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April 20, 2004 - BOS
Chichester Board of Selectmen
April 20, 2004   

PRESENT: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Administrator Lisa Stevens

Motion Selectman DeBold and seconded by Selectman MacCleery to open the meeting at 7:05pm.

Motion Selectman MacCleery and seconded by Selectman DeBold, at 7:06pm, to enter into non-public session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3,ll(b), to interview a candidate for the office assistant position.  All were in favor.

Motion Selectman DeBold and seconded by Chairman Colbert to come out of non-public session at 7:35pm.  All were in favor.  No votes were taken.

SUBJECT: Home Business-Mattress Maker  
PRESENT: Mr. Shibles

The complaint filed with the Board of Selectmen was that the Shible’s were operating a business from two separate locations.  Mr. Shibles presented the Board with information to verify his daughter is the owner of the store located in Concord, therefore proving he is not in violation of the zoning ordinance.  The Board will look over the documents and get a response back to Mr. Shibles.

SUBJECT: Presentations engineering Costs- Webster Mill Bridge
PRESENT: Chris Bean and Joanne Fryer from CLD Engineering; Road Agent, David Kenneally  

Mr. Bean gave a brief introduction about his company’s history stressing the points that, his firm will cater to the needs of the town and that they can give the town a great value for the dollar.  Mr. Bean then introduced his colleague, Joanne Fryer, who presented different options for the bridge repair or replacement.  

Joanne pointed out the key issues as she saw them for the project are; the need for a weight limit upgrade, the scheduling of the work, and grade issues with the road. Joanne stated the most cost effective project would be a “con-span” bridge.

Selectman DeBold asked if a hydraulic study will be necessary.  Ms. Fryer responded yes, but on a limited basis, during the initial engineering phase.  

The service life of the new bridge is estimated to be seventy-five (75) years.  

Mr. Kenneally asked how many municipal bridge projects the company has done in the last three (3) years.  Ms. Fryer’s response was five (5) to eight (8).

SEA Consultants; Gloria Andrews and Wade Brown

Mrs. Andrews began the presentation stating her company has completed over fifty-seven (57) municipal bridge projects in over thirty (30) towns, seven (7) of them with the Town of Weare.  Considerations she felt important for the town were; construction duration and  time frame(not wanting to interrupt the bus schedules), rehabbing the bridge versus a complete bridge replacement, roadway safety and design options.  Ms. Andrews associate, Mr. Brown explained the design options and their individual attributes.

Holden Engineering; Bill Rossignol and Tom Levins

Mr. Rossignol informed the Board he has worked a lot with the State and knows what they will expect for this project.  Mr. Rossignol is a former Department of Transportation employee.  Mr. Rossignol explained that Holden Engineering would be performing the  work and there would be a cost savings to the town that way.  Holden Engineering thinks outside the box, looking at all options.  A timber bridge is a good possibility on this site, should the town decide they would like to replace the bridge with a timber bridge.  A timber bridge fits into the length and economy of this project.  Some factors to think about in advance would be; minimize the road closure, making sure utility poles are re-located if necessary; look at the profile of the roadway, trying to eliminate the bridge being the low spot of the roadway, keeping in mind the load capacity of the bridge; and correcting any structural abutment concerns.  A “con-span” bridge is the least expensive option in a bridge of this length.  

Mr. Levins talked about the possibility of the road agent acting as the general contractor with eighty (80) percent of those costs coming back to the town.  Holden Engineering would be out making site inspections and assisting during the project, the New Hampshire Department of Transportation does not come out to inspect until the project is finished.   

Mr. Kenneally asked the gentleman how many municipal bridges they have done in the last three (3) years.  The answer was seven (7).

This project is on the State list for fiscal year 2007, which means the project can begin in July of 2006.

Selectman DeBold asked about the need for a hydraulic study.  Mr. Rossignol answered the waterway opening is adequate, which minimizes the amount of hydraulic study needed.

The Selectmen will discuss all three proposals with the road agent at next week’s selectmen’s meeting.

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Before leaving, Selectman MacCleery asked the road agent about his overtime and asked that he please keep a watch on it. Selectman MacCleery also discussed the repair of a stone wall on Lane Road with Mr. Kenneally. It was recommended in the future to photograph the situation and speak with the homeowner before any work is done.  


The 2004 season, grounds keeping bids were opened by Selectman DeBold.  The following bids were received;
        Advantage Lawn Care & Landscaping       $6,341.50
        Neva Dunn Farms                         $7,250.00       
        Northeast Landscaping                   $6,960.00
        Saints Lawn Care                                $6,720.00
        Mailhot Enterprises                             $9,000.00  

Motion Selectman DeBold and seconded by Selectman MacCleery to award the 2004 grounds keeping bid to Advantage Lawn Care.  All were in favor.

An application for a discretionary easement has been received.  Selectman DeBold is still working on draft guidelines.   He will try to bring a final version to the Board next week.  A map is needed to complete the application.  Lisa will notify the homeowners.

Applicants for the office position were discussed.  Motion Chairman Colbert and seconded by Selectman DeBold to offer the position to Ms. Donna Baker.  The vote was two (2) in favor, one (1) opposed.  The motion carries.  

The payroll increase policy was discussed and amended by a motion from Selectman DeBold and a second from Selectman MacCleery.  All were in favor.  Lisa will have it ready for signatures next week.  

The town map has been updated.  The Board signed the copy showing the changes.  Selectman DeBold will forward it to Mr. Jameson at New Hampshire Department of transportation.  

The pump in the well at Carpenter Park is going to be repaired.  There is not a need to replace the well.  

Mail and e-mail was reviewed.

Payroll and accounts payable was signed.  The minutes of April 13, 2004 were approved as corrected.

The Hess zoning violation was once again tabled until next week.

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Being no further business, the chairman adjourned the meeting at 11:15pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens

Chairman Colbert

Richard DeBold

                                                                APPROVED AS WRITTEN  _________________________                                  4/27/04
Stephen MacCleery

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