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BOS Minutes 2 22 05
Chichester Board of Selectmen
February 22,  2005

Present:  Chairman Colbert. Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant.  Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:03PM



Road Agent, David Kenneally reported that he and Patty Wooster attended a seminar entitled Supervisors Reasonable Suspicion Class.  The training seminar was for supervisors and taught how to detect if someone is using drugs or alcohol while working.  The seminar covered the legalities and procedures that should be used when you suspect that someone may be using.  The seminar was very informative.

Mr. Kenneally asked the Board if he could trade one of the older and unused plow sander for a new wing.  He stated that E.W. Sleeper will give him $2,500 for the sander and the new wing will cost $1,700.  Mr. Kenneally will have a credit of $800 at E. W. Sleeper.  Selectman MacCleery asked if Mr. Kenneally should put the sander out to bid.  Mr. Kenneally stated that if he put the sander out to bid the money would go into the general fund and he would have to use his budget to purchase a new wing.  Mr. Kenneally’s opinion was that the $2,500 bid by Sleepers was a very reasonable bid considering that the original price of the sander, being over eight years old, was probably around $5,500.  After further discussion, a vote was taken Chairman Colbert and Selectmen DeBold voted to allow the trade and Selectman MacCleery voted against it still feeling that town property should go out for bid.  

Selectman DeBold asked Mr. Kenneally who was driving the one ton on Monday as when the one ton went past Selectman DeBold he felt it was going to too fast, he stated that slush was being thrown all over the place.  Mr. Kenneally’s response was that he was driving the truck and he was going about 20MPH.  Mr. Kenneally stated that at speeds of 15MPH or higher the slush flies everywhere.

Selectman MacCleery asked Mr. Kenneally if it was cost effective to have Mayville Trucking deliver sand.  Mr. Kenneally stated that the sand was getting low and that he needed someone help deliver the sand.  Selectman MacCleery asked what the cost was to have  Concord Sand deliver.  Mr. Kenneally stated that he does not like Concord Sand, because the quality of the sand is poor, that the sand clumps and gets stuck in the sander.  He said the cost of delivery is $3.90 per ton.  Selectman MacCleery stated that he would like to see Mr. Kenneally talk to Fillmore Sand, he believes the cost of the sand and the delivery of the sand would be less expensive.



Lt. Kitson reported that Chief Clarke is in New Jersey and will be home for good either February 25, 26 or 27.  He stated that Chief Clarke still had some work to do with the National Guard but should be back to work at the end of March or the first week in April.

Lt. Kitson stated that last week while he was on vacation Officer Orlando and Officer Corbett worked together.  Between the two officers, 12 people were arrested for various offenses.  Also, over the weekend a person was arrested by Chichester Police Officers for drug possession with intent to sell. They confiscated several pounds of marijuana, a large amount of cash, a handgun and a Ford Explorer.  Lt. Kitson stated that the Town of Chichester might be able to keep the vehicle and the money.  If the Town is able to keep the cash and the vehicle, these items must be used for drug enforcement.  GOOD JOB CHICHESTER POLICE DEPARTMENT!!!

Lt. Kitson asked the Board if Officer Loomis could purchase his vest.  He explained that once you wear a vest it is really only good for you as the vest it is fitted to your body measurements and molds itself to your body, and has a “shelf life” of approximately five years and his vest is four years old.  After some discussion the Board told Lt. Kitson that it was ok for Officer Loomis to purchase his vest for $50.00.  



Mr. Dave Paveglio has denied a building permit to Mr. Seth Moore.  Mr. Moore wanted to build a single-family dwelling on a parcel of land that had a 50-foot frontage.  According to the town’s ordinance, you need a 200-foot frontage in order to build a single-family dwelling.  

Mr. Joe Austin told Mr. Paveglio that he did not want his building permits.  Mr. Paveligo stated that all of Mr. Austin’s building permits were gone.



Ms. Burgess and Mr. Mahlstedt met with the Board regarding Mr. Richard Weeks property that is drawn on the tax map as being in the center of Mahlstedt’s property.  After a through review of all deeds and review of the agreement that was prepared by Ms. Burgess on the behalf of Mr. Mahlstedt and after the review by the town attorney, Mr. Bart Mayer, the Selectmen had decided  there was a discrepancy in the tax map and Mr. Weeks property should not be in the middle of Mr. Mahlstedt’s property.  The Board will advise the Planning Board of this error, and recommended to Mr. Malhstedt that he return to the Planning Board.



The Board asked Patty to contact Attorney Britain and ask him for his legal opinion regarding the validity of the agreement signed by Mrs. Founier and the Town of Chichester with respect to the use of the trailer located at Horse Corner Road.  



Selectman DeBold met with Town Attorney, Bart Mayer regarding the line of sight easement. Mr. Mayer questioned Selectman DeBold.  Was Mr. Robinson a party to the easement?  Who presented the subdivision to the Planning Board, is there a tie to Mr. Robinson and the sub division applicant?  Selectman DeBold present to Mr. Mayer the information the town has.  The plan that was submitted to the Planning Board was drawn by Thomas Moran on behalf of Charbonneau.  Mr. Robinson was informed of all meetings between Moran, Charbonneau and the Planning Board.  Based on all information presented to date the easement most probably does exist.  The Board asked Patty to send a letter to Mr. Robinson and to inform him that he must move the trailer back.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

The minutes of February 15, 2005 were approved.     

Legal correspondence, mail and e-mail were reviewed.  

Being no further business, the Chairman Colbert adjourned the meeting at 10:15pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Wooster
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Colbert

Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery