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Selectmen Minutes 01/31/2006
Chichester Board of Selectmen
January 31, 2006

Present:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman Colbert and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant.  Selectman MacCleery was absent.  Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00PM.

SUBJECT: Road Advisory Committee

HIGHLIGHTS:  In attendance for the Road Advisory Committee were: Messrs. Dennis Call, Chairman; John Amsden; David Dobson; Gil Vien and Tom Jameson.  Mr. Call started the meeting by giving a background on the purpose of the Road Advisory Committee (“RAC”) and their duties.  The primary responsibility of RAC was to develop a written Road Management Plan and update the plan annually.  The plan is to include short term and long term goals; identify; prioritize; and establish a schedule for any future major roadway construction.

Mr. Call stated that RAC found that the Town did not presently have any formal or consistent short or long term goals. He said that RAC was going to start with the worse roads, but that become over-whelming.  So it was decided to break the Town into three geographic regions with approximately the same mileage in each region. (Approximately 13 miles in each region).   Mr. Call said the primary work that needs to be done is the following:

Ø       Ditching of all roads;
Ø       Replacement of culverts that failed or need to be increased in size;
Ø       Cleaning of all culverts by flushing with pressurized water;
Ø       Cleaning and dredging of runoff channels as needed to maintain positive flow of drainage water;
Ø       Flushing of all bridges to remove sand and salt;
Ø       Removal of vegetation along right-of way, including tree trimming and cutting if needed, Mr. Call stated that some trees have growth on them that is 10-15 years old;
Ø       Maintaining headwalls of all culverts;
Ø       Maintaining signage;
Ø       Replacement or new installation of guardrails; and
Ø       Grading of all gravel roads, maintaining a minimum of  a 4% crown (All gravel roads will be maintained each to keep them in a safe condition)

Mr. Call stated that one section of Town will be worked on first; the following year the next section will be done; and the third section will be done in the third year.  He stated that the Road Advisory Committee, the Board of Selectmen and the Planning Board will meet to discuss the Master Plan.

A question was asked about accountability. What happens if the Road Agent and Board of Selectmen change how will the Town be assured that the plan will be followed?  Mr. Call stated that the Road Advisory committee will have consistent members and will be sure that the plan is followed. Also asked, would there be a yearly report?  The answer was yes.

A suggestion was made by a resident about doing a study to see which is better, to have the Road Agent elected or appointed.   Mr. Call said RAC had thought about it and may do the study in the near future.  In addition, the resident added that perhaps a committee could be formed to look at the whole organization and perhaps do some reconstruction.

A resident asked if the roads were rated/ranked by RAC.  Mr. Call stated that they were and the roads were rated 1-10; 1 being the worse road and 10 being the best.  He said the highest rating any road received was a 6.  The resident asked how Center Road did, Mr. Call said not so well.  He stated that in the past good money was spent on Center Road. Mr. Call went on to say that Center Road had no base allowing the hot tar to fall apart causing debris to come up from the ground.  He said that when you drive on the roads you really don’t notice how bad the roads are until you walk the roads.

A resident asked how do we know if the new roads in new developments are done properly?  Mr. Call said that the Road Agent signs off on the roads.  That it is up to the Road Agent and town engineer to keep an eye on the project and be sure that proper base is put down followed by proper paving.  Also, the Road Agent will report to the Selectmen if he sees any discrepancies.  Chairman DeBold stated that Mr. Kenneally has not been shy about stating his opinion, he said things are getting better because Mr. Kenneally is more active.  Selectmen Colbert also stated that the Town has adopted minimum road standards for the reclassification of Town roads from Class VI to Class V. It was suggested that someone from the Planning Board should be on RAC.  Mr. Tom Jameson said that he was a member of the Planning Board and a member of RAC.

Mr. Kenneally stated that the Town of Chichester is a “cut-through” town.  When asked what he meant by a “cut-through” town.  Mr. Kenneally explained that commuters from Pittsfield and Epsom use Chichester roads to avoid Route 4.  He stated that he used a traffic counter on Center Road, Bear Hill Road and King Road.  He said that the traffic count was as follows:

Ø       Center Road:              600 cars a day
Ø       Bear Hill Road: 1,000 cars a day
Ø       King Road:              1,300 cars a day

Mr. Kenneally stated that not all roads have been counted, but he plans to have all the roads counted.

The meeting concluded at 7:45.

SUBJECT: Budget Committee

HIGHLIGHTS:  Prior to the beginning of the meeting between the Board of Selectmen and Budget Committee, Fire Chief Mike Paveglio stated he wanted the Board of Selectmen to be aware that in his stipend checks federal taxes were not deducted.  He stated that there must be a “glitch” in the bookkeeping system.  He said he just wanted to let the Board of Selectmen know.

In attendance for the Budget Committee were Ms. Lucille Carson-Noel, Ms. Pam Stiles and Messrs. Jason Weir; John Martell and Bruce Dyke.  The Budget Committee and the Board of Selectmen reviewed the Warrant Articles.  Each article was discussed and votes were taken to decide the recommendations of each article.  Also reviewed were the revenues.

A question was asked how a warrant article could be written to see if the residents would be in favor of appointing a road agent.  Chairman DeBold said he was not sure of the process, but would call the Town Attorney and seek his advice.

The meeting between the Budget Committee and Board of Selectmen ended at 10:15.

SUBJECT: General Business

HIGHLIGHTS: Ms. Stiles asked the Board if she could have a moment of their time.  She said she has a problem on Granny Howe Road.  She stated that the road is higher than her driveway.  She said there is a deep ditch between her driveway and the road. She said she has tried everything to fill in ditch and nothing is working.  She said she is afraid that she will damage her car.  Chairman DeBold said he will speak to the Road Agent, Mr. David Kenneally.

Patty asked the Board of Selectmen about vacation time.  She stated that in the Personnel Policy Book it stated that vacation time can be rolled over to the next year, however, it must be used by the end of the first quarter.  She asked if she could keep her vacation time until September as she has already planned a trip to Chicago.  Selectman Colbert stated that the reason this was done was to keep people from saving vacation time and taking a lot of time at once.  He said he has no problem with Patty holding on to her vacation time until September.  Chairman DeBold stated that he had no problem with Patty holding on to her vacation time until September.

Patty asked the Board of Selectmen on behalf of Mr. Jeff Andrews of the Conservation Commission if he can sign the deed on behalf of the Town for the Plummer Property.  If so, he asked that a letter be given to him giving him permission.  Also, Mr. Andrews wanted to know if it was necessary to have the Town Attorney be present at the closing. Chairman DeBold stated that it was not necessary for the Town Attorney to be present.  Chairman DeBold stated that he may be able to go to the closing.  He asked Patty to find out when the closing is.

Patty stated that the Assessor, Mr. Rod Wood informed her that currently in the Superior Court is a case regarding property tax and utility poles.  He advised Patty that any utility poles that are on the Town’s Right-of Way can be taxed.  He said the methodology that was used is in question, however he calculated the tax amount that would be due from the telephone company and drew-up a Supplemental Property Tax Warrant.  Mr. Wood stated that the Town would probably not see any money for a while until the court decides the methodology used for calculation.

Patty advised the Board of Selectmen that a person may try to contact them regarding welfare.  Ms. Donna Stockman, the Welfare Director stated that she denied a person welfare and they were upset and said they would go to the Selectmen.

On behalf of Police Chief Patrick Clarke, Patty asked the Board of Selectmen if he could have the auditors take out $240.00 from 2005 Budget.  She told the Board of Selectmen that in October, Patrolman Corbet worked a detail and was not paid until 2006.  He should have been paid in October and was not.  Chairman DeBold stated that if it was not a problem for the auditor then he has no problem with it.  Selectmen Colbert agreed.

Patty asked the Board of Selectmen if a piece of property is zoned as commercial/industrial/multi purpose/residential can the owner rent out a room.  Upon searching the zoning ordinance it was discovered that there is nothing in the zoning that prohibits a person from renting out a room.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

Legal correspondence, mail and e-mail were reviewed.  

The Minutes from January 31st , 2006 were reviewed and approved.

Being no further business, Chairman DeBold adjourned the meeting at 11:30pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Wooster
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery                               

David Colbert