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Selectmen Minutes 04/11/2006
Chichester Board of Selectmen
April 11, 2006

Present:  Chairman MacCleery, Selectman Colbert was absent, Selectman DeBold and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant.  Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00PM.

SUBJECT: Emergency Management Director

HIGHLIGHTS:  Emergency Management Director, Mr. John Martell had nothing to report.

SUBJECT: Highway Department

HIGHLIGHTS:  The Road Agent, Mr. David Kenneally reported that the State had accepted FL Merrill’s bid for the replacement of the bridge on Webster Mills Road, over the Sanborn Brook.   Fire Chief, Mike Paveglio stated that he had spoken to Epsom about emergency coverage while the bridge was closed.  He stated that Epsom will take care of everything.  Mr. Kenneally stated that he had given his permission to Marston to park two of their school buses at the Town Garage while the bridge was closed.

Mr. Kenneally stated that the small truck is down again and the big truck’s piston should be in soon.  He briefly discussed an invoice he had received from Hillsboro Ford for $140.00 to look at the Ford F550.  He brought it to Hillsboro Ford regarding bluish/black smoke and the vehicle “dying” while driving.  Mr. Kenneally stated that Hillsboro Ford told him the reason why he was having these problems was because the fuel he was using was not right.  Mr. Kenneally told the Board of Selectmen that he brought the vehicle to Grappone Ford and they told him there was nothing wrong with the fuel he was using.    Mr. Kenneally wanted to advise the Board of Selectmen that he was not paying the invoice from Hillsboro Ford as he feels that they did not know what they were talking about.  

Mr. Kenneally stated that he and Selectman DeBold walked Connemara Drive.  He said that the culverts were not where they should be.  Selectman DeBold stated that the Highway Department needs a basic level.  He stated that they cost about $500.00.  Police Chief Patrick Clarke advised Mr. Kenneally to look at the Federal Surplus Store.  Mr. Kenneally asked if he could use the store and was told as long as his name is on the list he can use the store.

Police Chief Patrick Clarke stated that there was an issue with road posting on Pleasant Street.  He stated that Millican uses the road and he thought there was an agreement between the Town of Chichester and Millican’s about using the road.  He said there was a car accident on the corner of Pleasant and Kelly’s Corner Road.  He said the truck cut the corner a little close causing a SUV to swerve making the SUV scrape the stop sign.  He said that where the stop sign is you really can not see if traffic is coming.  Mr. Kenneally stated that a stop sign line could be painted out a little into the road to create better visibility.  

SUBJECT:  Building Inspector

HIGHLIGHTS:  The Building Inspector, Mr. David Paveglio reported that he had received all of the impact fees for new housing, with the exception of one and he expects to receive that by Monday.  Mr. Paveglio stated that he received a telephone call from Dr. Mara, who told him that his mother was having problems with her water; he thinks that it is because of the blasting that was done in Mullaney’s Malachy Glen Phase II.   Chairman MacCleery stated that this issue has nothing to do with the Town, that she should contact Mr. Mullaney.

Chairman MacCleery stated that he would like better communication between all departments.  He asked Mr. Paveglio that in future would he please let the Board of Selectmen know when he tells someone they don’t need a permit or if he has denied someone.  Chairman MacCleery stated that on a going forward basis, all departments will be notified of any zoning issues.  Selectman DeBold stated that the Planning Board had voted to require Live and Let Live Farm come before the Planning Board with a site review plan.

Mr. Kenneally stated that there appear to be several driveways that cut across the wetlands. (Malachy Glen Phase II).  Mr. Paveglio stated that he did not know of any driveway permits or variances.  Chairman MacCleery stated that the Board of Adjustment did give a variance to Mr. Mullaney.  Patty will research the Minutes from the Board of Adjustment.

SUBJECT: Police Department

HIGHLIGHTS:  Police Chief Patrick Clarke reported that he has been getting a lot of detail work and is using the old cruiser as transportation for detail work and for court duty. Previously he was going to give the cruiser to the Highway Department.  Chief Clarke stated that he had put new tires on the cruiser and he put the lights back on.  He reported that the new cruiser is getting the lights put on and should be ready by the end of next week.

Chief Clarke reported that he had received the Off Highway Recreational Vehicle (“OHRV”) grant from Fish and Game.

SUBJECT: Fire Department

HIGHLIGHTS:  Fire Chief Mike Paveglio reported that he has denied Mr. Cavacco, (owner of Hillcrest Campground) fire permits based on the fact that he did not have proper areas for camp fires.  He stated that Mr. Cavacco tried to go over his head and get the permits from the Fire Marshal.  The Fire Marshal had contacted Chief Paveglio and they both went down to Hillcrest Campground. Chief Paveglio stated that Mr. Cavacco had fire sites too close to permanent structures.  Also, Chief Paveglio stated that Mr. Cavacco was using truck tire rims for camp fires.  Chief Paveglio stated that the rims need to be set in the ground permanently.  He stated that he is willing to work with Mr. Cavacco and will permit 10 campground permits for seasonal sites.  Chief Paveglio will provide a list of permits with locations to the police department.  

Chief Paveglio stated that he will be burning “Shaw Field” in sections.  He said he would like a Selectman to be present so he knows where the boundary lines are.  

Chief Paveglio stated that we went to Kosmos Pizza for an inspection; he said the place was very clean.  Also, he said there appears to be someone living above the pizza parlor, which is a violation.

Chief Paveglio stated that he was putting together a fireworks ordinance. He said in the ordinance he would like to include a time span as to when the fireworks can be set off.  Also, on high fire days fireworks will not be permitted to be set off.  Chief Paveglio stated that 70% of the Towns in New Hampshire have a fireworks ordinance.  He said he will charge an administrative fee.

Chief Paveglio stated that he was working with Chichester Elementary School’s Principal, Ms. Pam Stiles regarding the access road behind the school.  He stated that people park there and if there was an emergency the rescue vehicles could not get back behind the school.  He has suggested that a gate be placed in front of the road and the gate be closed when there are events being held at the school.

Chief Paveglio stated that the new Public Safety Building sign will be placed further down the property, closer to the fence and back from the roadway.  

Chief Paveglio stated that he had budgeted to develop water sources and said that he was going to work on the water source on Canterbury Road, he said it is on private property.

SUBJECT: Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan White

HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. and Mrs. White met with the Board of Selectmen to discuss the use of posted roads by Millican Nursery. Mr. White stated that Pleasant Street (and off the road) is being torn up by the trucks and feels that Millican’s should post a bond for road repair.  He stated that it was not right that tax dollars be used to make these repairs.  He wanted to know why the Town is not enforcing a bond.  Selectman DeBold stated that Mr. White had some very good points and that this year it was too late to address the issue, but, next year, the Board of Selectmen could take this matter under consideration.  Patty was asked to locate the Minutes of the Public Hearing addressing this issue.

SUBJECT: General Business

HIGHLIGHTS:  Patty said that she spoke with Mr. Ray LaValley regarding all the automobiles he had on his property.  A letter was mailed to him on January 16, 2006 asking him to either remove the unregistered vehicles or make application to the Board of Selectmen for issuance of a License and Certificate of Approval for a junk yard or automotive recycling as required by RSA 236:114-123.  Mr. LaValley told Patty that he would have the cars removed by the end of May.  

Patty was asked to draft a follow-up letter to District 5 regarding the letter the Town sent them regarding drainage issues on Horse Corner Road.

A Motion was made by Selectman DeBold to appoint Zack Boyajian to the Conservation Commission as a voting member and Dawn Marshall as an alternate member to the Conservation Commission.  Chairman MacCleery seconded the Motion.  A vote was taken and all were in favor.

A Motion was made by Selectman DeBold to adopt the Town of Chichester’s Committee on Town Organization’s Charter.  The Motion was seconded by Chairman MacCleery.  A vote was taken and all were in favor.

A Motion was made by Selectman DeBold to appoint the following persons to the Committee on Town Organization: Paul Twomey, Heather Barker, Norm LaRochelle Bruce Dyke, Allen Mayville and Stan Brehm.  The Motion was seconded by Chairman MacCleery.  A vote was taken and all were in favor.

A Motion was made by Selectman DeBold to adopt the job description for the highway operator/laborer position as amended and presented to the Board of Selectmen.  The Motion was seconded by Chairman MacCleery.  A vote was taken and all were in favor.

A Motion was made by Selectman DeBold to adopt the Guidelines for the Administration of General Assistance for the Town of Chichester.  The Motion was seconded by Chairman MacCleery.  A vote was taken and all were in favor.

Selectman DeBold stated that he had contacted Mrs. Kate Hall regarding a position on the Planning Board.  She told Selectman DeBold that she was honored, but at this time she could not, as she teaches some evenings and would not be able to make the meetings.

Patty was asked to draft a letter to the person who lost the key to the grange asking them to pay part of the invoice to have the locks changed.  Patty was asked to include a $200.00 deposit on the grange agreement.

Chairman MacCleery stated that he had received a telephone call from Mrs. Ann Fournier regarding her sub division.  She told Chairman MacCleery that the sub-division would not be taking place because she is shy about 50 feet of road frontage.  Chairman MacCleery advised Mrs. Fournier to go to the Board of Adjustment to get a area variance.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

Legal correspondence, mail and e-mail were reviewed.  

Minutes from April 4, 2006 were reviewed and approved

Being no further business, Chairman MacCleery adjourned the meeting at 10:50M.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Wooster
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Stephen MacCleery

David Colbert

Richard DeBold