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September 21, 2004- BOS
Chichester Board of Selectmen
September 21, 2004

MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and pro tem Secretary Andrea Deachman

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:00pm.

SUBJECT: Marsh Pond Dam

Selectman DeBold took part in the inspection of the dam with State of New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (DES). It appears to be a man made concrete dam of considerable age. The dam is in desperate need of repair and DES will be contacting the owners requesting it be fixed or removed. Selectmen DeBold will provide the names of owners to DES; the town is part owner. Chichester Conservation Commission would like to discuss this with the selectmen next week September 28.

SUBJECT: Lighting
Present: Kate Hall & Katie Ruoff

Mrs. Hall & Mrs. Ruoff thanked the Board for their hard work on the lighting on Route 4.

The new concern of the group is the light attached to the building at the Weathervane Restaurant, the Board has received a letter of complaint and they will contact the approate personnel at the Weathervane Corporate Office.

A request of the group is that the selectmen send something out to the businesses with the lighting and signage zoning and then maybe the lighting group could follow up with the businesses to explain where adjustments needed to be made or even informational meetings with lighting professionals.  Mrs. Hall has drafted such a letter for the Boards review, the Board will take it under advisement.

SUBJECT: Road damage – Pleasant Street
Present: Mike Wolf – Millican Nurseries

Mr. Wolf came to explain to the Board that he is having paving done to his driveway entrances and would like to turn his 40-foot entrance into a 90-foot entrance. Also what to do about the road that is damaged at his driveway, he has estimates for the road repair but feels that this is not all his responsibility. He would like to work with the Road Agent to get the process going so the entire project can be done in late September early October. Chairman Colbert will contact the Road Agent to go visit Mr. Wolf. Mr. Wolf would also like to pave an area across the street where trucks go over the pavement into the gravel, he feels that it would be safer and would help avoid accidents with the trucks getting stuck. He will provide a letter stating he will maintain the area, and he will only pave within the towns’ right-of-way.

Mr. Wolf would also like to do more work at the cemetery next door. The Board referred him to Joanna McIntosh of the Cemetery Commission.

SUBJECT: Hilliard Road Property
Present: Larry Bellemare

Mr. Bellemare is formally giving the town final payment in full to meet the 20 day due by date. The Board will deposit the check and Tuesday September 28, 2004 the Board will sign the deed.

Selectman MacCleery made a motion and Selectman DeBold seconded to accept the check for payment in full and have a signed deed for Mr. Bellemare on September 28, 2004.


Selectmen MacCleery would like all departments to be consistent with time sheets, hours of work, start and end times and explanations of overtime, he feels the police department is a perfect example of how time sheets should be presented for payroll and it gives the departments greater accountably.

A line item needs to be added to the Road Agent for overtime in 2005 year budget, Chairman Colbert will discuss this with the Road Agent.

Erin has assessing and updated items for 2 to 3 hours of Avitar’s time, the Board was in agreement to have the items completed.

Concerns from the mapping company on a property line, the Board will send a letter to SEA stating we need to follow the surveyors plan and he has proved the town maps incorrect.

Eunice Bates has a concern with an old tree on her property, she states that she was informed by a former Selectman it was the towns’ responsibility. Chairman Colbert will go look at the tree and report next week as to who he feels is responsibility. The other Selectmen have already looked at the tree and will discuss it next week.

Ben Brown from the School Board stopped in to inform the Board that voting could take place at the school, but it would take notifying all the parents of the school closure for that day. The Selectmen decided that with moving around the upstairs they would be fine for this year. If needed it will be discussed the first of the year for calendar planning for next school year.


Selectman DeBold informed the Board that he had a wonderful discussion with Terry Knowles at the Attorney Generals Office about the Trust Funds. Ms. Knowles is very pleased with the books and she will write a letter about Mrs. Deachman’s meeting with her and how she feels we need 3 trustees on board. Selectman DeBold then spoke with Marie McKay to see if she would accept the appointment now the Attorney Generals Office was working with the Trustees, she graciously declined. The Trustee position and a budget member will be placed in the paper for recruitment.

A letter will be sent to Mr. Austin stating in the Boards opinion, he is required to meet the zoning on growth management and impact fees.

Brandon Giuda would like to be on the agenda for September 28, 2004

Selectman DeBold will be out of the state next week September 28, 2004

The Board is still in the process of reviewing applicants for the Administrative Assistant Position, Selectman DeBold will call the final applicants in for interviews in the near future.

The trash at the town offices will be handled by the Road Agent, Chairman Colbert to remind him.

Avitar will be asked about the wet basement on Paul property on Horse Corner Road.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable. General correspondence and e-mail were reviewed. The minutes of September 7, 2004 were approved as written.

Being no further business Chairman Colbert adjourned the meeting at 11pm

Respectfully submitted,

Andrea Deachman
Pro tem Secretary

Chairman Colbert

Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery
                                                                NOT YET APPROVED