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Mar 16, 2004 - BOS
Chichester Board of Selectmen
March 16, 2004   

PRESENT: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Administrator Lisa Stevens

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 6:05pm.     

SUBJECT: Highway Department
PRESENT: Road Agent, David Kenneally

David presented the Board with cost proposals for the heavy duty one-ton.  He asked for the Boards’ approval to order the truck.  He’s leaning towards Hillsborough Ford.  Selectman MacCleery asked him to try Irwin Motors in Laconia as the town currently does business with them for the police cruisers.   

David has contacted the state regarding the yellow approach sign on Route 4 indicating Towle/Mason Road.  The state informed him they would make the correction to the road name and replace the sign.  

SUBJECT: Junkyard Complaint- Cross Road
PRESENT: Tom Jameson  

Mr. Jameson asked the Board for an interpretation of the state statute on junkyards.  He has been dealing with this issue with his neighbor for a number of years now and is frustrated by what he believes to be a loophole in the law.  When he files a complaint, the homeowner registers the vehicles, but does not inspect them and make them road worthy.  He is concerned about proper disposal of gasoline and other fluids leeching from the stored vehicles.  The Selectmen agreed to forward this issue to the town attorney for clarification on the statutes, RSA 266:1 and RSA 236:12.  

The Board thanked Mr. Jameson for the copy of the town map.  The Board needs to review it for accuracy, make any changes, sign it and return it to the state for updating.

SUBJECT: Emergency Operations Plan – Final Draft
PRESENT: Emergency Management Director, John Martell; Consultant Jane Hubbard; and resident Dave Vallencourt; who works for the Office of Emergency Management  

Jane updated the Board on the changes made to this update; the signature page will have to be updated to reflect the new selectman, a radiological Annex has been included, resource list may need updating, the two radio frequencies should be included, and the school plan section needs to be added.  Discussion included training on the Incident Command Structure, implementing a training drill (there is grant money available for this as well) and making those individuals that have a role, know the role that is assigned to them.  Mr. Vallencourt encouraged the Board to apply for and make use of the Homeland Security Grant money to design a mock scenario and schedule a three step training program to implement this drill.  The three steps are tabletop discussion, a functional drill and a full-scale drill.  Mr. Vallencourt recommends hiring someone to plan this drill. Suggested topics were; HAZMAT spill, school lock-down or a weather event.

SUBJECT: Hilliard Road –Map 7 Lot 2
PRESENT: Larry Bellmere

Mr. Bellmere once again asked to the Board to consider putting the property up for sale. He asked the Board to contact the town attorney and get clarification of RSA 80:88.  Mr. Bellmere believes the town did not get an accurate interpretation or understanding from previous counsel.  The Board is under the impression if they hold onto the property for three years, when they sell it they are entitled to receive any additional proceeds from the sale. The Selectmen agreed to forward this issue to the attorney for his opinion and clarification.

Motion Selectman DeBold and seconded by Selectman MacCleery to elect Selectman Colbert as Chairman of the Board of Selectmen.  All were in favor.

The Board reviewed a sample weight limit ordinance for enforcement of penalties.  Discussion involved regarding procedure for establishing a town ordinance.  Lisa will research and get back to the Board.  

Start time for the weekly meetings was discussed.  The Board agreed to go back to the 7pm start effective April 6, 2004.  This will better accommodate the working schedules of the Selectmen.  Appointments will begin at 7:30pm with the exception of department heads beginning at 7:00pm on their scheduled second and fourth Tuesday’s of the month.  

The Board reviewed vacancies on other town boards and commissions and made recommendations for both.  

Ex-officio for the Board of Adjustment will be Steve MacCleery.
Ex-officio for the Planning Board will be Richard DeBold.
Ex-officio for the BCEP Solid Waste will be David Colbert.

The Board appointed Marie McKay as Trustee for the Trust Funds to fill the vacancy of Carolee Davison due to her winning the election for Treasurer, the Board re-appointed Dennis Call to the BCEP, John Martell as the Emergency Management Director and Budget Committee member; Jeff Jordan, Louis Barker and Mark McIntosh to the Board of Adjustment; and Brad Towle, Peter Wade, and Fred Chagnon as alternates to the Planning Board and Mike Stamowlaros, Martin Lawrence and Ronald Lesieur as Planning Board members.
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Suggestions for the remaining vacancies were discussed and the Board would like Lisa to contact those individuals and arrange for them to meet with the Board.

The office assistant position is currently being advertised in the NHMA publication Town & City and is scheduled for the newspapers next week. Lisa will post it on the bulletin board, at the library and on the web.   

Payroll increases were approved for the Town Administrator and the Road Agent.  Other employee increases are approved by the respective department heads.   

Mail and e-mail was reviewed.  Accounts payable and payroll were signed.

The Board signed two intent to cuts; Bailey and Dalbec.

The minutes of March 2, 2004 were approved as written.   

The Board reviewed the legal file regarding pending litigation.

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10:50pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens

Chairman Colbert

Richard DeBold

                                                                APPROVED AS WRITTEN
________________________________                        3/23/04
Stephen MacCleery

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