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Selectmen Minutes 05/30/2006
Chichester Board of Selectmen
May 30, 2006

Present:  Chairman MacCleery, Selectman Colbert, Selectman DeBold and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant.  Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00PM.

SUBJECT: Fire Department

HIGHLIGHTS: Fire Chief Mike Paveglio met with the Board of Selectmen regarding the new fireworks store, Sparks Fly that will be opening soon.  In attendance was the owner, Mr. Don Peterman.  Fire Chief Paveglio presented to the Board of Selectmen a Sale of Permissible Fireworks Municipal Permit.  Chief Paveglio needed the signature of the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, Steve MacCleery. Chief Paveglio explained that before Mr. Peterman can obtain his State permit he first must obtain a permit from the Town.  Chief Paveglio stated that he had been working with Mr. Peterman and he had been very accommodating.  He stated that he thought the store would be a good business for the Town.  

Mr. Peterman had obtained a permit from the Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (“ATF”). Chief Paveglio stated that the building was very safe.  He said that he will be testing the alarm system and the fire system.   He stated that the system Mr. Peterman installed is first rate.  Chief Paveglio stated that Mr. Peterman had been very cooperative with him and the Planning Board and that he had taken the “extra mile”.

Mr. Peterman’s permit expires in one year, which will be May 30, 2007.

Chief Paveglio advised the Board of Selectmen that someone backed the fire truck into a tree.  A police report was filed.

SUBJECT: Library Trustees and Librarian

HIGHLIGHTS:   In attendance for the Library Trustees were Ms. Carolee Davison, Ms. Lucille Carson-Noel, Ms. Patricia Hauck and Ms. Lisa Prizio, Librarian.

Ms. Davison previously told the Board of Selectmen that she thought the water that comes into the library was from well #1, however, she was incorrect; the water comes from well #3.  She stated that the well is very close to the road and is lower than the road causing road debris, salt and sand to get into the water.  The Trustees had the water tested out of well #3 and it tested positive for ecoli.  Ms. Davison stated that the water out of the faucet and toilet is brown.  She stated that Mr. Joe Egan, a plumber, had run the water inside and out for an hour and it did not clear up.  She asked what that meant.  Selectman Colbert stated that it could be bad plumbing.  It was suggested that the well be pumped out and pour chlorine in the well to kill the ecoli.  After the well fills up look at the water, if it is still brown, repeat the process.  If that does not work, the library may need a new well.  The Trustees were advised that they can rent a pump for about $125.00.  The Trustees should look into having a cassing put on top of the well and build up the ground.  Selectman DeBold asked if well #2 was filled in.  Mr. David Dobson stated that it was not filled in, the Church and the Parsonage use that well.

SUBJECT: Road Agent, Mr. David Kenneally

HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. Kenneally met with the Board of Selectmen to discuss an issue regarding the repair work that Mr. Mayville performed on the grader.  Last week the Selectmen were given a check to sign for work that Mr. Mayville had done.  There was confusion regarding his rate of pay.  It was decided previously that when Mr. Mayville repairs Town vehicles, with Town tools at the Town Shed, his rate of pay is $15.00 per hour.  On the invoice that was submitted last week it stated an hourly rate of $50.00 for repairs on the grader.  Mr. Kenneally wanted to clarify this situation.

Mr. Kenneally stated that the grader is 25 years old; he could not drive it too far and the Town does not own a welder big enough to make the repair.  Mr. Kenneally asked Mr. Mayville if he could weld the grader.  Mr. Mayville used his welder at his home to repair the grader.  Mr. Kenneally had stated that he made some telephone calls to see if he could get anyone to come to the shed and repair the grader.  He stated that he could not get anyone to come out to the shed and every place that he had called charged about $65.00 per hour.  Selectman DeBold agreed that Mr. Mayville should be paid $50.00 per hour for welding.  Selectman Colbert agreed with Selectman DeBold and added that the difference of rate would not be deducted from Mr. Mayville’s next invoice.  

Mr. Kenneally apologized to the Board of Selectmen and said that the confusion was his fault, that he had rushed payroll in and that he should have sent an explanation with Mr. Mayville’s invoice. Selectman DeBold asked Mr. Kenneally if Mr. Mayville was a certified welder.  Mr. Kenneally did not know.

There was also an issue regarding liability insurance.  What if, something happened, for instance, if a fire started due to welding.  Whose insurance would cover the accident?  Mr.  Kenneally thought that the Town’s insurance would pay for the damage. Patty was asked to call the Local Government Center.

Chairman MacCleery asked Mr. Kenneally if he had an opportunity to review the Hillsboro Ford letter.  He said that he had.  Mr. Kenneally said that he got a little upset with Hillsboro Ford; he stated that Mr. Al Nightengale was in his face telling him he did not know what he was talking about.  Mr. Nightengale insisted that the problems with the truck were the fuel and the fuel additives Mr. Kenneally used. Mr. Kenneally admitted that he may have used bad language.  Mr. Kenneally stated that Grappone Ford told him if he needed any assistance with the explanation that they would be happy to help.  Chairman MacCleery suggested that Mr. Kenneally ask for Grappone Ford’s assistance.   Mr. Kenneally is to apologize for using foul language.  Mr. Kenneally said that he felt very frustrated.

Mr. Kenneally stated that he had driven down Connemara Drive for a site visit and he stated that the ditch line was re-sloped and water was going down the road.

SUBJECT: General Business

HIGHLIGHTS:  Mrs. Plunkett, a resident, asked the Selectmen what was being done about her neighbor regarding the pouring of foundation and moving the barn.  She stated that the yard is looking like a junk yard.  Selectman DeBold stated that a letter had been drafted and would be reviewed this evening.

Chairman MacCleery stated that it appears that Mrs. Fournier will not be completing her application to the Board of Adjustment.  He asked the other Board Members how they would like to proceed.  Selectman DeBold stated that the Town should continue with court proceedings.  He stated that the Board had been very patient and generous with allowing her extended time to meet the requirements that were suggested at the mediation.

Selectman DeBold made a Motion to request Attorney Tim Britain of Ransmeier and Spellman to return to court, lift the Stay and proceed with court action concerning Ann Fournier.  Selectman Colbert seconded the Motion.  A vote was taken and all were in favor.  MOTION PASSED.

Chairman MacCleery stated that he telephoned Mrs. Hannah West regarding doing a story about Mrs. Rose Warren the eldest citizen in the Town of Chichester.  Chairman MacCleery stated that he would call Mrs. Warren and schedule a time to present her with the Boston Cane.

Selectman Colbert stated that Center Road has been fixed and the Highway Department did a good job, however, there are still large potholes.

Briefly discussed was the letter that was sent to Mr. Ray LaValley on January 16, 2006 regarding the amount of unregistered cars on his property.  Patty was asked to call the Town Attorney to seek advice.

Patty asked the Board of Selectmen what they would like to do with the contract between the Town of Chichester and Concord Hospital regarding emergency preparedness.  Patty was asked to summarize the information and send the information to the Emergency Management Director, Fire Chief, Police Chief, Health Officer and Road Agent.  After they have reviewed the material schedule a meeting for them to meet.

Patty asked the Board of Selectmen for permission to purchase a new shredder.  The current shredder is not working.  The Board of Selectmen ok’d the request.

Briefly discussed was the Conservation Easement Deed from the Ferman’s.  The Ferman’s will place a pond on their property giving access to the Fire Department.  Selectman Colbert remembered that this issue was addressed in 2004.  Patty was asked to research the Minutes of 2004.  The prior week Patty was asked to contact the assessor and find out what, if any tax breaks the Ferman’s would get with the Conservation Easement.  Patty spoke to Mr. Rod Wood of Bret Purvis and Associates and was told the tax break would be the same as land in current use.

Patty was asked to forward all recent correspondences from Mrs. Ann Fournier regarding the trailer that is on her property.  She was also asked to contact Attorney Tim Britain to have the Motion to Stay lifted and to proceed with Court procedures.

The Town Clerk, Ms. Evelyn Pike asked for approval of the voting hours for the State Primary in September to be 7AM-7PM.  The Board of Selectmen approved these times.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

Legal correspondence, mail and e-mail were reviewed.  

Minutes from May 23, 2006 were reviewed and approved

Being no further business, Chairman MacCleery adjourned the meeting at 10:00PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Wooster
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Stephen MacCleery

David Colbert

Richard DeBold