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Feb 10, 2004 - BOS
Chichester Board of Selectmen
February 10, 2004  

PRESENT: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman Arey and Administrator Lisa Stevens

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 6:00pm.   

SUBJECT: Department Heads  
PRESENT: Lt. Kitson, David Kenneally, Mike Paveglio and Dave Paveglio

PD- Lt. Kitson stated all shifts were being covered for now.  He asked the Board to consider a compensation policy, such as Chief Clarke’s, for himself, since he is putting in hours in excess of forty-five (45) a week.  The Board said they would discuss it and get back to him with an answer.  

HYW- There has been some problems with culverts backing up.  A recent charge for pressure washing of a culvert on Horse Corner Road was discussed.  It is the responsibility of the homeowner to maintain their culverts.  Mr. Kenneally has spoken to the homeowner who assured him it would be repaired in the spring.    

FD – There is still an increase in call volume.  New volunteers have joined the department; the fire department will be scheduling some training sessions for the new recruits and all fire department members.  

BI- Mr. Paveglio has been involved with several inspections at the new building for Gary’s RV.   He has been accompanied by the State Plumbing Inspector, Mr. Pender.  There appear to be no traps in the drains under the concrete floor.  The State inspector has informed the contractor that there must be floor drains installed.  The floor will have to be cut.  The building inspector will not be issuing a Certificate of Occupancy until the drains have been properly installed with traps and inspected by the State.

Mr. Paveglio asked for clarification on issuance of a building permit on Granny Howe Road.  The information on the tax map and the tax card in the office state conflicting information.  The Board advised Mr. Paveglio to make his decision based on the tax map.   
Lisa will correct the tax card and talk to Avitar about updating all zones in Civicware.

Mr. Paveglio updated the Board on his meeting with the Planning Board.  Should he not be able to determine the wetlands boundaries, he will need to go to the Wetlands Board.

SUBJECT:  Public Hearing 2004 Proposed Budget
PRESENT: Department Heads, Budget Committee, Board of Selectmen, Moderator Doug Hall and 20 members from the public

Moderator opened the public hearing at 7:05pm.
The moderator gave a brief introduction stating procedures for the meeting and explaining the format we would be discussing.  The MS-6 form was used to go over the accounts within the budget, and any breakdown within the department could be followed along with the budget worksheet.  The purpose of referring to both documents was to alleviate a lot of general questions such as what kind of expenses were included within each department.  

Chairman Colbert introduced the head table and gave a brief explanation of the changes within the budget due to the reallocation of expenses.  Expenses are broken down more finitely within their respective departments and the accounting is a more detailed compilation of the New Hampshire Chart of Accounts for Fund Accounting.  Chairman Colbert further explained that while it appears some lines are overspent, you also will see other lines greatly reduced.  The group followed along with a written copy.  

Question - What was mortgage research?
Answer- The Board would like to start research on the unknown properties to prove ownership and get them back on the tax rolls.
Question-What does the increase for the Administrative Assistant include?  
Answer – This is an increase in hours as well as a substantial increase to bring the position, now formerly a Town Administrator, more in line with the State average.  This provoked much discussion.  Selectman DeBold stated the Board has done extensive research regarding this salary and advised the group to do their own research utilizing the Wage, Benefit and Salary Survey Book, published by the New Hampshire Municipal Association.  Selectman DeBold explained the Board compared salaries and positions within the population group that Chichester is among.  Mr. Giuda stated he also did a comparison, but with the neighboring towns that are closer in size to Chichester’s population.  It was also pointed out number of hours currently worked in this position, duties and responsibilities of this position, and number of additional staff, are all components that were compared when proposing this increase.  
Question – Is there a plan in place to move the position in line or mid range as far as salary was concerned.
Answer – No.
Question – Does Lisa need more courses to learn the job?  Is there training being taken advantage of?
Answer – There is always more that can be learned to further her knowledge but Lisa has a lot of municipal experience already and yes she does take advantage of workshops and the Board has increased the amount for training for all the office staff.  Selectman Arey informed the group he had changed his opinion on the office needing more than one person to staff it.  In fact, there is an additional five (5) hours proposed for the assistant position.  The Board has started the hiring process and is looking for an experienced bookkeeper to fill this position.  
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Mr. Giuda thought the moderator stipend was too high.  This cost is based on the number of meetings during the year.
Mr. Wolf felt the Planning Board fees should pay for the secretarial costs.  Why can’t we raise the fees paid by the applicant to cover this cost?  The Board informed Mr. Wolf he would have to discuss that with the Planning Board.  

The increase in the secretarial pay for the Board of Adjustment is do to an increase in activity for that board.

4140-Election/Registration/Vital Statistics
Question-Why are we doing away with fees and going to salary?
Answer – In the past the Town has asked why not go to a salary.  Chichester is one of the last remaining towns still on a fee basis.  

Question – What does this expense include?
Answer- This is the cost of the annual assessing contract for yearly pickup work and general assessing work relative to abatements, land use change tax, exemptions and new subdivision.  The tax maps are updated yearly according to the subdivision activity.

Question – Why the increase, do we still have the same attorney?
Answer- The increase is due to pending litigation and ongoing issues.  Yes, we have a new town attorney, Barton Mayer from Upton & Hatfield.

4155-Personnel Administration  
Question-Please explain the changes in the Health Insurance.
Answer- Health Insurance costs have risen 13.2 % this year. The Selectmen updated employee policies over the past year and took a hard look at what benefits the town was paying, as asked by the townsfolk at last year’s town meeting.  The Board revised it’s compensation for health insurance from 80% to 90%, for a two-person or family package and 100% single coverage for full time employees working forty (40) hours a week.  Regular part time employees working 32.5 hours a week are eligible for 80% single coverage, and 70% of a two-person or family.  
In the past, the town has not budgeted for the eligibility of the position, but rather by the employee in that position. The Board feels it fiscally responsible to budget the insurance in this manner.  Also, the town clerk and road agent, although eligible, have not elected to   receive the insurance, this will change this year.  And the increase in the police department amount is,  should the town vote to hire a new full time police officer, we have budgeted for a family plan allowance.  This line would be reduced by that amount if the third officer did not get approved.  

Mr. Giuda asked that the Board consider increasing this account by $600.00 for the printing of the Master Plan.
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Question – Why the stipend for the Chairman?  Do other towns do this?
Answer – Chairman Colbert explained that the members of the Planning Board proposed this for the Chairman.  This is for services outside of the monthly meetings and the Board did query other towns and got a variety of answers.  One town pays all its members, most do not pay any.  

4194-General Government Buildings
Question- Why was this line reduced by so much?
Answer- The Selectmen asked the departments that are responsible for buildings to put the cost of utilities and repairs back into their respective budget to accurately track total expenses for that department.
Question – Cleaning Services, why the increase?
Answer – The cost is fifty ($50.00) per week and includes upstairs and down of the Grange Building.
Question- Why is there a telephone in the community building?
Answer- Safety, there are two phones, one upstairs and one downstairs.

Question- Is there a contract for mowing?
Answer- Selectman Arey responded, saying yes there is a contract with Northeast Landscaping, it does go out for bid and explained how often each cemetery was cut.
Selectman Arey also stated that by statute the Selectmen have no authority over the cemeteries, only the Cemetery Trustees do.  

4197- Advertising & Regional Associations
Question- Why the increase?
Answer – More activity during meetings generates more public notices.  Some of this cost is offset by revenues.  

4199- Other General Government
Question What is 4199-22?
Answer – This is the $16,000 for the ambulance lease payment.

4210-Police Department
Question – Why the large increase?
Answer- Lieutenant Kitson gave an overview of the proposal in the budget for hiring a third full time officer due to the deployment of Chief Clarke.  The Selectmen and Budget Committee wished for the townsfolk to decide at what level they wanted the police department staffed.  This proposal represents the highest cost.  There were handouts available representing two other options; two additional part time officers or doing nothing.  

Question- What are the current number of personnel at the police department?
Answer – 2 full time officers and 8 part time officers

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Question-What is included in the telephone expense? Why is there internet access?
Answer- The telephone line includes the cell phones and the internet is used for tracking the weather forecast and ordering parts and supplies.

Question- Are the shed expenses going to cost less? If not, is there enough money in those lines?
Answer – The Board will review these costs.
A suggestion was made to look at the process for budgeting the winter fund and consider taking a one year hit to budget this line appropriately.
The Board will be putting the fuel oil out to bid next year.

Question – Where is the funding for the Webster Mills Bridge?
Answer – In the proposed warrant article.

4316-Street Lighting
Question – Can we turn off the light at Carpenter Park?
Answer – The town is charged a flat rate ($300.00) whether the light is turned on or not.  The police department believes it to be a necessary safety factor at the park.

4324-Solid Waste
Mr. Giuda made a general comment that he was very pleased with the $150.00 per household cost for removal of trash and the results of the Master Plan Survey indicated as such. This was a very good deal for the resident of Chichester.

4415-Health Agencies & Hospitals
Questions-are we donating to a hospital?
Answer – No, these funds are for two health care agencies who offer services to the residents of Chichester.  Traditionally, the Selectmen approve these requests.

4445-Vendor Payments
Questions- What are included?
Answer – This money is for heating, housing, transportation or food for those eligible for assistance.

4520-Parks & Recreation
Question- Is the grounds maintenance put out for bid?
Answer – Yes.

4619-Other Conservation
Mr. Mann explained the funding for Land Use Change Tax last year included two years payments.  He advised the Board to review that line again.

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4723-Interest on Tax Anticipation Notes
The Town did not have to borrow money this year due to the combined efforts of the Administrator, Treasurer, Tax Collector and School Treasurer.  The Board would like to see this trend continue before no longer funding this budget line.

4902-Capital Outlay
Question- Is there money put away for replacing any of this equipment?
Answer- The Capital Reserve Funds.  The CIP is designed for long range planning and the road agent should have that in his overall plan for the highway department needs.

The discussion moved on to the Warrant Articles.

Lisa explained the difference between special warrant articles and individual or one time warrant articles.

Article – Thunder Bridge Capital Reserve

The Historical Society is awaiting official notice that the bridge has been placed on the National Historic Register.  Establishment of this fund is for the preservation of the bridge, foremost is the re-painting that is needed.  This $10,000 is the first installment of a total cost of $40,000.  This project is included in the CIP.

Article- Town Office Copier

This article will replace the current copier, using Capital Reserve Funds, and allow the Board of Selectmen to become agents of the Office Equipment Capital Reserve Fund so that each year authorization for this lease payment may be part of the operating budget.   
Mr. Giuda asked, why digital?  His law office has been unhappy with digital and asked if the Board had looked at analog copiers as well.  The Board has researched all options, purchasing v. leasing, digital v. analog.  

Article-Full time Fire/Rescue Chief

Mr. Paul Sanborn stated the proposed expense included all associated costs for the position.  This funding is for 7/10 of one year as the hiring would not take place until May.

Article-Center Road
This article is for the repair and repaving of Center Road.  The Road Agent, Mr.
 Kenneally explained the project to the audience.
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 Article – Hutchinson Road

This article is for the continuation of work for the upgrading of Hutchinson Road.  This phase will be installation and repair of culverts.  The materials have already been purchased; this cost is for trucking and labor.  Chairman Colbert commended Mr. Kenneally on the job the highway department did on the first phase of the road project.
Kudos to Dave and his crew.

Article – Police Cruiser

All funding is from the Capital Reserve Fund.  This vehicle will remain in the fleet and be used for the on-call officer and police details.  This purchase will bring the total of the fleet to four.

Article-Highway Truck (one-ton)

This article purposes funding from the operating budget placed this article on the warrant to show the expense to the townspeople.  

Article-Highway truck – 6-wheel

Mr. Giuda asked the Board why they were in favor of this expense and if they have done cost comparisons.  The Chairman explained that the town is paying huge costs in sub-contracting and the Board feels it is time to move away from being dependent on the sub-contractors.  It is the responsibility of the Selectmen to oversee the highway department and insure that maintenance of equipment is taking place.  Mr. Kenneally stated he has done cost comparisons and will make available a copy to Mr. Giuda.

A suggestion was made for the Board to consider moving the ballot vote articles together to save time at town meeting.

Revenues were reviewed and explained to the body.

The moderator expressed gratitude to the Selectmen, Budget Committee and the staff for all the hard work performed in preparing this year’s proposed budget.

The audience expressed the ease of understanding the expenses due to the budget worksheet breakdown.  It was very helpful.

The moderator ended the public hearing at 9:40pm.

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The Board signed accounts payable and payroll.

The Board approved the minutes of the February 3, 2004 work session as written and the minutes of February 4, 2004, as corrected.
The Board tabled all other business.

The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10:00pm.  

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens

Chairman Colbert

Richard DeBold

Harold Arey

                                                        APPROVED AS WRITTEN

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