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September 28, 2004-BOS
Chichester Board of Selectmen
September 28, 2004

MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Colbert, Selectman MacCleery and pro tem Secretary Andrea Deachman

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:05pm.

SUBJECT: Department Heads
PRESENT: Dave Paveglio, Building Inspector, Mike Paveglio, Deputy Fire Chief, Bob Kitson, Police Lieutenant, Dave Kenneally, Road Agent, Bob Mann & Jeff Andrews, Conservation Commission

HWY: Dave has received quotes for winter sand if town picks up at Decatos cost would be $5.85 a yard all other quotes are $5.95 and up delivered. Dave feels that they can pick up on off days and save the town the extra money and the sand from Decatos is better than most.

The town can place new signs on Hutchinson Road but state regulations would be imposed and the posting would be 30 miles per hour, Dave will post when the selectmen tell him that is what they want.

Center Road will be approximately $10,000.00 to grind and $6,000.00 for gravel, the road is showing extreme ware and the winter will be even harder on the road. Dave feels he has enough in the summer budget remaining to fix the road. The Selectmen will discuss it in the next couple of weeks and let him know what they think.

Dave will go see Mr. Wolf at Millican Nursery to discuss Pleasant Street.

PD: Firearms training and 8 hours of required training are going to be reflected on the departments’ timesheets. Scott is scheduled to graduate on November 12, 2004. Chief Pat is doing well, looks like he maybe home on leave early December.

FD: Chief Prickett is at the Fire Academy. Deputy Paveglio stated that the ladder is in place on the third floor and will remain there.

There are logs in place for each truck, each driver is responsible for signing in and stating the purpose of the use. The dispatch association will have a significant increase up to approximately $4000.00, because of increased use.

Mr. Paveglio wanted to clarify the issuance of radios, they have purchased enough for ride positions not every member.

Handicapped parking spot is painted and now needs a sign. They would like to move the building sign to the other side of the parking lot, Mr. Paveglio will work on this the PD is willing to help with the cost.
Fire prevention week is next week and the fire department will be doing education at the school.

There are some repair issues with the roof and some windows, Mr. Paveglio has contacted Scott Tepper for assistance.

BI:  A bank is looking for a letter stating the existing building on a piece of property is not in violation of wetlands setbacks. Mr. Paveglio to send letter.

Dave has been granting permits for temporary elderly housing as it has always been the Building Inspector.

CC: The Commission has been in contact and negotiations about purchasing part of the Plummer property adjacent to the town hall for access to the conservation property at Marsh Pond. The pond is essential for the plans the conservation commission has for this property and would like the reassurance that the dam will be fixed before they continue negotiations with the Plummers. The Board will send a copy of the letter from DES when it is received.

SUBJECT: Hess lighting and signage
Present: Andy Lautenbacher; Northern Permit Manager; Real Estate Division, Maria Dolder, Hess Attorney

A sign inventory was preformed and they are aware they are over the allowable amount, they would like a letter stating the Boards opinion in writing about signage and illuminated signs. What was Exxon/Gulf approved for, that is what the brought to the Planning Board that they would not exceed what was existing. Board to discuss with Planning Board about signage at Hess. Hess requests to be on Planning Board agenda.

SUBJECT: Brandon & Katrina Giuda Current Use Change

Mr. Giuda presented the Board with a well-defined area of the property in question. When the assessor came to the property the woman may have looked at 7 or 8 acres but misclassified 17 acres. The house site is 3.25 acres and 34 acres is farmland, the remaining acreage should be classified as Current Use. The Driving Range was there before the Giuda’s purchased the property and they feel they should not be penalized for the change that occurred years ago. The Driving Range will no longer operate. The Board will take the assessment under advisement.

Page two of three, Board of Selectmen, September 28, 2004

SUBJECT: Hilliard Road Property
Present: Larry Bellemare

Chairman Colbert apologized for the deed not being signed. Mr. Bellemare was handed the keys to the property and assured that he would have the deed in hand as soon as Selectmen DeBold returned to town. Mr. Bellemare was satisfied.

SUBJECT: McKenzie Property Map 9, Lot 8

Mr. McKenzie came to the Board tonight after being notified by a postal friend that he had a piece of certified mail that was returned. Mr. McKenzie was aware that his abatement may take some time and thought that maybe it was approved and they sent the information out certified mail. After discussion it was a certified letter from the Planning Board regarding a Home Occupation on an abutters property. Mr. McKenzie doesn’t believe he has received any of his abatement information including the refund check. Chairman Colbert will make sure his address is changed and all information is forwarded on and research on the whereabouts of the check.

SUBJECT: General Business and Board Discussion

A call came into the office regarding a tree at Eunice Bates home damaging an automobile windshield and the owner requesting insurance information. The Board is requesting a police report and decide if the tree is town property or not.

Mrs. McKay is requesting another year Kids Vote at the November elections. All were in favor, permission granted.

The Board is still in the review process for an administrative assistant.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable. Minutes of September 21, 2004 were signed as written.

Chairman Colbert adjourned the meeting at 10:02pm

Respectfully submitted,

Andrea Deachman
Pro tem Secretary

Chairman Colbert

Stephen MacCleery
                                                        NOT YET APPROVED: