to be tested again once the pond is frozen.  

The department has the opportunity to purchase a used military vehicle through private sale and build a tanker truck for the fleet at a much lower cost than anticipated.  Chief Paveglio shared the vehicle specifications with the Selectmen and requested the use of impact fees to purchase the truck and have it painted. Additional monies needed to outfit the truck, will be requested from Capital Reserve Funds in a warrant article next year.  

Motion Selectman DeBold and seconded by Chairman MacCleery to grant the Fire Chief authority to spend up to $10,000 from the Fire Department Impact Fees Account not to exceed $5,500 for the purchase of the 1971 AM General Military Truck and the remaining $4,500 to be used for initial outfitting of the tanker.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.  

This truck will also fill the need for mutual aid for a forestry vehicle and be helpful during winter months getting up the steeper hills in town.  

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BOS minutes
October 10, 2006

Chief Paveglio let the Board know he will be asking to spend additional impact fee money for architectural designs for the proposed safety building expansion.  

Mike has confirmed with the Department of Labor that the ambulance personnel are considered volunteers and therefore do not fall under the eight day payment of wages rule.  Mike will be submitting payroll to the selectmen’s office on a monthly basis covering the two two-week pay periods for ambulance duty.  Individual paychecks may be picked up on Friday mornings; if not, they will go in the mail.  

PD – Police Chief Clarke informed the Selectmen that part time officer; Joe Orlando has resigned his position, effective December 31, 2006.  The Chief will need to start looking for part time help because the department may be short staffed once Officer Seluk attends the Police Academy in January 2007.  Pat is not sure if the department will have to go back to on call status temporarily.

Pat discussed the warrant article he has submitted for a new cruiser. The explorer needs to be replaced. This is a year sooner than the original rotation plan.  Additional mileage is on the vehicles as a result of twenty-four hour coverage.  The options are to add it to the operating budget or submit a warrant article. The Chief is looking for the option with the least impact on the tax burden.  No new equipment will need to be purchased.  

There were no problems to report during the removal of the town’s portion of the Beaver Dam at Marsh Pond.  A reporter from the Concord Monitor did stop by and talk with Pat and the owner of the campground, Mr. Cavacco.

HYW - Mr. Kenneally reported the removal of the town’s portion of the beaver dam and extraneous debris at Marsh Pond has gone very well.  The job should be completed tomorrow.  Selectman DeBold will contact the State and schedule an inspection for Thursday.  

The department’s budget has been submitted however figures for Center Road have not been received.  

The Board inquired as to the reply from CLD regarding the inclusion of the additional costs for work performed on Webster Mills Road at the site of the bridge project as a result of the under drain replacement.  CLD had stated to Mr. Kenneally that the costs were the town’s responsibility, however a CLD engineering report indicated the work was performed at the edge of the project.  Further the Board feels that removing the boulder was the cause of the problem and that removal was part of the bridge project.  The Selectmen asked Mr. Kenneally to follow up with the State directly.       

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BOS minutes
October 10, 2006

Discussed was a fax received from Mr. Jim Mullaney regarding the recent paving on Bailey Road.  Mr. Mullaney is questioning the work that was done and the costs he is responsible for.  The Board directed Lisa to forward all correspondence to town counsel.   

Lisa notified the department heads that the Board of Selectmen has named the road between the Library and the Congregational Church as Meetinghouse Road.  The highway department will need to order a street sign.  

SUBJECT: Shaw Fields
PRESENT: Julie Patterson

Julie met with the Selectmen to clarify the Board’s objective to updating the lease on the Shaw fields. The town is not looking to make money and feels what has been done is great but perhaps the best management practices have not been utilized. It did not appear that the sheep were grazing this year.  Julie asked what the Selectmen’s goal for the property was.  The answer was to keep it a field.  Julie is not sure what the boundaries are and would like a map of the property.  Lisa suggested she contact Mr. Fred Shaw and arrange to walk the boundaries with him.  Someone is dumping brush over the stone walls and others are parking vehicles on the front portion of the field.  The Selectmen agreed to notify all abutters to keep the land open and clear of all debris.  Grazing the sheep will not be enough; some haying of the fields will be needed.  Julie will revise the current agreement with the town for the Boards approval.  The Selectmen’s intention is to give the current lessee first refusal to continue the management of the fields.  


The Board directed Lisa to contact Mr. Paul Adams and ask if he is interested in remaining the Budget Committee representative for the BCEP Solid Waste Committee.

The Board reviewed a memo from the Planning Board regarding various alleged zoning violations.  Lisa was asked to draft letters for each.  One allegation is at the Hillcrest Campground.  This brought to light the past issue of seasonal or year round status for the campground.  A review of the file contained a letter from the State to the owner, Mr. Cavacco on this issue.  Selectman DeBold will follow up with the State for any change in status of the campground.

Chairman MacCleery signed the 911 Authorization Form adding Lisa as a contact from the Selectmen’s Office.

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BOS minutes
October 10, 2006

Chairman MacCleery signed the authorization for bridge payment in the amount of $9,072.00.  

The Board appointed Mr. Chris Weir to fill the alternate seat on the Planning Board.  

Updates for the Capital Improvement Plan were discussed.  The roof on the Grange Building as well as improvements/repairs to the heating system will be added to the CIP.

Lisa prepared spreadsheets for the 2007 operating budget and distributed to the Board for updating.

The Board signed a letter to Commissioner Murray at the Department of Transportation in regards to the three recent lighting complaints on Route 4.

The Board appointed Doctor Ed Meehan as Health Officer.  The Selectmen are the Deputy Health Officers.  

Motion Selectman Colbert and seconded by Selectman DeBold to approve a request from the Supervisors of the Checklist to purchase two fire proof file cabinets using monies from the Office Equipment Capital Reserve or Impact Fees.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.  

The Board reconsidered the abatement denial for Kearsage Telephone Right of Way.  New information has been brought to the Board by contracted assessor Rod Wood, who now recommends the town abate this tax.  Based on this new information, the Board directed Lisa to prepare the paperwork to abate this tax.  

Lisa notified the Board that Mr. Rinaldi, a data collector from the towns contracted firm, Brett Purvis & Associates, is in town this week working on updates to map 3.  

The painting for the interior of the town offices is scheduled for the week of October 16, 2006.

The minutes of October 3, 2006 were approved as written.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10:20pm.

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BOS minutes
October 10, 2006

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant   

Stephen MacCleery, Chairman   

David Colbert  

Richard DeBold  

                                                                       APPROVED AS WRITTEN