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BOS Minutes May 3, 2005
Chichester Board of Selectmen
May 3, 2005

Present:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman Colbert, Selectman MacCleery and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant.  Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00PM.


HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. David Paveglio provided handouts to the Selectmen regarding surrounding towns and whether they have impact fees or not.  Very few surrounding towns charge impact fees; however, surrounding towns charge more for building permits.  The cost of  building permits range from 10¢ to 25¢ per square foot.  Discussed was the possibility of eliminating impact fees and increasing the fees for building permits.  Mr. Paveglio stated the last time there was an increase in building permits was six years ago.

Mr. Paveglio shared with the Board that some towns have separate permits for building, plumbing and electrical.  In addition, building inspectors in other towns are the code enforcers.  Mr. Paveglio said that he would do the code enforcing, but only at the direction of the Selectmen.  

Selectman MacCleery informed Mr. Paveglio that based on the decision by the Board,  On April 27, 2005, Map 2 Lot 26-A will be considered a buildable lot.  Selectman MacCleery questioned if the lot was grandfathered and could be issued a building permit.  Chairman DeBold questions whether the four year exemption statute (RSA 674:39) applies to this subdivision, and will contact NH Central Planning and ask them about the four-year statute.  


HIGHLIGHTS: Chief Patrick Clarke reported that he had met with Carolee Davison, Treasurer, and the police detail line was corrected.

Chief Clarke asked if any one would be interested in being on the Board of Directors for the Concord Regional Crime Line.  He said whomever was interested would have to go through a background check.  He said the responsibilities of the Board member would be to sign checks and write policies. He said the Board meets every third Wednesday from 8-9AM.  Chief Clarke said if no one was interested he would put an ad in the newspaper.  Chairman DeBold said that he might be interested in joining.

Chief Clarke said that he received a late bill from Staples.  He thought what was happening is that several departments have accounts with Staples and that only account was getting credited with payment.  He asked the Selectmen if separate checks could be cut and sent to Staples for each individual account.

Chief Clarke asked the Selectmen if they could release funds from Capital Reserve to purchase a new computer.  He said he needs to replace the computer in the booking room, he said the computer that is in the booking room is very slow due to the amount of information it contains.  Chief Clarke would like to purchase two flat screen monitors and purchase a new laser printer.  He said the cost of this is $1,554.88.  He said he would like to purchase these items from Pittsfield Computer, prices were also check at Best Buy.  The Selectmen told Chief Clarke to purchase these items.


HIGHLIGHTS: Chief Mike Paveglio was questioning charges that were on his budget report.  These invoices should have been paid in December and should have come out
of the 2004 budget.  Patty will call the auditors and schedule an appointment to try to clear this matter up.

Chief Paveglio discussed a recent letter that he received from a resident regarding some issues with the Fire Department.  Chairman DeBold said that he would try to contact the  resident and try to resolve any issues.

Chief Paveglio said that Rymes had completed the tank job and he thanked David Kenneally for all his help with grading the area.  Chief Paveglio told the Board that the septic system has not been pumped out in many years.  He said he needs to find the cap and have the system pumped out.

Chief Paveglio said he would like to hire two full-time emergency personal to cover Monday-Friday twelve hour shifts.  He said when a call comes in during the day on Monday –Friday that Loudon handles the call.  He said Loudon was doing an excellent job answering the calls for Chichester.  Chief Paveglio wants to form a committee to study the issues facing the Fire/Rescue Department and asked if one of the Selectmen would be a part of that committee.  Selectman MacCleery voiced his interest in serving on the committee.

Chief Paveglio told the Board about a horse the fire department rescued.  He said the horse fell through the barn floor.  He said  he called Dr. Meehan at 6AM for advice on how to get the horse out of the hole.  He said Dr. Meehan came to the scene and sedated the horse so the fire department could pull the horse out of the hole.


HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. David Kenneally said it cost about $10,000.00 to seal cracks in the roads; he said by sealing the cracks it could save the town $2,600 per mile of paving.  Chief Paveglio asked Mr. Kenneally if he could look at the cracks in the driveway of the safety building.  Mr. Kenneally said he would be glad to look at driveway.  

Mr. Kenneally said that he has noticed a significant increase of trash being put in the dumpster at the Highway Shed.  He was thinking about getting a 8 yard dumpster, he said that the 4 yard dumpster will have to emptied every week, if the amount of trash continues.  Chief Paveglio stated that he along with Chief Clarke were thinking about getting their own dumpster.  Mr. Kenneally said if the safety building was going to get their own dumpster then he would not have to increase the size of the dumpster he has now.  Mr. Kenneally advised Chief Paveglio to contact Mr. Weir to see if he could provide a dumpster.  

Mr. Kenneally asked Chief Paveglio if he and the other members of the fire department could blow out the culverts.  Chief Paveglio agreed.

Selectman MacCleery spoke with Mr. Kenneally about a resident on Depot Road who was questioning Selectman MacCleery about when the pot holes were going to be patched.  Mr. Kenneally told Selectman MacCleery that the holes where cold patch today (May 3, 2005).  Also, Selectman MacCleery asked Mr. Kenneally about returning the call of a resident on Hilliard Road who was dissatisfied with how the  road was graded.  Mr. Kenneally stated that he tried several times to contact the resident.  He was unsuccessful.

SUBJECT: Mr. Bob Mann and Mr. Jeff Andrews/Conservation Committee

HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. Mann stated that he had received a phone call from Mr. Perkins (attorney for Mr. Cavacco), but he has not returned his call.  Mr. Mann stated that he has completed his research with respect to grants to replace the dam.  He said that the federal grant’s deadline is August. It was decided that the Town would need to get a firm commitment in writing from Mr. Cavacco no later than August 1, 2005.  The discussion turned to registering the dam.  Selectman Colbert stated that he did not want to register the dam if it was going to lock the Town into a commitment.  Chairman DeBold asked how much planning, engineering and design would have to be submitted as part of the application for the grants.  Mr. Mann said he was not sure.  Selectman MacCleery asked Mr. Mann to contact Mr. Cavacco to see if he was interested in sending out RFP’s to get an estimate for the design of the dam.  Mr. Mann said he has spoken to Mr. Jim Gallagher of the DES for suggestions on engineering firms he should contact.

Mr. Mann presented a draft of a postcard that will be mailed to the residents announcing the hiring of VHB Consultants for identifying prime wetlands.  He also presented an announcement letter for the consultants to carry and show residents in case any resident questioned why they were on the resident’s property.  This letter would be signed by the Selectmen’s office.  Selectman MacCleery said he was not comfortable signing the letter, he said the letter should be signed by the Conservation Committee. The other Selectmen agreed and the Conservation Committee will sign the letter.  Mr. Mann asked if it was if any residents questioning the introduction letter could call the Selectmen’s office for verification.  The Selectmen agreed.

Regarding the Purchase and Sale Agreement for the Plummer Property, Mr. Andrews stated he is getting quotes from surveyors and soil scientists


HIGHLIGHTS:  Selectman Colbert stated that he thinks the contract for the rental of Town Hall be revisited.  He said he had noticed that there was a lot of tape and streamers left on the walls after a function.  He said he thinks the hall should be inspected closely after the use.

Hilliard Road: Chairman DeBold said that he would like to see  whether there exists a recent property line survey of Mr. Duford’s property prior to the road being relocated.  Selectman MacCleery stated that a meeting should be held with the abutters to Mr. Duford’s property.  Chairman DeBold said that he would take another look at the property.  The Selectmen will further discuss when a meeting should take place with the abutters and Mr. Duford.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

Legal correspondence, mail and e-mail were reviewed.  

Being no further business, Chairman DeBold adjourned the meeting at 10:30 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Wooster
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery  

David Colbert

