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Selectmen Minutes 08/22/2006
Chichester Board of Selectmen
August 22, 2006

MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman MacCleery, Selectman Colbert, Selectman DeBold and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens.   

Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00pm.     

SUBJECT: Department Heads     
PRESENT: Road Agent, David Kenneally; Building Inspector, David Paveglio, and Fire Chief, Mike Paveglio

BI-   Mr. Paveglio updated the Board on the status of the unutilized permit for Karl Merrill.  A foundation has been poured and a weather tight structure will be in place by the September 4th deadline.  

Mr. Paveglio has received a request from an applicant on the 2007 waiting list to put the foundation in and cap it until January 2007.  She plans to put a modular home on the site and living with friends temporarily.   The Selectmen recommended the building inspector refer her to the Board of Adjustment.    

Mr. Josh Stone would like to renovate the old barn on the Plunkett property and convert it to living space.  The Board advised he will need to get on the waiting list for 2008 and will need to comply with zoning or seek variance if necessary.  

EMD –   Mr. Martell was not present.

FIRE –   Chief Paveglio informed the Board of a hazard materials incident that took place over the weekend at 22 Mason Road.  The chief contacted (NHDES) Environmental Services and they will be responsible for the clean up at the homeowner’s expense.  

There was a safety incident with a misfire during the fireworks display at the Old Home Day festivities which resulted in sparking a fire.  Chief Paveglio is very concerned that the fireworks area is too close.  It meets the state requirements but the Chief moved the buffer zone back farther this year and thankfully so because debris from the fireworks was found outside the original area which could have resulted in personal injury had that adjustment not been made.

Another concern to note is the increasing attendance at the Variety Show.  The total capacity for the grange hall is 86 people and this year’s crowd exceeded that limit. The event may need to be moved to the school in the future.    

PD – Chief Clarke is on vacation.

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August 22, 2006

HYW – The culvert on King Road has been installed.  The cost was $8,800 not $3,500 as previously stated by Mr. Kenneally.   

Webster Mills Road Bridge project over Sanborn Brook is done, on time and under budget.  The road is open again to all traffic.   

The base coat is complete on Hutchinson Road.

Mr. Kenneally has not heard back from Brown Engineering regarding Center Road.

Bailey Road is almost ready to be paved.  

No further road work has been done by the developer in the Malachy Glen subdivision.  Homeowners have been inquiring with the Road Agent as to the work being performed and the money spent on Connemara Drive.  The town has not accepted the road as a town road yet and all inquires should be directed to the owner, Mr. Mullaney.  This is still a private road.

Mr. Kenneally has received an estimate for alleged damages to personal property from Mr. David Marsh.  The Board directed Lisa to research the town’s liability to pay for the damages.

Chairman MacCleery brought forward a concern he received regarding the fire pond on Center Road overflowing and flooding the parish hall of the Methodist Church.  The Board asked that the highway department jointly with the fire department look at the status of the culvert and devise a repair plan bearing in mind before any work is performed, the landowner and the church trustees must be informed.  

SUBJECT: Library Well
PRESENT: Trustees; Carolee Davison and Lucille Noel

Selectman DeBold has confirmed with NH Environmental Services that no changes to the septic plan are on record and as far as they are aware, the septic was constructed per plan.

Selectman DeBold has staked the location for the well and it is 75’ from all abutters and far enough away from the septic.  He has contacted three contractors who pound wells and discussed costs.  This option may result in less depth and a lower overall cost.  Selectman Colbert recommended the trustees have a project manager to oversee the installation.  The trustees were agreeable for Selectman DeBold to contact Dave Kelso

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August 22, 2006

for a price and to ask contractor Carlton to come in and speak with the selectmen and the trustees.    

At this time, Sergeant Martell joined the meeting.  He updated the Board on behalf of the Police Department.  Officer Corbett was injured responding to a call early Sunday morning.  Fortunately, his injuries have not kept him from duty.  


Selectman Colbert stepped off the board for this next discussion.

A request from Mr. Chris Clasby, NH Community Loan Fund, representing residents of Robinson’s Trailer Park, to waive the rental fee for use of the Grange Hall was discussed between Chairman MacCleery and Selectman DeBold.  Motion Chairman MacCleery and second by Selectman DeBold to deny the request.  Both were in favor.  Motion carries.

Selectman Colbert returned to the board.  

Chairman MacCleery opened the fuel bids:
        Irving Oil              $2.6235/gal
        Davis Fuels             $2.549/gal
        Eastern Propane $2.549/gal

Motion Selectman DeBold, second Chairman MacCleery to accept the bid from Davis Fuels, who is the town’s current supplier at the rate of $2.549/gal.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.  


Planning Board vacancy; Selectman DeBold has not gotten in touch with Mr. Towle yet and would like the time to do so.  The Board directed Lisa to contact Dusty Johnson and invite her to the next selectmen’s meeting.  Ms. Johnson has expressed interest in the Board of Adjustment, through the volunteer form.   

Lisa has determined notification was made to the town regarding the Public Hearing for the Congregational Church expansion project.  

Selectman DeBold discussed a conversation held with Chief Engineer Gallagher from NHDES regarding the breaching of Marsh Pond Dam.  The Board recommended these changes by the Wetland Bureau be forwarded to the town in writing.  

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August 22, 2006

The Board once again reviewed a letter from Mr. Paul Twomey urging the Selectmen to take action regarding political advertising (signs) in front of public property in the Town of Chichester.  After discussion, the Board decided to allow the State Law; RSA 664:17 to govern placement of political signs in the Town of Chichester. If a candidate has violated the law by the placement of his or her political sign, the property owner may take action under the provisions of RSA 664:17.  Follow up correspondence will be drafted to Mr. Twomey.  

During review of the proposed 2007 budget guidelines drafted by the Board of Selectmen, Chairman MacCleery recommended the budget committee be included in this beginning phase of the process.  Lisa will send the proposed draft to the budget committee members for their input and schedule them for next week for final discussion on the guidelines.

An alleged zoning violation on Map 2, Lot 51 -8, has come to the attention of the Selectmen’s Office.  The property is being advertised as a two family (basement apartment).  The Board directed Lisa to send a letter out to the owners.

Selectman DeBold informed the Board that a Road Advisory Committee meeting is scheduled for August 23, 2006.    

The Board approved the handyman advertisement as corrected.  Lisa will have it placed in the Suncook Valley Sun.

Lisa updated the Board regarding the alleged zoning violation of Map 1, Lot 30.  Before the issue of occupancy can be addressed, the town needs to confirm the living area in the garage.  The assessor has been contacted and asked to review the property file and clarify notes listed.  The property owner, Mr. Crannell has called the office and firmly stated no one is living there at this time or ever has been.  He will not allow the town’s assessor or any town representative on the property while his partner and co - owner of the property is out of town.  Co-owner, Ms. Evans is on an extended protest walk across the United States and he is not sure when she will return to Chichester.  

Lisa has done further research into the current insurance status of those that work for the town on a sub contractor basis.  Other than the large companies, not one contractor is covered under worker’s compensation.  They have general liability coverage only.  The Board directed Lisa to contact the State to inquire if a minimum liability coverage amount is required for those contractors that plow for the State in the winter.

The letter from CLD Engineering Consultants regarding the groundwater seepage on Webster Mills Road was reviewed.  The letter indicates the problem was located at the limits of the bridge project.  The Board directed Lisa to ask CLD to pursue this with the State to have this expense included in the scope of the Webster Mills Bridge project.
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August 22, 2006

The minutes of August 15, 2006 were approved as written.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10:55pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant   

Stephen MacCleery, Chairman   

David Colbert  

Richard DeBold  

                                                             APPROVED AS CORRECTED