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Selectmen's Minutes September 30, 2003
Chichester Board of Selectmen
September 30, 2003

Present: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman Arey and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 6:04 pm.

SUBJECT: New Budget Format
PRESENT: Earl Weir

The Board reviewed the budget format from the new software system.  Lisa and Earl have spent a substantial amount of time breaking down the individual sub accounts within a department’s budget.  Budgeting is based on history and you need to charge accurately in order to have a true budget picture.  The Selectmen were very pleased with the results and told Lisa and Earl it was exactly what they were looking for and to continue with their blessing.

SUBJECT: Mullaney Request
PRESENT:  Planning Board Chairman Tracy Scott, Planning Board Secretary Andrea Deachman, Building Inspector Dave Paveglio  
The group reviewed recent correspondence sent to each respective department and discussed what portion of the information they would be responsible for compiling and to whom. Open communication between the departments is very important to maintain the accuracy of data being collected for this case.  Each department involved was asked to forward copies of any letters or requests received from Mr. Mullaney or his attorney to the selectmen’s office.
Discussion of Mr. Mullaney’s letter regarding the new Wetland Ordinance, being sent to homeowners on Connemara Drive was discussed next.  The Board was concerned that Mr. Mullaney’s letter gives an erroneous impression to property owners.   
The Selectmen instructed the building inspector to notify those homeowners who have called that they are subject to the new wetlands setbacks as passed by ordinance at last year’s town meeting.  Once an ordinance is enacted by a vote of the town everyone is subject to it.

SUBJECT: Revaluation  
PRESENT: Andrea Lewy,CNHA-Avitar Associates of NE.,Inc.

Ms. Lewy went over the final figures determined in the revaluation of the town.  She explained in detail the sales comparisons analysis used to determine values for vacant and improved lots.

The report from monitor David Hynes from the Department of Revenue was discussed in detail.  Andrea feels it is not a fair report and will be following up with the State for justification and clarification of subjects scored.  Andrea explained the property record card and how to interpret the data contained within.

SUBJECT: Property  Value Appeal-Perry Brook Rd
PRESENT: Mr. McKenzie

Mr.McKenzie missed the opportunity for a hearing with Avitar.  He was present to ask the Board to consider his appeal of value. At this time Mr. McKenzie per statute, must wait to file his appeal until after the final tax bill is issued in December.  The values have been set and placed on the MS-1, those figures will be used in the tax rate calculations set by the Department of Revenue.  


The upcoming ZBA meeting was discussed.  Motion  Chairman Colbert and seconded by Selectman DeBold to recommend Ed Meehan, Ben Brown, Doug Hamel, Steve MacCleery and ex – officio Richard DeBold as voting members and Ben Daroska, Lou Barker and Mark McIntosh as alternates.  All were in favor.  

Selectman DeBold updated the other two members on the status of the well repair at Carpenter Park.  Richard will contact the insurance company to file a claim on the damages caused by a lightening strike and follow-up with Taskers Well Company.

The review of the employee policies was tabled until next week.

Selectman Arey informed the Board there would be no increase in Chichester’s contribution to next year’s BCEP budget.

A plan is needed to keep the assessments updated.  Some ideas were tossed around but no action was taken.

Selectman Arey asked Selectman DeBold if any updated guidelines for the Discretionary Preservation Easements.  Richard did not have any update.

Chairman Colbert asked the Board to review the snowmobile trail easement prior to next weeks’ board meeting.  
Letters of concern regarding a newly placed stop sign on Granny Howe Road were reviewed.  Lisa will contact the road agent for further explanation and report back to the Board.

Minutes of September 23,2003 were approved as written.  

Payroll and accounts payable were signed.
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Mail and e-mail were reviewed.

Lisa reminded Selectman DeBold of the Timber Tax Workshop scheduled on Friday in Hillsboro.

Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:35pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant

Chairman David Colbert

Richard DeBold

Harold Arey


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