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Selectmen Minutes 05/16/2006
Chichester Board of Selectmen
May 16, 2006

Present:  Chairman MacCleery, Selectman Colbert, Selectman DeBold and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant.  Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00PM.

SUBJECT: Concerned Citizens for Outdoor Lighting

HIGHLIGHTS:  In attendance for the committee were Katie Ruoff, Linda Rauter and Kate Hall.

The committee had several questions; one question was if the Planning Board will be doing a checklist for the new lighting ordinance.  They were advised by Selectman DeBold that the Planning Board does inform persons who come before them with commercial plans that there is a lighting ordinance and the proposed lighting should be on the plan.  It was questioned if a circuit writer will be reviewing the plans.  Selectman DeBold stated that he did not think that Central New Hampshire Regional Planning would be involved at looking at the plans.  Mrs. Ruoff stated that perhaps the building inspector could look at the property and note the lights and be sure there is no glare on the roadway.

Mrs. Ruoff questioned if the list of 27 businesses had been addressed.  Selectmen Colbert stated that the worse offenders had been taken care of.  He stated that the information was passed to the Department of Transportation (“DOT”).  The Ms. Carol Murray of DOT responded, stating that they did not feel there was night glare or trespass along Route 4.  A copy of that letter was forwarded to Mrs. Kate Hall.  Selectman Colbert stated that the lighting committee should submit what they feel is the worst offenders of the light trespass and night glare on the roadway. Mr. Ruoff stated that Mr. David Hartley has been working with the Committee and is very knowledgeable regarding lights and signs.  She stated that there are grants out there that could help with replacement of lights.  Mrs. Ruoff stated that she thinks that Town Hall and Carpenter Park’s lighting should be fixed.

SUBJECT: Mr. Ansel Sanborn

HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. Sanborn met with the Board of Selectmen to discuss his interest on being on the Parks and Recreation Committee.  It was decided that the Parks and Recreation Committee will send a memo asking the Board of Selectmen to increase the number of members on the Parks and Recreation Committee.  If the Board of Selectmen approves the request then the Board of Selectmen will re-write the charter.

SUBJECT: Mr. John Martell

HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. Martell met with the Board of Selectmen regarding an anonymous telephone call that was received by the Highway Department and the Board of Selectmen.  The telephone call was regarding gravel being taken off of Hilliard Road and Mr. Martell being accused of being the person who was taking the gravel.  Mr. Martell explained that after all the rain most of Hilliard Road and his neighbor’s driveway washed onto his lawn.  He told his neighbor he could take gravel off of his property.  Apparently, the neighbor also took some gravel from the pile that the Highway Department left on the roadside.  Mr. Martell wanted the Selectmen to know that he did not take gravel or give permission to his neighbor to take gravel from the pile on the roadside.

SUBJECT:  Mr. & Mrs. Abbott owners of Atlantic Traders and Police Chief                                  Patrick Clarke

HIGHLIGHT:  Mr. & Mrs. Abbott met with the Board of Selectmen regarding a Pawnbroker Ordinance that was proposed by Police Chief Patrick Clarke.  Mr. Abbott wanted to know why  the Town would want an ordinance.  He stated that the Town does not know him or how he operates his business.  He said that he was shocked to learn that the Town maybe proposing an ordinance.  Chief Clarke said the Town of Chichester never had a pawnshop and did not know what to expect.  Chief Clarke apologized to the Abbotts for not coming forward and speaking to them personally.  Mr. Abbott stated that he has a very close relationship with the Concord Police.  Chief Clarke stated that he would like to have the same relationship with Mr. Abbott.

Mr. Abbott stated that he rarely gets stolen items because he holds items for 24 hours before he gives any money to the person bringing in items.  He said he always asks for photo i.d. and he keeps records.

Chairman MacCleery stated that a pawnbroker’s shop was new for the Town and the Board of Selectmen thought that a public hearing could be held and the Board of Selectmen could enact an ordinance.  After discussion with Town Counsel and the Local Government Center, the Board of Selectmen will have to go to Town Meeting with the proposed ordinance and the Town votes on it.

Chief Clarke and Mr. & Mrs. Abbott will be working together.

SUBJECT: Road Agent, Mr. David Kenneally

HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. Kenneally wanted to know what was being done regarding the Town Engineer and Connemara Drive.  With this last rainstorm huge pieces of asphalt washed away on Connemara Drive.  Mr. Kenneally met with Selectman Colbert at the site.  Pictures were taken.  Mr. Kenneally stated that Hiltz Construction was on Connemara Drive making the repairs.  Selectman Colbert told Mr. Kenneally he wanted Mr. Rollins out there to look at the road.

Selectman DeBold stated that he had contacted Mr. Rollins and strongly advised that he go out to Connemara Drive, to observe the repair of the pavement.  

Mr. Kenneally stated that he had received a letter from a person who is a member of the Conservation Commission regarding the washout on Cross Road.  With the letter were pictures of someone on a backhoe dumping gravel.  In the letter this person stated that the Town needs to get a permit from the Department of Environmental Services.  Mr. Kenneally stated that he did not dump gravel on wetlands and there would be no need for a wetlands application.  He stated that Cross Road has washed out three times in the last three years and believes that he will receive Federal money to help with the repair to Cross Road.

Mr. Kenneally stated that half of Swiggy Brook Road is washed out he said that there is a sagging culvert and it needs to be downsized, because it is causing problems on Hilliard Road.

Selectman Colbert asked Mr. Kenneally if he had contacted Mr. Pullen, Mr. Kenneally stated that he had not.  Selectman Colbert asked Mr. Kenneally if he was still interested in being on the Planning Board.  He does.  Mr. Kenneally said in Loudon when there is a sub-division or new construction the Town pays the Road Agent to review the plans, and that he is not on Planning Board.

Chairman MacCleery made a Motion to appoint David Kenneally as a Planning Board Alternate member.  Selectman Colbert seconded the Motion.  A vote was taken and Chairman MacCleery and Selectman Colbert were in favor and Selectman DeBold was not in favor.  MOTION PASSED.

Mr. Kenneally stated that he would like to be a member of the Parks and Recreation Committee.

SUBJECT: Police Chief Patrick Clarke

HIGHLIGHTS:  Chief Clarke asked for Selectman DeBold’s signature for a highway safety grant.  Also, Chief Clarke stated that the police station’s shredder has died and he wanted to buy another shredder using the Capital Reserve Police Office Equipment, which the Board of Selectmen are agents of.  The Selectmen agreed.

SUBJECT: Trustees of the Library

HIGHLIGHTS:  In attendance were Carolee Davison, Lucille Carson-Noel and Lisa Prizio, librarian.  Ms. Carson-Noel gave the Board of Selectmen a bottle of rust colored water.  She stated that the water had come from the tap in the restroom at the library.  Ms. Davison stated that this started to happen about two weeks prior to the rain.  Chairman MacCleery stated that perhaps they should call the health officer and have the water tested.  

Selectman Colbert stated that the color of the water looks to be organic and said that perhaps there is a hole in one of the pipes and dirt is getting into the water.  He suggested having the water tested both at the well and at the tap.

Mr. Dobson stated that he knows where the well was and could get a sample of the water.

It was asked if the water was left running  and maybe that would clean the water.  Ms. Davison stated that she had a plumber come out and look at the plumbing and he did let the water run and it never cleared up.  She stated there was a possibility that there is a leak inside the building.

SUBJECT: Mr. Jim Wilson

HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. Wilson lives on Cross Road and lost his driveway due to flooding from part of Marsh Pond Dam letting go. He said he can not get his cruiser out of the driveway.  He wanted to know what the Town will do to take care of this issue.  Patty was asked to contact Mr. Kenneally and he is to get in touch with Mr. Wilson.

SUBJECT: General Business

HIGHLIGHTS:  Chairman MacCleery stated that he was at the Safety Station for an emergency meeting regarding the partial wash out of the dam at Marsh Pond.  He said that someone should take a look at when it dries out a little.  He also stated that the Town should remove their portion of the dam before the beavers come back to rebuild their dam if in fact, the beaver portion has been washed out.

Selectman DeBold stated that he heard from Dale Guinn of the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services-Dam Bureau (“DES”) and Mr. Guinn told him that the paper work looked good for removal of the Town’s portion of the dam.  Also, Selectman DeBold stated that Mr. Guinn had spoke with Jocelyn at DES Wetlands Bureau and she informed Mr. Guinn that the Town and the Dam Bureau may want to review the length of the dam to be removed.  She told Selectmen DeBold that the application for wetlands looks good.  Selectman DeBold will be meeting with Dale Guinn on Monday at Marsh Pond.

Regarding Malachy Glenn II, Chairman MacCleery stated that he had done some research regarding the withholding of certificates of occupancy when a road is not completed.  He said that he did not contact the Building Inspector.  Chairman MacCleery stated that he had questioned whether the Town had the right to withhold certificates of occupancy on private roads.  Selectman DeBold stated that he had drafted a memo to the Building Inspector giving him direction as to what he should do when approached by anyone wanting a certificate of occupancy.  Patty was asked to contact the Town Attorney and have him review the memo and advise.

Chairman MacCleery stated that he had contacted Joanna McIntosh and explained what the Town Attorney said about having a mother/son on the same board.  He told her that the Town Attorney does not advise it.  Mrs. McIntosh stated that she wanted to remain on the Planning Board.  Chairman MacCleery stated that he had called Craig McIntosh and explained the situation to him.

Selectmen DeBold had to leave early and was excused by Chairman MacCleery.  

Patty asked Chairman MacCleery and Selectman Colbert about vacation in June.  Both members approved.

Patty asked about taking QuickBooks classes.  Her request was denied, however, she is receiving training from Erin and Erin will go the advanced class.

Patty was asked to send a memo to the Planning Board asking them what they wanted in a Town Engineer.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

Legal correspondence, mail and e-mail were reviewed.  

Minutes from May 16, 2006 were reviewed and approved

Being no further business, Chairman MacCleery adjourned the meeting at 11:25PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Wooster
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Stephen MacCleery

David Colbert

Richard DeBold