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BOS Minutes 3 29 05
Chichester Board of Selectmen
March 29, 2005

Present:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman Colbert, Selectman MacCleery and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant.  Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00PM.

SUBJECT: Trustees of the Trust

HIGHLIGHTS: In attendance:  Ms. Andrea Deachman, Ms. Pam Stiles and Mr. Gil Vien

The Board asked the Trustees for an update with the Attorney General’s office.  Ms. Deachman said that she spoke with Terry Knowles of the Attorney General’s office several months ago and Ms. Knowles told Ms. Deachman that everything seemed to be fine, just post the expense to each fund for the 2 years in question and go forward from there.  Ms. Deachman said that she worked with Carolee Davison with respect to the records for 2001 and 2002.  Ms. Davison said that after further research it was discovered that errors were found as far back as 1999.  Mrs. Deachman explained to the Selectmen that she has sent e-mails to Ms. Knowles explaining there are other issues regarding the funds dating back to 1999 and the calculations would need to go back to recover those years.  She said that each year was pulled and researched.  It seemed that the expense was not divided between the accounts as it should have been, it had just been taken off the bottom line and therefore each individual account is incorrect.  Each cemetery account should have a different amount of expense; depending on the percent of perpetual care.  Ms. Deachman stated that all members are aware of this situation and 1999, 2000, 2001 are all complete with 2002 very close to final correction.

Ms. Deachman said that there was a new cemetery trust for Leavitt Cemetery in the amount of $31,000.00 this was transferred from Citizens Bank due to efforts of Terry Knowles in the Attorney General’s Office. The Bank was charging a fee to maintain the trust account and agreed that it was in the best interest of the fund to be transferred to the town accounts.

Chairman DeBold asked Ms. Deachman if all members had access to the computer in her office.  Her response was yes.  Chairman DeBold asked Ms. Deachman if all members had signature cards at the bank, Ms. Deachman responded yes.  

SUBJECT: Lighting Committee

HIGHLIGHTS: In Attendance: Ms. Linda Rauler, Ms. Katie Ruoff, Mr. David Rounds, Mr. Doug Hall and Ms. Kate Hall.  Also in attendance: Mr. Stan Balch from Unitil, Mr. Jeff Blanchard and Grant Dugan from Bob Cat of New Hampshire.

Ms. Ruoff started the discussion stating that some businesses’ lights cause glare on Route 4.  She asked Unitil if they could provide shielding to avoid glare on Route 4.  Mr. Balch explained that the businesses are under contract with Unitil and the lights were placed in accordance with the request of the owners.  

Mr. Balch stated that Unitil works with the State’s RSA’s.  He said that it was possible to get lights that have a semi or full cut off. These types of lights would not emit lumens outside of the area.  Selectman Colbert asked if  the lights could be tipped into the property line at a 90% angle from the road.  Mr. Balch said they could be tipped, but was not sure if 90% would be too much.

Mr. Blanchard who is the owner of Bobcat had concerns about the additional cost to shield the lights.  He said that in the past he has had 18 pieces of equipment stolen between the hours of midnight and 6AM.  Mr. Blanchard had problems obtaining insurance as his business was considered a high risk.  He said that he has installed video cameras and without the proper light, the video camera cannot pick up trespassers.  Mr. Blanchard also stated that he tried to get police protection but could not.  He said that he would do whatever is reasonable but only wants to make the change once.   

Mr. Blanchard wanted to know who would determine what is correct.  The Board said they are the code enforcers and they would make that determination.  The Board suggested that one member of the Board and a member from the Lighting Committee meet with Unitil and the business owners some evening to re-direct the lights.   Mr. Blanchard questioned what would happen if a new lighting committee was formed or if the Selectmen changed, would the change affect what has been established.  The Board and the Lighting Committee agreed that if the glare was removed then he would be in compliance and no other changes should be necessary.

 Mr. Blanchard stated that he would like to speak with Unitil regarding cost, changing the lights and he would like to speak to someone at the Department of Transportation who’s expertise was lighting and road glare.  Mr. Balch stated he would need a couple of days to get a crew together and he asked Patty to e-mail him when the Town was ready to have the lights re-directed.

SUBJECT:  Chief Patrick Clarke and Lt. Robert Kitson


Chief Clarke and Lt. Kitson came to the Board with questions regarding retro-active pay.  The Board stated that there was no retro-active pay, a memo went out last year to each department stating that any pay raises would not be effective until the first pay period in April.  To the best of Lt. Kitson’s recollection, he does not recall getting a memo.  Lt. Kitson’s wife had contacted the Labor Department who told Mrs. Kitson that each employee must be notified. Chief Clarke said that he had shared with Patty the Administrative Laws of the Labor Department specifically LAB 803.04 (a)(c) .    Which states in part: Pursuant to RSA 275:49 every employer shall inform his/her employees in writing of any change to such employees rate of pay…….  The Selectmen asked Patty to call the Labor Department and ask them if this law is applicable to municipal employees.  The Board said they had no problem paying retro-active pay but wanted to know the facts and on a moving forward basis they would like pay increases to be effective for the first pay period in April.

Chief Clarke said that he had found plans for a Municipal Complex that was submitted by Scott Teppar.  He said the cost was approximately $238,000.00 Chief Clarke said he would like to put a Warrant Article for the Municipal Complex or perhaps an Article for expansion of the Police Department.  He said the department needs more space that there is no room for files and that he does not like to bring suspects through the office areas of the police officers and the administrative assistant.  He also stated that he had heard about plans to build a recreation center at Carpenter Park.  He said he thought the size of the recreation center was approximately 40’ x 60’ with the upstairs being vacant, he  said that could be a possibility for a new police department.
SUBJECT: General Business


Selectman MacCleery questioned the invoice for Alan Mayville.  Mr. Mayville had repaired the Town’s backhoe and charged the town $25.00 per hour.  Selectman MacCleery questioned whether Mr. Mayville used the town’s shop and tools; he wanted to know if Mr. Mayville had garage insurance.  The Board asked Patty to send a memo to David Kenneally stating that the Board will pay Mr. Mayville’s rates and for the future wants to see insurance documentation and wants to be able to set the pay scale.  

Chairman DeBold advised the Board that he went to the property located on Harvest Road to determine with certainty that present location of the mobile home was not obstructing the line-of-sight.  After measurement it was determined the mobile home is clear of the line-of sight.  The Board asked Patty to send a letter to Mr. Robinson with copies to Mr. & Mrs. Wolf, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard and Mr. Dave Paveglio stating that the mobile home is clear of the line-of-sight.

A Motion by Selectman MacCleery was made to accept Dodge Computer Services for IT support, the Motion was seconded by Chairman DeBold and all were in favor.

Chairman DeBold asked Patty to publish in the Suncook Sun requests for bids for seasonal grounds keeping.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

Legal correspondence, mail and e-mail were reviewed.  

Being no further business, Chairman DeBold adjourned the meeting at 10:30pm.
Respectfully submitted,

Patty Wooster
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery  

David Colbert