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September 7, 2004 - BOS
Chichester Board of Selectmen
September 7, 2004   

MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Administrator Lisa Stevens  

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:02pm.     

SUBJECT: All Hazmat Grant       
PRESENT: John Martell, Emergency Management Director      

Mr. Martell was asked for further explanation of expenses involved with the new l Hazmat Grant.  The Town of Chichester pays nothing out of pocket.  This money is a 50/50 matching grant. Half of the money is being paid to Hubbard Consulting for updating and printing costs for the new plans.  The remaining portion is John’s time to update the two existing plans, All Hazard and Emergency Operations. The State wants these updates done annually and will provide the grant money for towns to accomplish this.  The applicant’s share is paid by the grant money from the State.  Less than ten percent (10%) of the communities throughout the State have all three plans in place.  

The recent washout of Cross Road, due to the dam letting go during the rainstorm was discussed.  Mr. Martell needs to be notified immediately when situations such as this occur.  It is necessary to have pictures of the scene taken as soon as possible, to forward to the State.   Selectman DeBold has notified the State Dam Bureau. Mr. Martell will need the owner information for Hillcrest Campground to discuss the condition and repair of the dam and costs related to the recent washout.  

SUBJECT: Department Heads     
PRESENT: Road Agent, David Kenneally; Police Lieutenant, Bob Kitson; Building Inspector, David Paveglio

HYW – The department has been busy fixing roads and culverts that were damaged from the rainstorm.  The numbers are not complete yet for winter sand costs.  The pot holes on Staniels Road have been addressed.  The hot patch stays better than the cold patch.

The Road Agent asked the Selectmen to review the revised proposal from CLD regarding the engineering costs for the Webster Mills Bridge project and be ready to discuss it at the next meeting.  

PD – Lieutenant Kitson reported that Officer Corbett has had a great first week at the academy.  Lieutenant Kitson will not be hiring the officer from Loudon.  The schedules are being filled.  

Chairman Colbert and Selectman DeBold have looked at the condition of Blackman Bridge.  It has not been cleaned sufficiently.  Mr. Drew’s deadline to clean this was August 27, 2004.  The Board of Selectmen instructed Lieutenant Kitson to follow through with the summons to Mr. Drew.

BI – The building inspector was all set at this time.  He has worked on the revised building permits; however the process has not proceeded further because the draft documents from the Planning Board have not been forwarded as yet.  

SUBJECT: Elderly Housing Project-Trap Road  
PRESENT: Joe Austin  

Mr. Austin has received conditional approval for his 55 and older development project which will consist of 17 residential units.  This is the first of its kind project in town and Mr. Austin has two specific questions he wished to discuss this evening.  

Mr. Austin asked how he obtains driveway permits (as required to obtain a building permit) on a private road. Mr. Austin was granted a variance from the Board of Adjustment for driveway access across wetlands to reach his home.  The Planning Board has interpreted that as a road.  The driveways will be off that road.    After some discussion, it was learned Mr. Austin has received a permit from the State already, as ingress and egress are from Route 4/202, therefore that requirement has been satisfied and the building inspector would be able to issue a building permit.

Mr. Austin’s next question was whether or not the Growth Management Ordinance applied to what he believes is commercial development because the property is located within the commercial zone.

Initial reaction from the Selectmen was that these are going to be individual, residential dwelling units, separately owned, and would be subject to the Growth Management Ordinance; however the Board would like to review the Zoning in depth before giving any decision. A question to be considered is whether or not this project was considered a subdivision.  If so, Mr. Austin could apply for all the building permits, but would only be eligible for three (3) per year, as per zoning.  The Board will take this matter under advisement and respond back to Mr. Austin.

SUBJECT: Sealed Bid-Tax Deed Property-103 Hilliard Road
PRESENT: Mr. Larry Bellemere

The Board opened the one bid received for the tax deeded property, located at 103 Hilliard Road, in the amount of $101,001.00, from Mr. Larry Bellemere.  Motion Selectman DeBold and seconded by Selectman MacCleery to accept the bid from Mr. Bellemere, on face value and forward to the town attorney for conclusion of the sale.  All were in favor.

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A discussion took place regarding Mr. Jason Weir’s idea for the town to recognize those residents currently serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Mr. Weir discussed issuing each a plaque such as was issued to his grandfather in recognition of his service in World War II.

Ms. Hammen, from the Historical Society, researched past town reports and forwarded information to the Selectmen’s Office regarding the plaques that were given in the past.
Lisa will forward this information to Mr. Weir.

Chairman Colbert’s thoughts were to recognize those in a dedication in the annual town report.

Selectman MacCleery feels the town is already recognizing them with the monument located here at the Grange Building.

Selectman DeBold believes recognition is deserved but does not have an answer at this time on how best to pursue this topic.  

No decisive action was taken at this time.  The matter is still under consideration.

The Schreier’s have withdrawn their discretionary preservation easement application for this year.  The site visit scheduled for 6:00pm this evening, was cancelled.

The possible zoning violation regarding perpetual yard sales occurring on Dover Road was tabled.

Review of the draft budget worksheets took place and the budget deadline and meeting schedule was decided.  The deadline for 2005 budgets will be November 1, 2004.  Any warrant article that includes money must be included with the operating budget submittal.
Lisa will work on finalizing the budget worksheets to send out to all departments.  This will be the only form accepted by the Selectmen.  

Twelve resumes were reviewed for the Administrative Assistant position. Six candidates were selected for interviews.  A salary range of $32,000 - $35,000 was decided upon.  Lisa will contact those individuals and schedule interviews for Monday, September 13, 2004 from 6:00pm – 8:00pm, in the conference room of the Grange Building.

Selectman MacCleery informed the other Board members that the Board of Adjustment has received a new variance request from Mr. Mullaney. The Board of Adjustment has scheduled a public meeting to determine if a public hearing should be held.   The Board of Adjustment will need to check with town counsel to verify if they can act upon this new request while legal action is still pending on this same lot.

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The minutes of August 31, 2004 were approved as written.

Legal correspondence in regards to the courts decision on Mullaney case #0119 was reviewed.  The court has decided to consider the constitutionality of the Growth Management and Wetlands Ordinances.  

General correspondence and e-mail was reviewed.

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 11:15pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens

Chairman Colbert

Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery

                                                        NOT YET APPROVED

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