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BOS Minutes May 17, 2005

Chichester Board of Selectmen
May 17, 2005

Present:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman Colbert, Selectman MacCleery and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant.  Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00PM.

SUBJECT: Fire Department

HIGHLIGHTS:  Chief Michael Paveglio introduced his office assistant, Betsy.  Chief Paveglio stated that he has taken the GMC K-1 fire truck out of service.  He said the truck was not running well and the truck had half the power.  He stated that this truck was used primarily for brush fires.  He said the truck was not reliable that it had many hours on it.  Chief Paveglio stated that Bow had a pick up truck that is outfitted for brush fires.  He said Bow would either loan or sell Chichester the truck.  

Chief Paveglio stated that he had talked to the Department of Transportation about the fire pond that is located across the street from the telephone company.  He said they would like use the water source.  Chief Paveglio stated that lease expired last year and was not sure if the State would lease the property again.  

SUBJECT: Police Department

HIGHLIGHTS: Chief Patrick Clarke stated he has come up with a alternative plan for the expansion of the Safety Building.  He said that he and Chief Paveglio have come up with a design that would work for both the Police Department and the Fire Department.  Their idea is to add a bay on the north end of the fire station.  This will allow the Police Department to occupy the entire basement of the Safety Building.  Allowing the Department more office space, a booking room and a larger evidence room.  Chief Paveglio stated the Fire Department is out growing the height of the bays.  He would use the impact fees to cover some the cost of the addition.  Chief Clarke and Chief Paveglio stated that the addition will allow for ten years growth.

Chief Clarke stated a person was at Carpenter Park doing “donuts” in the parking lot kicking up gravel.  He said this person did this after baseball practice while there children on the field and in the parking lot.  He contacted the person and they were supposed to go to the station to be interview.  The person never came in.

SUBJECT: Highway Department

HIGHLIGHTS:  Road Agent, Mr. David Kenneally reported that a Public Meeting was scheduled for June 21, 2005 for Webster Mills Bridge.  He said that the engineering firm was going to mail all residents on Webster Mills Road a letter advising them of the meeting.  He said they were going to place a public announcement in the Concord Monitor and in the Suncook Valley Sun.  

Mr. Kenneally asked if it was possible to post certain roads: “No Thru Trucks”.  He asked if we could post the roads would it be easy to enforce.  Chief Clarke said that it would be easy to enforce.  Patty is going to research the RSA’s to see if the roads can be posted and how the town would do it.  

Chairman DeBold asked Mr. Kenneally if he could be here next week to meet with the abutters to Mr. Duford’s property located on Hilliard Road.  Chairman DeBold would like Mr. Kenneally here to explain to the residents the procedure for relocating the road.  

Chief Paveglio asked Mr. Kenneally if he was interested in having the town vehicles inspected by a company that comes to your location.  Chief Paveglio stated that the fire trucks need to be inspected two times a year.  He said that in order to have the inspections done on sight you needed 13 vehicles.  He said that the Police Department was interested and if Mr. Kenneally was interested he would have the 13 vehicles that is required.  

Mr. Kenneally asked Chief Paveglio if they could work out a deal, permitting Mr. Kenneally use of the fire truck that has been taken out of service to blow out culverts and clean off the bridges.  Chief Paveglio stated they could work something out.

Selectman Colbert asked Mr. Kenneally if he took care of the intersections and approaches of roads that still had too much sand on them.  Mr. Kenneally stated that Carol has gone back out to re-sweep the roads.

SUBJECT: Building Inspector

HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. Dave Paveglio reported that Mr. Gil Timm asked for a final inspection and occupancy permit for the house located on Lover’s Lane.  Mr. Paveglio said he told Mr. Timm he would have to pay the impact fees before he would be issued an occupancy permit.  Mr. Timm said he knew he had to pay the fee.

SUBJECT:   Emergency Management Director

HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. John Martel had nothing to report.

HIGHLIGHTS:  Chief Clarke asked the Board for an Executive Session to discuss a personnel issue.  

Chairman DeBold made a Motion to enter a nonpublic session based on RSA 91-A:3 (c).  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Colbert.  A vote was taken by roll call and all members voted in the affirmative.  After going into Executive Session it was discovered it was not necessary and Chairman DeBold made a Motion to come out of nonpublic session.  It was seconded by Selectman MacCleery.  A vote was taken by roll call and all members voted in the affirmative.

Chief Clarke reported Lt. Robert Kitson has handed in his resignation.  Lt. Kitson will be leaving the Chichester Police Department on May 27,  2005.  GOOD LUCK LT. KITSON IN YOUR FUTURE ENDEAVORS!  Chief Clarke stated that Patrolman Joe Orlando was interested in the position and understood that the position would not pay the same as what Lt. Kitson’s salary is.  Chief Clarke stated that Mr. Orlando has many years experience as a part-time officer, he said if Mr. Orlando accepts the position, Mr. Orlando would have to go the full-time police academy.  Chief Clarke is having trouble getting coverage on the weekends.

SUBJECT: General Business

HIGHLIGHTS:  The letter to Mr. Cavacco was reviewed by the Board.  Selectman MacCleery thinks that Mr. Cavacco should come up with his share in a monetary form.  He does not think that property easements are a good idea, because the Town will have to come up with Mr. Cavacco’s share.  Selectman MacCleery stated that he has had some calls from residents some who were in favor of repairing the dam and others who were not.  He said he thought before any money is spent that there should be a public meeting and let the residents decide if the Town should expend monies to repair/replace the dam at Marsh Pond.

Discussion was made regarding the filing made by Mrs. Ann Fournier regarding her trailer.  Through her attorney, Mr. Perkins, she filed a Verified Petition for Injunctive Relief and Reformation. The Board asked Patty to contact Mr. Tim Britain and ask him to defend the Town of Chichester in this matter.

Chairman DeBold said that he was approached at a baseball game by Mr. McKay.  Mrs. McKay recently received a current use change form, she questioned Chairman DeBold about the amount.  He explained to her that current use tax is based on the market value of the property, which at this time is $80,000.00  The current use tax is 10% of the market value.  Chairman DeBold told the other Selectman he had gone into the property file for the McKays’ and was surprised by the way the assessor documented the current use tax.  Chairman DeBold said this type of documentation was grossly inadequate.  Patty told the Board the assessor would be here on Monday.  Chairman DeBold said that he would stop in at the office and speak to the assessor about the procedure for documentation.

The Board discussed the lighting issue at Bobcat of New Hampshire.  The Board asked Patty to contact Unitil and Bobcat to schedule a meeting on May 25, 2005 at 8:30 to redirect the lights.

Chairman DeBold stated he received a phone call from Chairperson Joni Kitson of Epsom and she asked if the Town of Chichester had any residents that lived on a Class VI road and if so who is responsible for maintenance and if there is police patrol and if emergency vehicles respond.  Chairman DeBold surveyed the Board as to whether Chichester had any residents who lived on Class VI road, and it is believed there are none; therefore we cannot offer Epsom any advice on this issue.

SUBJECT: Carolee Davison

HIGHLIGHTS:  Mrs. Davison who is the Town Treasurer met with the Board to discuss the possibility of changing banks.  Mrs. Davison said that she has been in touch with Bank of New Hampshire.  She said that Bank of New Hampshire offered the Town a higher interest rate on the Pool account.  The Selectmen asked Mrs. Davison to check with Citizen’s Bank to see if they would offer the same interest rate.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

Legal correspondence, mail and e-mail were reviewed.  

Being no further business, Chairman DeBold adjourned the meeting at 10:45 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Wooster
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery  

David Colbert