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Selectmen's Minutes September 02, 2003
Chichester Board of Selectmen
 September 2, 2003

Present: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman Arey and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:06pm.  

Doug Hall stopped by to drop off his revised revaluation letter for the Board to review and asked if the upcoming Citizen’s Forum meeting could be placed on the town office sign.  

SUBJECT: Relocating Driveway  
PRESENT: Mr. Fuat Ari

Mr. Ari came before the Board again to ask specific questions relative to relocating his driveway on the lot he purchased on Hilliard Road.  He asked the Selectmen what was the width of the road, who owns the road, whether or not it is an approved subdivision and if so where is the road frontage for his lot.  The Board referred Mr. Ari to the Planning Board and the party from whom he purchased the property.  

General Business/Board Discussion

Richard discussed the estimate he was given to fix the well at Carpenter Park.   Motion Selectman Arey and seconded by Selectman DeBold to accept the estimate and go ahead and get the pump repaired.  Any expense not covered by insurance will be taken from the Capital Reserve Fund.  All were in favor.   

The Conservation Commission would like their minutes to be set up on the web site the same way as the Planning Board and Selectmen’s.  Lisa will talk to Heather about making this update.  

The upcoming budget schedule was discussed.  The Board would like to see some changes in format this year.  Most prominent are for the major departments (who are responsible for buildings) to carry that maintenance within their own budget such as (electricity, heat, building repairs).  Lisa will put this information and a tentative schedule together and give to all departments.   Any questions as to why the change can be directed to the Selectmen.  

The handicap signs are still not completed at the Community Building.  Lisa will check with the Road Agent as to the status.

The rough draft of revised employee policies was reviewed.  The Board would like to get this document finalized.  With that in mind they have scheduled a work session for Tuesday September 9, 2003, noon, at the library. Lisa will post as required.  

The time change for Selectmen’s Meetings was discussed.  Motion Selectman Arey and seconded by Selectman DeBold to meet at 6:00pm for the Selectmen’s weekly meetings, beginning Tuesday September 9, 2003.  All were in favor.  

The use and maintenance of the Community Building was discussed.  Motion Selectman Arey and seconded by Selectman DeBold to direct the Historical Society to oversee the use of the entire building including scheduling and maintaining.  Motion carried.  

  Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:55pm.  

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Colbert

Richard DeBold

Harold Arey

                                                                Approved As Written   

Page two of three September 2, 2003