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Selectmen Minutes 11/29/2005
Chichester Board of Selectmen
November 29, 2005

Present:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery, Selectman Colbert and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant.  Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00PM.

SUBJECT: Fire Department

HIGHLIGHTS:  Fire Chief, Mike Paveglio met with the Board of Selectmen to discuss the recent death of a person who died from carbon monoxide poisoning.  Chief Paveglio reported that a 24 foot camper that was parked behind Ray’s Garage was the place that Mr. Richard Arsenault was found dead.  Apparently, Mr. Arsenault was working on his motorcycle in the camper; he had a propane space heater in the camper and a gas powered generator. An investigator for the State Fire Marshall’s Office stated that the camper was sealed tight with insulation foam.  Chief Paveglio stated that he was not sure if Mr. Arsenault was living in the trailer, he stated that there were no toilet facilities or kitchen facilities, but mail found in the camper listed the garage as his legal address. Chief Paveglio stated that the carbon monoxide found in Mr. Arsenault’s body was 50%.  The amount of carbon monoxide in someone’s blood should be 0%.  Chief Paveglio learned that Mr. Arsenault would take the generator into the camper to start it up; he stated that Mr. Arsenault would leave the generator outside, but when it is cold he had difficulty starting the generator.  Chief Paveglio stated that this camper is in zoning violation and has instructed the owner of Ray’s Garage to remove the space heater.  The owner stated that he would have the camper removed.  Chief Paveglio stated that behind Ray’s Garage there are more than 30 unregistered vehicles.

SUBJECT: Budget Committee

HIGHLIGHTS:  In attendance for the Budget Committee were Messrs. Jason Weir, John Martell and Bruce Dyke. Ms. Lucille Carson-Noel and Pamela Stiles.

Selectman MacCleery stated that the Departments were asked to keep their budget at a 3% increase.  He stated that most departments stayed in that limit, with the exception of the Police Department and the Highway Department.  He said that he spoke with a member of the School Board and based on the needs of the school, Selectman MacCleery figured it would increase the tax rate by $1.50.  If the Police and Highway Departments are accepted, these two departments would also increase the tax rate by $1.50.

The first budget that was discussed was the Police Department.  Mr. Weir stated that 3% is good, but if takes 5% to do the right thing then the right thing should be done. Discussion included if the Police Department needed another full-time police officer.  Mr. Dyke suggested that the additional police officer should be asked for in a warrant article and let the people decide.  Mr. Weir did not agree.  He stated that a warrant article was a one time thing and should not be used for something that will be permanent.  Mr. Weir stated that he was not comfortable with putting a budget item on the warrant article.
It was decided by the Board of Selectmen and Budget Committee that they would need more information regarding placement of a 4th full-time officer.  Chairman DeBold will contact Police Chief Clarke and ask him to provide the Board of Selectmen and Budget Committee with more information, i.e. cost of a 4th full-time officer for 12 months, reasons why the Town needs another full-time officer and fuel cost.

The Board of Selectmen and Budget Committee reviewed the Highway Department’s budget.  Selectman MacCleery stated that the Road Agent, Mr. David Kenneally was asked for information regarding the cost of a full-time employee verses contracting services, this information was never provided to the Board of Selectmen.  The Budget Committee and the Board of Selectmen know that the Road Advisory Committee had identified the needs of the Town, but did not give Mr. Kenneally the financial assistance or the number of employees it would take to meet the needs of the Town.  A three-year plan was drafted by the Road Advisory Committee breaking the Town into three sections. The Board of Selectmen and the Budget Committee would like more information from Mr. Kenneally regarding a detailed plan on what roads would be worked on, what work will be done on those roads, how much time it would take, etc.

Mr. Weir stated that he thought the Road Agent renting his personal equipment to the Town was a conflict of interest and should not be allowed.  

The Budget Committee was thanked for their time and they will meet with the Selectmen on December 20, 2005.

SUBJECT:  General Business

HIGHLIGHTS:  The Board of Selectmen reviewed a letter from Mr. Jim Mullaney asking the Board of Selectmen for a letter for Unitil.  Unitil will not start work until the Town sends a letter stating that once the roads are accepted,  the Town will be maintaining the roads.  Patty was asked to send a letter to Mr. Mullaney and to include that Mr. Kenneally be contacted prior to any construction of the utility lines.

Patty was asked to send a RFP out for Assessing and for an Accountant.

The Board of Selectmen discussed the Highway Department being over budget. The Selectmen want to put Mr. Kenneally on notice that he is over his budget.  The Selectmen asked for a work session to be scheduled for Friday, December 2, 2005.  Also discussed was how the Town could create a paper trail to take money out of other line items from other departments and put it in the Highway Department.  It was decided by the Board of Selectmen that the Highway Department can only work to plow/salt/sand the roads or emergency calls.  Patty was asked to look over the budget and see where money can be transferred from.  The Board of Selectmen also asked Patty to keep them informed weekly, how much money was left in the budget.  

The Board of Selectmen reviewed the Highway Departments budget.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

Legal correspondence, mail and e-mail were reviewed.  

The Minutes from November 22, 2005 were reviewed and approved.

Being no further business, Chairman DeBold adjourned the meeting at 10:45pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Wooster
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery  

David Colbert