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Selectmen's Minutes April 01, 2003

Chichester Board of Selectmen
April 1, 2003  

PRESENT: Chairman David Colbert, Selectman Richard DeBold, Selectman Spook Arey, Office Assistant Lisa Stevens, and Administrative Assistant Judy Kenneally via telephone.

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:05pm.

SUBJECT: Highway Department     

PRESENT: Road Agent, Jeff Jordan  

Work continues on the dirt roads.  The trucking costs for the crushed stone are becoming expensive.  Lisa indicated she had forwarded a correction to the Suncook Valley Sun, correcting the posted notice to read all town roads.  Hauling is still going on on Martel Road; the police department needs to be notified so that enforcement can be done.  Jeff asked for clarification of the no-smoking policy and guidelines for those that abuse it.  The board will draft a policy for all town buildings.
SUBJECT:        Fire Department

PRESENT: Deputy Chief Paveglio

Mike spoke of the departments safety concerns regarding the numbering of Mason Road. Due to the name change last year, the numbering on Mason Road is not consistent with 911 numbering throughout the town.  The new road signs are up, but the road needs to be renumbered.  The board directed Deputy Paveglio to notify the building inspector of this task, as he is the one responsible for numbering properties.  The department would like to begin the inspections on town buildings requested by the selectmen.  It was decided to start with the grange building as this gets the most use on a daily basis. Clarification of responsibility for utility bills was discussed.  The town office is responsible for all utility bills on all the town buildings.  Lisa will review this with Heather.  Clarification was also made regarding the $5,000 surplus.  There is no surplus because the department did not receive its total appropriation for 2002.  The Chief and Mike will be going out of town to look at some potential used heavy rescue vehicles. They will let the board know of their findings.  


The board approved the minutes of April 1, 2003 as written.  

The volunteer list was reviewed and recommendations were selected for all openings except the Civil Defense Coordinator.  The board would like to discuss the requirements of that position with the fire department.  Lisa will send out letters to the interested parties and prepare appointment papers for each.

Selectman DeBold would like to head up the space needs committee.  The board will think about a plan of action and possible members for this to begin.

Chairman Colbert will speak to Chairman Scott at the planning board meeting Thursday night and discuss how the planning board would like to proceed with developing the Master Plan Update Committee.  The list of volunteers will be forwarded at that time.  Mr. Guida will be notified as well.

An update on the unknown lot inquiry from Marilyn Stevens was given.  Lisa and Heather met briefly with Mrs. Stevens this afternoon.  Mrs. Stevens states there should be a lot depicted on the map that is a result of a line adjustment she made years prior.  Lisa would like more time to go over all the information, but at this time it looks like a matter for the owner to prove to the town that the lot exists.  Mrs. Stevens is being taxed for the correct amount of acreage per her deed and the tax map agrees with that.  Lisa will continue to work on this and report back to the board.

A memo from the building inspector regarding grand fathered lots was read and discussed.  The board agrees with his information.  Lisa will respond back to Mr. Paveglio.

A request to purchase a picnic table for the town office employees was discussed.  The board asked Lisa to poll the employees as to use and report back to them.

Selectmen Arey had received a letter regarding hazardous materials on the Flanders property.  Judy informed the board that this concern was brought up before and the State Department of Environmental Services did not have a report or any investigation of hazardous waster on that property.  The town now owns this property.  The letter will remain on file.

Selectmen Arey would like the board to think about the landscaping needs for the town buildings and prepare requests for proposals to be sent to area landscaping companies.

Selectmen Arey has heard back from the Attorney Generals’ office and he cannot remain a Cemetery Trustee.  He asked that the board consider Robin Stephens.  Lisa will contact her.  The files for the cemetery trustees have been moved to the planning office.  The trustees will need keys to the building.  Spook will take care of getting them keys.

The board discussed Selectmen Arey’s letter regarding the changing roles within the town office. Judy’s role will now shift to consultant and Lisa will take point in the selectmen’s office.  Responsibilities and chain of command were outlined.   This follows the plan of action previously discussed between Judy and the board prior to hiring the new position in the office.  Selectmen Arey will make corrections and return to the board with the final draft.  Chairman Colbert and Selectman Arey will talk with Heather and discuss the changes, job duties and expectations.  

Lisa informed the board that the software demonstration from Mainstreet has been rescheduled for Tuesday April 8th, at 1:00pm.  

Being no further business, Chairman Colbert adjourned the meeting at 9:00pm.  

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Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Office Assistant

                                                                 Approved As Written    
_____________________________                           4/8/2003
Chairman David Colbert


Richard DeBold

Harold Arey  

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