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Selectmen Minutes 11/15/2005
Chichester Board of Selectmen
November 15, 2005

Present:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman Colbert, Selectman MacCleery and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant.  Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00PM.

SUBJECT:  Department Budgets

HIGHLIGHTS:  The Budget Committee met with the Selectmen and the following Town Departments:  Historical Society, Building Inspector, Cemetery, Conservation Commission, Parks and Recreation, Highway Department, Planning Board, and Selectmen’s Office.
Representing the Historical Society was Mrs. Ruth Hammen.  It was suggested by the Budget Committee and the Selectmen that the Historical Society purchase a new computer with funds from this year’s budget instead of increasing their budget for next year.  Mrs. Hammen, she would adjust her budget for 2006.  
The Building Inspector, Mr. David Paveglio presented his budget and he had no changes this year and will use the same amount of money he had in the previous year.  
Representing the Cemetery Committee was Mrs. Joanna McIntosh and Mr. Gil Vien.  The Cemetery Committee has increased their budget by $2, 500.00.  Mr. Gil Vien,  explained that there was an error in last year’s budget, the budget was for less than what was needed.   He said that the Cemetery Committee would like to have a mylar made for all the cemeteries.  He said that the maps they have are not as accurate as they should be, Mrs. Joanna McIntosh concurred. Mr. Vien said that the Cemetery Committee has charged people in the past for corner stones, but the corner stones were never placed on the plots.  He said that the Committee has to send a check to Perry Brothers to have corner stones placed on the plots.  Also, the Town is responsible for abandoned cemeteries.
Representing the Conservation Committee was Mr. Bob Mann and Mr. Jeff Andrews. The Conservation Committee presented their budget and they are keeping their budget the same as last year.  However, this year the Conservation Committee has hired Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. to do a study for prime wetlands.  The money has been charged to the Conservation Committee’s Expense line.  This money will be coming out of the Land Change Use Tax Revenue Fund, but in the interim it appears that the Conservation Committee is over budget.  The Selectmen and Budget Committee suggested to the Conservation Committee to give the Town Treasurer an estimate of what will be spent for 2006.
Mr. Robert Mann of the Conservation Committee asked the Board of Selectmen if any decisions were made regarding the 31 acres that is located  on Main Street owned by the Town.  Currently, Mr. Fred Shaw mows parts of the grass and Mrs. Patterson’s sheep graze on the property.  At a Selectmen’s meeting, September 6, 2005 Mr. Mann asked the Board of Selectmen about the Conservation Committee taking over the maintenance of the land.  In that meeting Chairman DeBold accepted Mr. Mann’s offer.  Mr. Mann said that he would include in his budget for 2006 maintenance for the 31 acres.    Mr. Mann said that he would like to submit a Warrant Article for Carpenter Park to have easement lines and boundary lines drawn.  Chairman DeBold suggested that the Conservation Committee send out RFPs for this work.  Mr. Jeff Andrews stated he has already sent out RFPs.
Road Agent, Mr. David Kenneally presented his budget to the Board of Selectmen and the Budget Committee.  In attendance with Mr. Kenneally were Mr. David Dobson, Mr. Rick Arell, Mr. Gil Vien and Mr. John Anderson members of the Road Advisory Committee.  Mr. Kenneally stated that there are some major issues in Town with respect to the roads.  The Highway Department’s Budget has increased approximately $197,415.00 over last year’s budget.  Mr. Kenneally stated that this increase was in part advised by the Road Advisory Committee.  Throughout the year the Road Advisory Committee inspected the Town Roads and made recommendations to the Road Agent.  One line that was questioned by the Budget Committee and the Board of Selectmen was “Contracted Services”.  Mr. Jason Weir asked why that line was so high.  He asked Mr. Kenneally if he could do the work or would it have to be contracted out.  Mr. Kenneally stated that it was his intention to complete the work himself; however, he added extra money in the “Contracted Services” line in case he could not complete the work.  As an example, he used the torrential rains we recently had.  He said after the rains, he had to focus his attention on the damaged roads and damaged culverts, taking him away from his daily work or any projects he was working on.
Mr. Kenneally stated that he would like to have a professional engineer inspect Center Road and have the engineer present an analysis to the Road Agent as to how to properly repair the road.  Mr. Kenneally stated that the Road Advisory Committee has put a three year plan in place.  Mr. Kenneally questioned the Board of Selectmen regarding the plan still being in place if he was not re-elected.  Selectman Colbert said the Board of Selectmen would instruct the Road Agent to follow the plan that was in place.
Mr. Kenneally stated that he was going to write a Warrant Article for Center Road to have it grinded and graveled.
Mr. Richard DeBold presented the budget for Parks and Recreation.  Mr. DeBold is keeping the Parks and Recreation budget the same as it was last year.
Mr. Tracy Scott and Ms. Andrea Deachman presented the budget for the Planning Board.
The Selectmen presented their budget to the Budget Committee.
The Budget Committee was thanked and advised that the next meeting will on November 29, 2005 at 7PM.
SUBJECT: General Business
HIGHLIGHTS:  Selectman MacCleery reported that he had spoken to Mr. Chris Northrup of the Office of Planning Agricultural.  Selectman MacCleery contacted him regarding equine farms and how they fit into zoning.  Mr. Northrup informed Selectman MacCleery that equine farms should conform to zoning.  
Patty advised the Board of Selectmen that she received a telephone call from a resident who was concerned about an abutter pumping water from their basement into the street.  Patty said she told the resident to call the Health Inspector.  The resident said that she did, and he told her to call the Selectmen’s office, that this incident was not a health issue.  Selectman MacCleery stated that he had received a telephone call from the Health Inspector about this issue and was told the same thing.  After a brief discussion, Chairman DeBold stated that the Road Agent, Mr. Kenneally should be called to have him inspect the situation.  Patty stated that she would contact the resident with the Selectmen’s decision.  Patty will also contact Mr. Kenneally and ask him to inspect the situation.
The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

Legal correspondence, mail and e-mail were reviewed.  

The Minutes from November  8, 2005 were reviewed and approved.

Being no further business, Chairman DeBold adjourned the meeting at 11:45pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Wooster
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery  

David Colbert
