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Selectmen's Minutes September 09, 2003
Chichester Board of Selectmen
 September 9, 2003

Present: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman Arey and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 6:00pm.

SUBJECT: Department Heads   
PRESENT: Police Chief Patrick Clarke, Road Agent David Kenneally, Building Inspector David Paveglio.  Fire Chief John Prickett arrived at 6:30pm.

Hyw- David will be completing the work on Hutchinson Road at the end of the month.  
The highway department has been working on fixing culverts on Hilliard Road, slight
ditching and grading on Bailey Road.  A lot of culverts around town need delineators.  The department is addressing them as they go.  The Flanders property has been cleaned of debris.  Re-securing the house still needs to be done.  David and the Selectmen are very pleased with the roadside mowing taking place this year.  

Police- Pat had some general questions about the format for next year’s budget request.
Next year will be a request for a new cruiser and the cost for the implementation of on call coverage after midnight. There will be a DWI Saturation Patrol this weekend.  The National Guard Helicopter flyover is scheduled for the end of the month.

Bldg. Inspector- Dave asked for the Board’s opinion on the letter being sent to residents on Connemara Drive from Mr. Mullany. Should the town seek a legal opinion?  At this time the Board will forward the letter to the Planning Board for their comment and advice before proceeding to counsel.

Another question was- Are in-law apartments allowed in basements or existing dwellings?  What makes them a multi –family?  For assessing purposes, once a second kitchen is installed in a dwelling it is considered a two family.  The Selectmen advised Mr. Paveglio to have the resident put his plans in writing to the Planning Board.  The Board of Selectmen considers this to be a change in use and must be looked at by the Planning Board.  

Fire-   Budget preparations were discussed. The Selectmen are requesting from departments that are responsible for buildings, that they show those line items for utilities and maintenance within their own department budget.  How to split the safety building expenses between the police and fire was discussed.  

Selectman Arey asked the major departments to look into our own facility for fuel allowing us to do away with service from Peterborough Oil.  The Town of Belmont recently constructed a facility and Chief Prickett will inquire as to cost.  Chief Clarke will contact NHDES and inquire about regulations to do so.

General Business/Board Discussion -

The Board asked Lisa to send a letter to Mr. Luksza regarding the status of his complaint.  

A letter of complaint was reviewed regarding placement of a fence on Bear Hill Road.  The Board directed Lisa to reply to the homeowner.  

A memo from Paul Adams will be forwarded to the BCEP.  

Selectman DeBold will attend the Forestry Workshop with Lisa on October 3rd.

The revaluation letter composed by Doug Hall will be made available at the town hall, the library and the TDS telephone office as a tool for residents to further understand how the new property value will affect their tax rate.  Lisa will put an ad in the Suncook Sun notifying homeowners. Residents will be receiving notice of their new value in a mailing from Avitar Associates of NE., Inc. at the end of this week and hearings are scheduled to begin next week upstairs in the grange hall.   

Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45pm.  

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Colbert

Richard DeBold

Harold Arey                                             Approved As Written   

Page two of two, September 9, 2003