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Selectmen Minutes 11/08/2005
Chichester Board of Selectmen
November 8, 2005

Present:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman Colbert, Selectman MacCleery and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant.  Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00PM.

SUBJECT:  Highway Department

HIGHLIGHTS:  The Road Agent, Mr. David Kenneally reported that on October 28, 2005, he, the Town Engineer, Chairman DeBold and Jerry Smith (project manager for Malachy Glen II) walked the Malachy Glen II project.  Mr. Kenneally stated that he was not happy with the gravel base material and crushed gravel material being used for the construction of the subdivision roadways.  He said he found a lot of large rocks, three (3) inches or more in the base gravel and that was not acceptable to him.  He stated that he still has not received the “specs” for the gravel.  Mr. Kenneally stated the Town Engineer, Mr. Bill Rollins “stuck-up” for the gravel being used, who said the gravel met State specs. Selectman Colbert asked how to resolve this problem.  Mr. Kenneally stated getting the specs for the gravel.  Chairman DeBold suggested that Mr. Kenneally put them on notice.  Chairman DeBold stated when they walked the project, Mr. Smith said he would have his office fax over the specs to Mr. Kenneally by the end of the day.  To date Mr. Kenneally has not received the specs.

Chairman DeBold thought that Mr. Rollins was over-stepping his bounds.  He said he thought that Mr. Rollins was not looking out for the best interests of the Town.  He suggested that the Road Agent or the Selectmen write a letter to Mr. Rollins expressing the concerns of the Town.  Chairman DeBold stated that he would draft a letter.

Selectmen Colbert stated that there was money in the bond and the Town could hire an independent engineer and dig the side of the road up to see if the material being used is satisfactory.

Mr. Kenneally reported that he and Emergency Management Director, Mr. John Martell went to a meeting held by the NH Emergency Management regarding Merrimack County being declared a disaster area after the torrential rains that fell.  Mr. Kenneally stated that FEMA was also there.  He said they were given an application to fill out for financial relief to repair damages created by the rains.

Mr. Kenneally reported that most the culverts were repaired and were in good shape.  Also, Mr. Kenneally reported that the fire truck was at the Town shed and he had contacted a gentleman in Bradford that would take off the pump so the truck could be transformed into a plow/sander.  It was suggested by Selectman MacCleery that Mr. Kenneally use the impact fees to cover the costs of conversion.

SUBJECT:  Police Department

HIGHLIGHTS:  Police Chief, Patrick Clarke reported that Officer Josh Wright will be returning to the Police Academy in January to complete his training.  Chief Clarke said that Officer Wright was in his own vehicle and works 3 days with Chief Clarke and one evening with Officer Miller.  Chief Clarke said that Officer Wright is ready and capable of  being on his own.  Chief Clarke stated he likes to have someone in Town in case Officer Wright runs into a problem or has any questions.

Chief Clarke stated that Baby Clarke has not arrived yet, but when he does Chief Clarke will be taking his vacation to be home with his wife and new baby.

SUBJECT: Emergency Management Director

HIGHLIGHTS:  Emergency Management Director, Mr. John Martell added to what Mr. Kenneally reported regarding the meeting with NH Emergency Management and FEMA.  He stated that he had filled out the application which included labor costs and material costs.  He stated that a FEMA representative would come out to look at all sites.

SUBJECT: Building Inspector

HIGHLIGHTS:  The Building Inspector, Mr. David Paveglio reported that Mr. Robinson’s storage permit has expired.  He asked if he or the Selectmen’s office should send him a letter stating that he must remove the trailer.  The Selectmen asked Mr. Paveglio to send the letter.

Mr. Paveglio reported that Atlantic Traders purchased Value Mart located on Route 4.  He said the new owners asked him if the “tent” is considered a building.  He advised the new owners that the “tent” did not qualify as a building and would have to be removed.  Mr. Paveglio reported that the window place on Route 4 is under contract.  He was asked by the potential buyer if they needed a septic and well.  Selectman Colbert stated that the new owner would have to comply with the plans that were accepted by the Planning Board.  Mr. Paveglio stated that he did not have a set of plans.  Patty will call Andrea Deachman of the Planning Board and ask her for a copy.

Selectman MacCleery briefly discussed the Board of Adjustment hearing regarding Mr. & Mrs. Stock and the Mayvilles.  He advised the Board that the Board of Adjustment had reversed their previous decision declaring the manure pile on the Stock’s property as being obnoxious.  Selectman MacCleery asked if the Stocks would need to get a permit for the manure storage container.  Mr. Paveglio stated they did not need a permit.

SUBJECT: Mr. Jeff Pullen

HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. Pullen asked to reschedule his meeting with the Selectmen, because his neighbor could not attend.  Mr. Pullen is rescheduled for November 22, 2005 at 8PM.

SUBJECT: General Business

HIGHLIGHTS:  Patty asked if the Selectmen had contacted the Concerned Citizens for Outdoor Lighting.  Chairman DeBold stated that they had not.  Since receiving the letter from the Department of Transportation (“DOT”) which states in part “while the lighting is quite bright in several areas, I do not believe it interferes with the ability of motorist to safely travel US 4.” “Instead I view the concerns expressed as a local issue that might best be resolved through local zoning changes and a bit of dialogue between residents, the Town, and the proprietors of the offending establishments”.  “If there is a specific situation the Town feels is a highway safety issue, I would be happy to have it investigated further”. The Selectmen decided to investigate whether there is any particular lightingissue which they feel they would like the state to investigate further..

Mr. Charles Scheys was sworn in as a Trustee of Trust Funds.

The Selectmen reviewed a letter from a resident who had concerns about the traffic on Paradise Lane.  In his letter he wanted to assure them that he was not making a formal complaint.  He stated that Live and Let Live Farm has grown creating a lot of traffic on the road.  Mr. Kenneally stated that there is an issue with parking on the cul de sac.  He stated that it is impossible to plow down the road because of the cars parked in the cul de sac.  Selectman MacCleery stated that he would contact Mr. Steve Taylor of the NH Department of Agriculture regarding equine farms and how they fit into zoning.  Chairman DeBold asked Patty to send a quick letter to the resident telling him that the Selectmen are looking into the situation.

Mr. Dave Dobson asked the Selectmen if the Congressional Church could use the ball field at Carpenter’s Park.  He said there are 10 softball games a year and 5 of them would be played at Carpenter Park.  He said the games would be on Monday evenings at the end of June into July.  Selectman Colbert stated that he should meet with the Parks and Recreation Committee and ask them.  Selectmen Colbert and Chairman DeBold are members of the committee and feel there is no problem with the Church’s Softball Team using the field.  Selectman Colbert stated that the team would have to use the upper ball field.  He advised Mr. Dobson to submit a schedule of games and the schedule would be given to the Chichester Youth Association. Chairman DeBold told Mr. Dobson that the Youth Association would have priority on the use of the field.

Patty reported to the Selectmen that she received a telephone call from a resident who lives on Bailey Road.  The resident advised Patty that construction for Malachy Glen II has been starting before 7AM.  Chairman DeBold went to the jobsite and listened for construction trucks and work being done.  He did not hear or see any work starting before 7AM.  Chairman DeBold spoke to the project manager, Jerry Smith.  Mr. Smith admitted that on Monday, November 7, 2005, Pike Industries were at the jobsite before 7AM to start paving the roads.  He apologized to Chairman DeBold and told him it would not happen again.

Patty informed the Selectmen that she would be closing the office on November 17, 2005 to attend the Local Government Center’s Annual Meeting.

Patty asked Chairman DeBold about sub-divisions.  She said that she wanted to have the tax maps updated and needed to know all sub-divisions and any changes that would effect the tax maps.  He suggested that she send a memo to the Planning Board asking them for the most accurate updates.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

Legal correspondence, mail and e-mail were reviewed.  

The Minutes from November 1, 2005 were reviewed and approved.

Being no further business, Chairman DeBold adjourned the meeting at 10:30pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Wooster
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery  

David Colbert