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Selectmen Minutes 10/11/2005
Chichester Board of Selectmen
October 11, 2005

Present:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery, Selectman Colbert, and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant.  Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:05M

SUBJECT: Building Inspector

HIGHLIGHTS:  The Building Inspector, Mr. David Paveglio had some questions regarding the Agreement between the Town of Chichester and Mr. James Mullaney.  He said he understood that pursuant to the Agreement, Mr. Mullaney could get six building permits without having a septic plan, building design or a driveway permit. Mr. Paveglio also stated that in the Agreement Mr. Mullaney has to provide the septic plan, building plan and driveway permit ninety days from the date of the availability of the building permit in 2006 and twenty-five days from the date of availability of the building permit in 2007 and 2008.   Mr. Paveglio was questioning if Mr. Mullaney had to provide a map and lot number. In accordance with  the Agreement Item #4, it states in part that Mullaney, an owner of a lot or a prospective purchaser holding a signed and unassignable bone fide purchase and sale agreement may apply for up to three permits…………. Selectman Colbert thinks that Mr. Mullaney would have to provide the map and lot number for each building permit.  Mr. Paveglio stated that the permit application asks for a specific map and lot number.  Chairman DeBold stated that he believed Mr. Mullaney would be able to transfer the map and lot number contingent on the sale of the property.  It was the general consensus of the Board that Mr. Mullaney could transfer the building permits

Selectman MacCleery asked Mr. Paveglio if had spoken to Mr. Houle and if Mr. Houle received a building permit for his garage and apartment.  Mr. Paveglio stated that Mr. Houle met with Mr. Paveglio on Friday and Mr. Paveglio did issue him a building permit based on the information that was found from a 1985 variance decision.

Selectman Colbert asked Mr. Paveglio if he had noticed the two family house being built on Center Road.  Mr. Paveglio stated that he had not seen the progress of the house.  Selectman Colbert asked Mr. Paveglio to go down and take a look; Selectman Colbert stated that it looked like there were two separate buildings as opposed to one building.  Mr. Paveglio stated that he would take a look at it.

SUBJECT: Police Department

HIGHLIGHTS:  Sgt. John Martell reported for Police Chief Patrick Clarke.  Chief Clarke was called to active duty for 72 hours.  Sgt. Martell stated that Chief Clarke was not sure when he would be back; he said he may return on Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning.  Sgt. Martell covered the day shift for Chief Clarke and part-time officers covered the evening shift.  

Sgt. Martell reported that the heavy rain over the weekend washed out Perry Brook Road.

SUBJECT: Emergency Management

HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. John Martell, Emergency Management Director had nothing to report.

SUBJECT: Highway Department

HIGHLIGHTS:  The Road Agent, Mr. David Kenneally could not make the meeting due to illness.

SUBJECT:  Fire Department

HIGHLIGHTS:  Fire Chief Mike Paveglio stated that he and some of the emergency personnel were called to help with the situation in Stoddard.  They spent Sunday and part of Monday helping the Stoddard Fire Department.  He said that this is the first time Chichester Fire Department has been used by the State Capital Mutual Aid System.  He said that every town in the Mutual Aid System participated.  Chief Paveglio stated he was not sure if the department would be reimbursed for expenses.  He said that he kept a record of time and fuel.

Last week Chief Paveglio asked the Selectmen for use of impact fees to cover the cost of a Tough Book laptop with associated accessories, a mounting bracket for the ambulance and a docking station for the fires station along with the bridging software.  The total cost of this equipment was going to be $2,473.00.  Chief Paveglio stated that the State of New Hampshire will be contributing to the cost for the purchase of the special reporting software which will save $1,000.  The total cost to the Town will be $1,473.

SUBJECT:  Mr. Fred Shaw-Historical Society

HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. Shaw representing the Historical Society presented the Board of Selectmen with an application for cable franchise fees.  The Historical Society would like to purchase a digital projector along with an extended warranty.  The projector would be available for use for the Conservation Committee and the Library.

Mr. Shaw stated that the Historical Society would use the projector for educational presentations to the community, i.e. slideshow of the early barns of Chichester.  He said the Library could use the projector for film night for families, visiting authors or speakers could use the projector for visual presentation to name a few.  Mr. Shaw stated that Conservation Committee could use it for presentations to show interested parties properties in town that have been targeted for land protection.  These were just a few uses Mr. Shaw presented to the Board of Selectmen.  Mr. Shaw said that he would hold a training class for the Library and Conservation Committee and also stated that he would train Patty so the Selectmen may use the projector.  The price range of the projector is $700 for an entry level up to a stadium size for $10,000 plus.  The projectors that Mr. Shaw was pricing were between $1,000 and $1,500, which includes a three year warranty.

The Board of Selectmen asked if the prices that Mr. Shaw quoted were sale prices and did he need an answer this evening.  Mr. Shaw said he did not need to know this evening.  The Board of Selectmen asked Mr. Shaw if they could give him an answer next week.  The Board of Selectmen asked Patty to find out how much was in the cable franchise fees funds.

SUBJECT: General Business


The Board of Selectmen reviewed the information that was given to them by Patty regarding the Right to Know Law.  Patty had spoken to the Town Attorney, Bart Mayer regarding an issue with a Planning Board member.  On September 6, 2005, Mr. Brandon Giuda met with the Board of Selectmen to make a formal complaint against the Planning Board.  Mr. Giuda attended the Planning Board’s meeting on September 1, 2005.  Mr. Giuda’s felt that the Chairman of the Planning Board, Mr. Tracy Scott acted inappropriately when he eliminated a discussion regarding the use of the word “solely” as applied in Article III Section 3c and that Chairman Scott on previous occasions has treated people before the Planning Board differently by applying different standards depending on who the people are.

The Board of Selectmen sent a letter to Mr. Scott inviting him to meet with them on October 4, 2005 to discuss the issues raised at the September 6th meeting.   Mr. Scott came to the meeting but did not want the meeting to be open.  He asked  the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen to call a non-public meeting.  At the time Chairman DeBold stated that he was unsure whether the non-public session statutes applied to this issue.  Mr. Scott would be informed of the Board of Selectmen’s ability to call a non-public session following consultation with the Town Attorney.  Patty called the Town Attorney and he told her that they could not call a non-public meeting, because it was not a personnel issue, and the complaint was on record.  The Selectmen are going to send Mr. Scott a letter advising him of their findings.

The Board of Selectmen discussed the possible need to initiate the use of written telephone logs for messages left or incoming calls for both the Highway Department and Planning Board.  This was suggested due to the number of complaints to the Selectmen’s Office about unreturned phone calls.

The Board of Selectmen also discussed the need to insure that the Road Agent will secure current/updated snow plowing contracts with any prospective vendors/contractors.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

Legal correspondence, mail and e-mail were reviewed.  

The Minutes from October 4, 2005 were reviewed and approved.

Being no further business, Chairman DeBold adjourned the meeting at 10:00pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Wooster
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery  

David Colbert