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Selectmen Minutes 01/19/2006
Chichester Board of Selectmen
January 19, 2006

Present:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery, Selectman Colbert and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant.  Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00PM

SUBJECT: Budget Committee

HIGHLIGHTS:  In attendance for the Budget Committee were Ms. Lucille Carson-Noel, Ms. Pam Stiles and Messrs. Jason Weir, Bruce Dyke and John Martell.

The first budget discussed was the police budget.  Selectman Colbert stated that Police Chief Clarke asked the Board of Selectmen to pass on to the Budget Committee that in the past the Police Department did not write a warrant article for an additional full-time police officer.  He said one time there was a warrant article written and that was because a grant was involved.  Selectman Colbert asked if anyone felt that based on previous discussion as though having to write warrant article was standard practice and now that Chief Clarke advised the Board of Selectmen, do they want to change their vote.  Mr. John Martell raised his hand and stated that he thought writing a warrant article was standard practice and he would like to change his vote.  At a previous meeting a vote was taken and four voted in favor of Chief Clarke writing a warrant article for the additional police coverage and three were not.  Since Mr. Martell changed his vote, it is now tie, with the Board of Selectmen making the final decision.

The next budget that was discussed was the Highway Budget.  One concern that was mentioned was that the Road Agent, Mr. Kenneally may not have enough hours to complete the work that he wants to do regarding ditching roads and replacing culverts.  In accordance with the Road Advisory Committee one-third of the Town roads should be ditched and culverts replaced.  The fourth year is when all the reconstruction (paving) will be begin.  It was mentioned by a member of the Budget Committee that the Road Advisory Committee could be charged with oversight of the road work.  Also, the Road Advisory Committee could create a worksheet for the Road Agent to follow, creating a checks and balance to be sure the work is being done.  Also stated was the fact that the Selectmen could control over-time in the Summer, but could not control the over-time in the Winter.

The Selectmen and Budget Committee reviewed Mr. Kenneally’s explanation for increases in certain line items.  After much discussion some of the lines were reduced.

The Selectmen and Budget Committee discussed having the Road Advisory Committee meet with the Selectmen at a public hearing and let them explain their function and ideas to the public.  The Selectmen and Budget Committee suggested January 31, 2006 at 7PM.  Chairman DeBold stated he would get in touch with the Chairman of the Road Advisory Committee and see if they could come in that night.

Being no further business, Chairman DeBold adjourned the meeting at 10:30pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Wooster
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery  

David Colbert