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Selectmen Minutes 06/27/2006
Chichester Board of Selectmen
June 27, 2006

Present:  Chairman Stephen MacCleery, Selectman David Colbert, Selectman Richard DeBold, Holly MacCleery, Secretary.  Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00 PM.

Building Inspector – Mr. David Paveglio informed the board that he has denied a building permit requested for a garage on Map 3 Lot99B located on Canterbury Road because the lot is zoned open space wetlands.  A public hearing has already been scheduled with the BOA for July 12th.  An occupancy permit has been issued to a new home in the Malachy Glen subdivision.

At this time, having a majority of the department heads present, the Selectmen informed them that they had officially accepted Patty Wooster’s resignation today.  Erin will be needed to cover the office until the position is filled.  The Selectmen asked for everyone’s cooperation and understanding until this matter is resolved.

Emergency Management – Officer John Martel was told that Mr. Robert Cavacco met with the board last week and still states there is no problem with the dam.  The Selectmen and Officer Martel disagree.

Fire Department – Fire Chief Mike Paveglio had no issues or concerns at this time.

Police Department – Police Chief Patrick Clarke thought he had the Police Detail Fund problem settled.  $12,068 has been spent out of the budget on police detail this year that hasn’t been budgeted for.  Local Government met with him and Patty and they thought everything was settled.  A special revenue fund has been established already through town meeting per DRA’s specifications.  The money goes into the special detail fund and the officers are supposed to be paid from the fund.  The Selectmen feel this fund was created properly and suggested that Chief Clarke contact DRA again and be specific about the use of this fund.
Also, the Ladies Benevolent Society has donated two tasers for the police dept.

Highway Department – Road Agent David Kenneally was unable to attend.  It was reported by Selectmen DeBold that the ditching project is on schedule.  Chairman MacCleery met with the Road Agent today to look at the well on the Congregational Church property that supplies water to the library.  There was a strong odor of methane as well as silt on the rocks in the well.  It is very doubtful that the well could be cleaned.

Mr. Richard Steed – Mr. Steed has requested a written report about what has been done pertaining to the robbery at his home.  He is claiming that there was no investigation into this matter for 4 weeks.  He wants to see the report on the investigation.  Chief Clarke informed him that this was an open investigation and there is no report that can be made public.  Part of this issue the Selectmen and the Police Dept. feel is a civil matter.  Mr. Steed stated he was told by the County Attorney that it was not a civil issue.  Chief Clarke agreed to call the prosecutor and have him call Mr. Steed directly about this matter.  He will also call the Boston police about Mr. Steed’s other concerns.  The Selectmen feel that the case is being handled correctly and is in the hands of the court and that the Police Dept. has done everything properly.

Chichester Congregational Church – The Selectmen have a concern with the culvert and parking area for the new church with regards to the well on the property that supplies water to the library.  The well was pumped today by the Road Agent with Chairman MacCleery present.  The entire well is coated with silt.  The Selectmen had to determine what has changed since last year and that is why the representatives from the church were asked to come to the meeting.  Clay silt is on the roadside of the parking lot which is also in the well.  The dynamics of the lot have changed with the alterations.  The church was unaware that there was a well in the area.  They have just recently located it.  The well is approx. 11’-12’ deep with a 4’-5’ well cap.  The church suggested that the well needs to be raised up and another cover put on it.  The church’s civil engineer stated that the culvert in this area is only temporary and has been blocked so water won’t flow toward the stone wall and well.  There is a swale and water should be rerouted toward the state culvert.  The highway culvert is limited in its capacity.  They will enhance the swale and have it go toward the highway culvert.  The Selectmen feel there is a problem now because of the change to the property.  The Civil Engineer feels the huge rainfall has had an effect.  They have contacted DES which told them that regular maintenance and inspections should be done on wells with any heavy rainfall.  Selectmen DeBold was present when the well cover was taken off at one point.  He did not see any evidence of surface water and was looking at the swale path.  The board felt there was no need to inspect the well because there were no problems until recently.  The church said that until the bankings are seeded and there is vegetation, silt fence and hay bales can be used as well as erosion control matting.  
The Selectmen explained that water is needed for the library and there is no funding at this time for a new well.  The church said that their artesian well has more water than they need.  It has been sealed because it is a true artesian well.  They have offered to let the library hook into this well.  Another well will be drilled in a different location for the church in about 2 years.  If the Selectmen agree to the church’s offer, a water easement will need to be drawn up that is acceptable by both parties.  Treatment of the water to drink would be at the town’s expense.  If something beyond the church’s control happens to the well they don’t want to be held liable.  There was discussion about the possible ways of connecting the line to the library
On another matter, DOT has asked the church to work with the town and the entrance to their property by the library.  Handicap parking for the library needs to be made evident on the plan.  The church will be presenting more plans at the next PB meeting.  They are also trying to meet with the Road Agent to go over their plans and DOT’s suggestions.

Other Business – It has been requested by a family friend of the Boulet’s to use the Grange Hall on July 8th from 9-3 for a yard sale/bake sale to help defray the costs of Loren’s funereal.  The Selectmen had no objections but a deposit will be required and Erin will be informed about scheduling.

There was a question about a bad check from a builder.  Erin will be asked to investigate.

The Selectmen have officially accepted Patty Wooster’s resignation.  The Treasurer, Assessors, IT tech, and PB Chairman will be informed by Selectman DeBold.  Selectman MacCleery will inform the BOA Chairman.

Selectman DeBold will do research on year-round campgrounds.

Correspondence, mail and e-mail were reviewed.  Checks were signed.

Minutes from June 20, 2006 were reviewed and signed.

Being no further business, Chairman MacCleery adjourned the meeting at 10:50 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Holly MacCleery, Secretary

Chairman Stephen MacCleery

David Colbert

Richard DeBold