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May 11, 2004 - BOS
Chichester Board of Selectmen
May11, 2004   

PRESENT: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Administrator Lisa Stevens

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:00pm.     

SUBJECT: Department Heads   
PRESENT: David Kenneally; Road Agent, David Paveglio; Building Inspector, Bob Kitson; Acting Police Chief, and Mike Paveglio, Deputy Fire Chief   

FD – Chairman Colbert had questions regarding the costs for the recent EMT classes held at the fire station.  Deputy Paveglio replied that was something the Board would have to discuss with the Chief.  It was Mr. Paveglio’s understanding that the Chief got paid half of the cost and that it had always been that way.  Chairman Colbert was under the impression town residents received the training at no cost.  

The Board asked Mr. Paveglio to set a date for the safety inspection at 228 Horse Corner Road.  A date of Thursday, May 13, 2004 at 6:30pm was scheduled.  Lisa will notify the homeowner.  

The generator is still not hooked up.  The electrician has stopped working on it.  The Fire Department needs to install a separate fuel tank for the generator.  That has not been done at this point.

Selectman MacCleery informed Mr. Paveglio he had spoken to Dennis Call regarding ownership of the fence at the fire station.  Selectman MacCleery was told the fence is located fifteen feet on the town’s property.

HYW- The department has been busy grading major roads, ditching, cleaning out culverts and in and around the dugouts at Carpenter Park.  The Board asked Mr. Kenneally to resolve the tree removal issue on West Road as soon as possible, making it a priority.

Selectman MacCleery asked why the roads were swept last month if the department was going to be ditching now and getting them dirty again.  Selectman MacCleery feels this was poor planning.  Mr. Kenneally said he was responding quicker this year to sweeping off the roads due to the fact of a lot of complaints last year that the roads were not swept.

Chairman Colbert reminded Mr. Kenneally that the stop sign on Center Road needs to be replaced. Also, Ms. Demers would like the wood from the tree that was removed from her property.

Selectman DeBold thanked the highway crew for the excellent job they had done grading the parking lot at Carpenter Park.  

The building inspector asked Mr. Kenneally to inspect two driveways on Healy Pasture Road.

A citizen’s question Mr. Mark Drew; he asked the road agent if the ditching being done on town roads is violating the town’s wetland ordinance.  Mr. Kenneally replied he is following the State Standards and Specifications on ditching.
Selectman MacCleery asked what the highway department would be working on in the upcoming two weeks.  Mr. Kenneally replied, ditching Bear Hill Road, finish grading;  the last of the major roads to be done was Hilliard Road before moving on to the secondary roads, and general maintenance.

Speed limits on Horse Corner Road were discussed.  The state section is posted for thirty-five (35) mile an hour and the town is thirty (30).  The Board of Selectmen agreed, for safety reasons, they should be the same.  Mr. Kenneally will order new signs and install them.  

PD- Lt. Kitson reported the new officer, Mr. Corbett, was a fast learner.  Mr. Corbett should be able to work alone by the end of June.  The work schedule is being filled.  Lt. Kitson brought to the attention of the Board of Selectmen, the need for additional space for the Police Department.  At present, they are very overcrowded and he would like to look into alternatives.  The Selectmen agreed to schedule a planning session between them, the Fire Department and the Police Department to discuss options for space needs.
The Police Department is looking to purchase a small pressure washer.  The highway department has one they can have.

BI – Mr. Paveglio is gathering information for revising the current building permit form.  The group discussed some objectives they would like to work on.  A planning schedule between the Selectmen, Building Inspector, and Road Agent was scheduled for June 8, at 7:30pm.  

SUBJECT: Wetlands Ordinance  
PRESENT: Mr. Mark Drew

Mr. Drew asked the Board of Selectmen if they had given any further thought as to what direction they might pursue in regards to the legality and enforceability of this ordinance.   Mr. Drew did correct himself in that the Town has the right to set ordinance which are stricter than the State guidelines.  Mr. Drew has spoken to State Senator Jack Barnes and engineer Peter Holden for assistance.  
The Planning Board did state to Mr. Drew that the ordinance pertained to an individual’s property going from boundary to boundary.  They did not require Mr. Drew to delineate wetlands on an abutting property.  

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The Board of Selectmen directed Lisa to contact the New Hampshire Municipal Association for review and oversight of the ordinance.

Selectman DeBold indicated that Bob Mann and Lee Ann Volatto, members of the Conservation Commission have expressed interest in working with the Planning Board on some guidelines to determine how/who will be required to delineate wetlands.  Selectmen DeBold would like to join that sub committee.  


The Board would like to go ahead with the researching of the unknown properties.  The Board will decide what steps they wish the surveyor to take and how many properties to work on.  There are a total of nine unknown properties.  

The Board had a general discussion of various zoning violations going on around town.  It is up to the Board of Selectmen to insure that the stipulations placed on an approval by the Planning Board, are followed through. Some questions were raised as to what approvals were given to Advanced Aerial.  Chairman Colbert will ask the Planning Board secretary.  It appears Advanced Aerial is running three (3) different businesses and may only have approval for one.  If this is the case, the Board will issue a Cease and Desist.   

The Barn Easement guidelines were not ready for review.  This item was again tabled until next week.  

The zoning violation on Staniels Road has been resolved.  The Board asked Lisa to send the homeowner a letter to that effect.

The square footage for signage at the Hess Station still needs to be measured.  Chairman Colbert and Selectman DeBold will try to get that done this week.

Payroll and accounts payable were signed and approved.

The minutes of May 4, 2004 were approved as corrected.  

General correspondence and e-mail were reviewed.

The Selectmen’s meeting for Tuesday, June 15, 2004 will have to be rescheduled.  Two Selectmen have children making their eighth grade graduation.  The Board agreed to reschedule the meeting that week to Wednesday, June 16, 2004.  

The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10:00pm.

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Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens

Chairman Colbert

Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery

                                                                APPROVED AS WRITTEN

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