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Selectmen Minutes 12/27/2005
Chichester Board of Selectmen
December 27, 2005

Present:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery, Selectman Colbert and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant.  Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00PM.


HIGHLIGHTS:  Building Inspector, Mr. David Paveglio reported that the building permits for 2007 are booked.  He stated that 2008 is half booked.  Also, he stated that the person who was first on the waiting list for 2006 has dropped off.  Mr. Paveglio is going to contact the first person that is on the waiting list and ask them if they would like to receive a building permit for 2006.  


HIGHLIGHTS:  Emergency Management Director, Mr. John Martell had nothing to report. Selectmen MacCleery stated that after January 1st the Town should begin the process of taking down Marsh Pond.  He stated that he would like a police officer there when the pond is going to be taken down.


HIGHLIGHTS:  Police Chief Patrick Clarke reported that the Secret Santa was a great success.  He stated that 19 children received gifts through the Secret Santa program.  He reported that food baskets were delivered.  Chairman DeBold asked Police Chief Clarke what he was going to do with the toys that were left at Town Hall.  Chief Clarke stated that he was unaware of the toys until this evening.  He stated that he will store them upstairs at the Safety Building for next year.


HIGHLIGHTS:  Road Agent, Mr. David Kenneally said that he was keeping his work to a bear minimum until after the New Year. Selectman Colbert stated that he saw a resident and the resident advised him that the culvert by Clarks’ Grain Store is too high.  He told Selectman Colbert that water is getting in his basement.  Mr. Kenneally stated that the culvert was changed out and is 4 inches higher than the old culvert.  He stated when he spoke to the resident; the resident told him it was fine that there was no water on his property.  Mr. Kenneally stated that he would go and check it out.

Chairman DeBold stated that he rode by Mr. Pullen’s residence on Connemara Drive and noticed that the ditch was starting to wash out.  He asked Mr. Kenneally as a temporary measure if he would throw a bale of hay over the ditch.  Mr. Kenneally stated that he would.  

Mr. Kenneally told the Board of Selectmen that on Holstein Road there was a big job that needs to be done.  He said the road has a huge hole because the road was not laid correctly.

Mr. Kenneally stated that he met with a representative from CDL Engineering and inspected Center Road.  Also, he took the engineer to the new sub-division and was told by the engineer he should not accept the roads.  Mr. Kenneally is going to write a letter to the Board of Selectmen regarding the roads in the sub-division.

Selectman Colbert asked Mr. Kenneally if he had straightened out the stop sign on Bear Hill Road.  He said he has not, but will.


HIGHLIGHT:  Fire Chief, Mr. Mike Paveglio stated that he had promoted a few people to Lieutenant.  

Chief Paveglio asked the Board of Selectmen when they put the Town mowing out to bid if the cisterns located on Connemara Drive and Harvest Drive could be included in the request for proposal.  He stated that there is some woody growth that needs to be cleaned up.

Selectman Colbert asked Chief Paveglio if he was positive that the fence between the Safety Station and McCormacks is on the Town property.  He stated that he was positive that the fence belongs to the Town and is clearly on Town property.  He stated that the line of trees were also on the Town’s property.  He stated that the McCormacks were starting to confront the members of the Fire Department.  

Chief Paveglio stated that the Safer Grant did not go through.  Patty asked Chief Paveglio when the table top exercise would take place.  He stated that he did not have a date.

Chief Paveglio stated that he and Chief Clarke talked to an architect regarding conceptual plans for expansion of the Safety Building.  He stated that he is looking into radiant heat for the bay.  He said the cost of heating the bay is huge and radiant heat would be cheaper and would keep the bay at a consistent temperature.


HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. Stevens met with the Board of Selectmen regarding entrance to his property via Epsom.  Selectman Colbert told Mr. Stevens that the Board of Selectmen has no say in that matter.  Mr. Stevens said that he thought his land was a lot of record.  Chairman DeBold asked Selectman MacCleery if his lot could be a lot of record.  Selectman MacCleery stated that it is possible, if the lot pre-dates zoning.  Mr. Stevens said he thought the property dated back to 1962 or 1963,  the same time zoning was enacted in the Town of Chichester.  Patty researched Mr. Stevens’ deed and discovered that the date on the deed was 1959, so the property is a lot of record.  

Since his driveway will not be located on a Class V road, Mr. Stevens in accordance with RSA 674:41 I (c)(2) must sign a waiver relieving the Town of any liability for any damages and must produce evidence of that notice regarding the  limits of the municipality’s responsibility and liability are recorded with the Merrimack County Registry of Deeds.  The Board of Selectmen will advise the Planning Board of this action so they may issue a building permit to Mr. Stevens.  Selectman Colbert told Mr. Stevens he would not be able to get a building permit until 2008. Chairman DeBold will draft up a waiver.


HIGHLIGHTS:  Discussed at length were the recent actions by the Planning Board in reference to a possible non-public meeting via e-mail, and other activiites.

The Board of Selectmen would not sign a check for Mr. Gilbert Vien until they see a commercial vehicle insurance policy.  Patty will call Mr. Vien and ask him for a copy of his policy.

Selectman Colbert stated that he spoke with Mrs. James Robinson and she asked him about options for the trailer.  She stated that she has shopped around for someone to remove the trailer and has received quotes of $3,000.00 and $2,000.00.  She asked if she could have someone move the trailer to the back and strip it down.  She stated that by May 1, 2006 she could have it stripped down and hauled out.  Selectman Colbert asked the other Board members if the latter was ok with them.  Chairman DeBold and Selectman MacCleery agreed.  Selectman Colbert is going to hand deliver the letter to Mrs. Robinson.

The Board of Selectmen discussed the bids that were received by printers for the Town Report.  After careful review the Board of Selectmen decided to use Granite Image.  Selectman MacCleery made a Motion to accept the bid from Granite Image for the 2005 Town Report.  The Motion was seconded by Chairman DeBold.  A vote was taken and all were in favor.  

The Board of Selectmen briefly reviewed the bids received from various assessing firms.  No decision has been made due to the fact the Board of Selectmen had not had the opportunity to deeply research all bids.

A Motion was made by Chairman DeBold to: Encumber $500.00 from the Cable Franchise Fees for training for the updated Town of Chichester’s website.  Selectman MacCleery seconded the Motion.  A vote was taken and all were in favor.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

Legal correspondence, mail and e-mail were reviewed.  

The Minutes from December 20, 2005 were reviewed and approved.

Being no further business, Chairman DeBold adjourned the meeting at 10:45pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Wooster
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery  

David Colbert