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Selectmen Minutes 09/05/2006
Chichester Board of Selectmen
September 5, 2006

MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman MacCleery, Selectman Colbert, Selectman DeBold and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens.   

Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00pm.     

SUBJECT: Ditching on Bailey Road
PRESENT: Mr. & Mrs. David Morse

Mr. & Mrs. Morse are concerned with potential drainage problems during a heavy rain as a result of the recent ditching and slope work on Bailey Road in front of their property.   After some discussion for possible solutions with the Board, Road Agent and homeowners, a meeting at the property was scheduled for Friday, September 8th, at 6pm.  

SUBJECT: Culvert Replacement/Tree Removal between the Historical Society and the Methodist Church Parrish Hall
PRESENT: Bernie Reinhardt and Walter Sanborn

The roots of a tree and the settling of earth have pushed the last 2 or 3 feet of the culvert up about 6 inches and when a heavy rain occurs, the water overflows and floods the Historical Society and the Parrish Hall. This has also affected the height of the fire pond located behind the buildings on the Surran property. The Selectmen had asked for the Road Agent and the Fire Chief to assess the current situation and discuss a correction for the problem.  The Road Agent recommends removing the culvert completely and building a swale between the buildings for the runoff.  The Fire Chief would like to install a drafting pit at the gate to the pond.  This would involve draining the pond. The Fire Chief is not in favor of dropping the level of the pond. The Historical Society proposes to put a swale alongside the culvert and take the tree out.  After a lengthy discussion, it was concluded that the Historical Society having the funds, written work proposals and permission from both entities, the Historical Society and the Church Trustees, may go ahead with the tree removal.  The highway department will remove the culvert and create a swale running between the buildings, and add material if needed by the gate to the fire pond, making sure to discuss any changes with the homeowner prior to beginning any work.    

While working on the Retaining Wall Restoration Project on Thunder Bridge, an old Ordway Mill turbine was discovered.  The Historical Society has volunteers willing to retrieve the artifact once they have obtained the property owners permission.  Chairman MacCleery informed Mr. Reinhardt his father, Russell MacCleery is the owner of the property.  The Selectmen were in favor of the retrieval as long as the homeowner has given permission and any volunteers fill out a volunteer form with the town office.  Mr. MacCleery will speak to his father about the project.  The Society would also like to remove some fallen trees from the river.  They are lying next to the bridge abutments.  

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BOS minutes
September 5, 2006

The Board recommended contacting the State Bridges Department and inquire about procedures necessary when maintenance is required at the approaches to the bridge.

SUBJECT: Department Heads    
PRESENT: Fire Chief, Mike Paveglio; Road Agent, David Kenneally; Police Chief, Patrick Clarke; Emergency Management Director, John Martell

FIRE –   Chief Paveglio submitted payroll this evening, realizing it would not get processed until the following week.  The ambulance personnel are paid on a stipend basis and do not fall under the eight day guidelines. The memo sent to all personnel from the Selectmen’s Office pertains to the ambulance members only in the fact that the town’s pay day has changed to Fridays.  If the Fire Chief does not submit reimbursement on a weekly basis, it cannot get processed on a weekly basis.  The Chief will discuss this formally with his crew members.

Chief Paveglio has re-organized the department and informed the Board of Selectmen of the following changes in rank; John Prickett is no longer the Deputy Fire Chief, but is now the department’s Safety Officer; Paul Sanborn has been promoted to Assistant Chief, handling training and recruitment; and Christopher Drew has been promoted to Deputy Chief responsible for the station and all equipment maintenance.   Currently there is an open Captain’s position.  

There are two new students this year for a total of three students being overseen by Paul Sanborn.  Matt Cole is the student advisor.  

EMD –   Mr. Martell had nothing to report this evening.
PD – Chief Clarke reported minor damage to the license plate and brackets on the 2000 cruiser as the result of the car being rear ended in the parking lot of the station.  

HYW – Road Agent Kenneally reported that Pike Industries will be paving that portion of Bailey Road pertaining to Mr. Mullaney’s subdivision, at the end of the week.  Lisa was directed to speak with the town treasurer about releasing the funds from Mr. Mullaney’s bond, for payment of these costs.

The highway department is continuing with the ditching project.  There is one mile of road left to complete this phase.  Tree removal will begin on Short Falls Road and Smith Sanborn Road.  Large boulders need to be removed on Short Falls Road.  These are too heavy for the loader; removal will have to be done by the excavator.

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BOS minutes
September 5, 2006

The Road Advisory Committee met last evening but did not have a quorum.  Discussed was the need for review of the large highway projects such as ditching and comments forwarded to the Board of Selectmen.  

Mr. Kenneally asked the Selectmen what the process is to file a grievance to the Board.  His position is an elected one therefore his personnel file is considered public information.  He is requesting his letter of reprimand filed in June 2006, be removed from his file.  Mr. Kenneally would like to handle this issue at the local level and not go to the Labor Board.  Mr. Kenneally has read the Town of Chichester Employee Policies and discovered there is not a written policy for Disciplinary Action, nor is it stated under the section, Vacations, that notice must be given in writing. In Mr. Kenneally’s opinion, not only is there no written policy, but there was mis-communication between himself and the Selectmen’s Office. The Board will take this under advisement and notify Mr. Kenneally of their decision.  



Planning Board vacancy; the Board would like more time to seek a candidate.

The Selectmen, having reviewed the comments from the Budget Committee, approved the 2007 budget guidelines.  Lisa will forward the schedule of meetings to the budget committee and forward complete budget packets to the department heads, boards and committees upon completion of the budget worksheet.  This is the only form that will be accepted for budget proposals.

The Board agreed to hire Mr. Fred Chagnon as a handyman for the town buildings, on an as needed basis, subject to a satisfactory background check.  The hourly wage agreed upon is $10 per hour.  


Selectman Colbert received a formal complaint from Will Sweat regarding a zoning violation taking place in the Robinson Trailer Park, map 3 lot 28. It is alleged that someone is living in the well house.  This building, as determined by the Board of Selectmen in 1986, is not to be used as a dwelling.  The Selectmen directed Lisa to send out a notice of violation to the owner, Lorraine Robinson.

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BOS minutes
September 5, 2006

Selectman DeBold summarized the discussion of the Road Advisory Committee members at last night’s meeting.  The committee is looking for input from the Board.  Two members are needed to replace those no longer attending.  Selectman Colbert and
Selectman DeBold agreed that member Gil Vien could remain on the committee and not represent a conflict of interest.  They would prefer an employee to a sub contractor.  Two other candidates who have expressed interest are Stan Brehm and Ewen MacKinnon.  Selectman Colbert and DeBold agreed to have them join the committee.  

The revised deed for the Ferman Conservation Easement was reviewed.  The Board did not approve the changes and directed Lisa to contact Conservation Commission representative, Jeff Andrews and invite him to the next board meeting for general discussion on these proposed changes.

The Board asked Lisa to remind the Road Agent that Plowing Contracts are due to the office by November 1, 2006 and must include proof of insurance, proof of a valid driver’s license, and proof of current registration & inspection.

The Selectmen were reminded that voting booths must be set up prior to the Primary on Tuesday, September 12, 2006.

Lisa was directed to post a notice that the Board of Selectmen will not hold a public meeting on Tuesday, September 12, 2006, due to voting.  

Lisa updated the Board regarding the management of the Shaw Field.  Mr. Fred Shaw has spoken to Mr. Marston and Mr. Bill Briggs regarding the lease of the fields for farming purposes.  Mr. Shaw has drafted some guidelines for the Board’s input and approval.  Chairman MacCleery will contact NH Cooperative Extension Services and inquire as to whether a standard contract exists that the town could use in this case.  Once the Board establishes the criteria, the proposal will be offered to the general public.

The minutes of August 29, 2006 were approved as written.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 11:10pm.

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BOS minutes
September 5, 2006

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant   

Stephen MacCleery, Chairman   

David Colbert  

Richard DeBold  

                                                             APPROVED AS WRITTEN