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August 17, 2004-BOS
Chichester Board of Selectmen
August 17, 2004   

MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Administrator Lisa Stevens  

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:03pm.     

The 7:00pm appointment was cancelled at Lieutenant Kitson’s request.

SUBJECT: Conservation Commission - Web Page Updates   
PRESENT: Deb Soule, Lee Ann Valotto  

Ms. Soule presented the Board with a packet of information relating to the ongoing activities of the Commission that they would like to see included on the town web site.
The information included links to sources for related information for the user to research further if they would like to, along with the Natural Resources Inventory.  The Board would like time to review the information packet in depth and be kept informed on any updates.  The town currently uses Virtual Town Hall for our web page design. The only function being done on the town’s end is to cut and paste the minutes, agendas and public notices into the digital file cabinet. Lisa will forward the contact information for Virtual Town Hall to Ms. Soule so she may discuss with them the process for adding and editing the template itself. She will also consult with the town’s Information Technology Support person for recommendations.  A copy of all information will be forwarded to the Selectmen’s Office and Selectman DeBold via e-mail.

SUBJECT: Unknown Lot, Map 4, Lot 62  
PRESENT: Mr. Charlie Garland; Boundary Line Research

Mr. Garland has further researched the title on Map 4, Lot 62. The probate records of Beatrice Annis were reviewed. There is no evidence that this was a separate lot. It appears when the estate sold what is described as two separate tracts (not necessarily separate parcels) of land; the estate believed it had sold the entire piece of real estate owned in Chichester, identified as lot 66. It is Mr. Garland’s belief that when the tax maps were created, the lot was mistakenly depicted as a separate lot and that is why no one has known the true ownership. Mr. Garland recommended a new deed be issued to clear up the mistaken tax collector’s deed and to notify the owner of lot 66 and advise them the acreage will be added to lot 66 unless they can show evidence stating otherwise.  


Legal correspondence, general correspondence and e-mail were reviewed.

Correspondence was received from Attorney Waters relative to Dickinson Cycle. Dickenson Cycle is reapplying to the State Division of Motor Vehicles for a vehicle dealer license.  As part of this process, a letter from the Town indicating approval of this business is needed.  Motor vehicles has contacted the Planning Board on several occasions and been told the letter would be issued.  The Department of Motor Vehicles has been waiting for this letter since June.  Subsequently, Dickerson Cycles has been informally told by the Planning Board that the business would have to submit to a complete site review process.  Dickerson Cycles is maintaining they are an existing business and this does not apply to them. Attorney Waters is requesting the Board of Selectmen attend to this matter.  Selectman DeBold as ex-officio on the Planning Board will contact Chairman Scott and inquire as to the status.

The Selectmen reviewed the file for the building project on 95 Harvest Road.  Motion Selectman MacCleery and seconded by Selectman DeBold since the subdivision plan states impact fees were assessed at one thousand dollars ($1,000) per lot and they have been paid on the entire subdivision, the Board of Selectmen have no right to assess any further impact fee.  All were in favor.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

The Board signed a Land Use Change Tax for Map 9, Lot 41A.

The minutes of August 10, 2004 were approved as corrected.  Under subject, highway, third sentence, change the last word to read “but”, instead of “put”    and same paragraph, sixth sentence, change the word “grinded”, to “ground”.

The assessing Request for Proposals can be mailed out.  This includes the annual assessing work and the beginning of the cyclical updates.

A discussion took place regarding maintenance needed on Center Road.  During last weeks meeting, the Road Agent was asked by Chairman Colbert if some of the problem spots could be cold patched.  The Road Agent suggested regrinding a length of that road instead.  The Board would like to see a plan stating cost and details on how this could be accomplished within this year’s budget, before making a decision.  

 A response to inquires from the group concerned about light trespass was drafted.  The group would specifically like to know if the town can enforce the ordinance when a business comes under new ownership if the new business is the same or similar type of business as the previous owner.  It is the Selectmen’s opinion that change of ownership does not trigger site review therefore any current conditions would not be subject to the new zoning unless they fall into the category of a hazard, nuisance, and health or safety risk.  

Town counsel has previously given an opinion that pre-existing lighting is exempt from the new ordinance and existing businesses could not be required to change their lighting already installed on the site.

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As to any businesses the group felt were in violation of glare and light trespass, the Board asked them to bring the complaint to them in writing and they will address it.

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10:10pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens

Chairman Colbert

Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery

                                                        APPROVED AS WRITTEN

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