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November 16, 2004 BOS
Chichester Board of Selectmen
November 16, 2004

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:05pm.

Present: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant.

SUBJECT:  Mr. & Mrs. Michael McKay’s occupancy permit.


Mr. McKay and Road Agent, David Kenneally met with the Board to discuss the McKay’s road approval from the Road Agent.  Mr. Kenneally advised the Board that the road was accepted.  Upon this acceptance Selectman DeBold made a motion to accept the 365 foot extension to Back Road and to upgrade the road from Class VI to Class V.  Chairman Colbert seconded the motion.  MOTION WAS APPROVED.

Mr. Kenneally advised Mr. McKay and Board that a driveway permit is needed.  Mr. Kenneally said that he would sign the driveway permit on Wednesday, November 17, 2004.

Mr. Kenneally advised the Board that beavers were building a dam at the side of Center Road.  He stated that the dam is on part of the road, if this continues the dam will cause major damage to the culvert.  Chairman Colbert said he could trap the beavers.  Mr. Kenneally will be contacting Fish and Game for advice as to how the dam should be removed.

The Board advised Mr. Kenneally that all sub-contractors vehicles’ registrations, inspections and insurance are current.  Patty advised Mr. Kenneally that the Selectmen’s office needs a copy of insurance coverage.

The Selectmen’s office and the Road Agent had been getting numerous calls regarding the cemetery located at Trap Road and Route 4, Map 3 Lot 68-8.  The callers were concerned about the cemetery being moved by Mr. Austin, the owner of the property.  Mr. Keneally went to the site and was shown the cemetery.  The cemetery has not been moved and is still intact.

Mr. Kenneally asked how the road department can spend their impact fees.  He was advised that the impact fees are only for capital improvements.


The mobile home located 15 Mason Road Lot 3 Map 28-21 has been removed from the property without paying the taxes as required by state law.  According to state law, before the mobile home can be removed the tax collector must sign a document stating that the taxes have been paid.  The Selectmen requested the tax collector send a tax bill to the Estate of Lily Harmond.

Selectman DeBold informed the Board that the Wetlands Committee met on November 15, 2004 and a public hearing is scheduled for December 2, 2004


The Board met with the Budget Committee to discuss procedure and scheduling of meetings with department heads.  The process will be as follows:

¨       Invite department heads beginning with the larger departments
¨       Department heads will present their budgets
¨       The Board and the Budget Committee will discuss each departments budget and will make recommendation
¨       Each department head will be advised of any major changes and will have the opportunity to come before the Board and the Budget Committee
¨       If the department heads are still not in agreement with the Board and the Budget Committee then the department heads can make their plea at the Budget Hearing and or Town Meeting.

The Board and the Budget Committee will strive to work together and it was agreed that they would try to keep the budget level.

The deadline for standard warrant articles is January 25, 2005.  All articles will be sent to the DRA for language check.

The Public Hearing is tentatively scheduled for February 8th, 2005 with an inclement weather date of February 9th, 2005.


General correspondence was reviewed.

Checks were signed

Being no further business, Chairman Colbert adjourned at 10:45PM.

Respectfully submitted:

Patty Wooster
Administrative Assistant

David Colbert, Chairman

Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery