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Selectmen's Minutes March 18, 2003
Chichester Board of Selectmen
March 18, 2003

PRESENT: Selectman David Colbert, Selectman Richard DeBold, Selectmen Spook Arey, Office Assistant Lisa Stevens, and Administrative Assistant Judy Kenneally via telephone.

Selectmen Colbert opened the meeting at 7:00pm.
Motion made by Selectman DeBold to nominate Selectman Colbert as the new chairman of the board.  Seconded by Selectman Arey.  All were in favor..
SUBJECT: Highway Department     
PRESENT: Road Agent, Jeff Jordan  

The dirt roads are in rough shape at this time.  The department has been adding crushed gravel to some.  Motion made by Selectman Arey and seconded by Chairman Colbert for the road agent to post all dirt roads with a 6-ton weight limit and for the police department to enforce it.  All were in favor. FEMA is holding workshops for municipalities to access the cost of last month’s large snowstorm.  The department will be attending one on Monday March 24, 2003. Chairman Colbert reminded Mr. Jordan of the fallen tree on Lane Road.  Jeff complimented the board on their performance at town meeting.

SUBJECT:        Police Department
PRESENT: Chief Clarke

Pat requested an approval up to $150.00 to purchase a new fax machine for the police department.  Selectmen Arey and Colbert offered ones they have available as an option first.  If neither worked out, the request was approved by a vote of 3-0.

SUBJECT:        Citizen’s Comments
PRESENT: Mr. Paul Adams

Mr. Adams stated that the entire wording for the Flood Plan Resolution should have been on the ballot on Tuesday.  He said it was very hard to understand what you were voting on.  Also he submitted a Town of Pittsfield Annual Report for the record, recommending that the town publish minutes of the town meeting using the format within.  He reasoning being that those minutes were a lot more descriptive as to what went on during the meeting including discussion.  The board asked Mr. Adams to put his recommendation in writing and they would be happy to take it under advisement.  

SUBJECT:        Fire Department 
PRESENT: Chief Prickett & Deputy Chief Paveglio

Motion made by Selectman DeBold and seconded by Chairman Colbert to enter non-public session under RSA 91-A: 3,11(c) at 7:30pm. All were in favor.

Motion made by Selectman DeBold and seconded by Selectman Arey to come out of non-public session at 8:05pm. All were in favor.  No votes or action taken during non-public session.

Motion by Chairman Colbert and seconded by Selectman Arey to keep the minutes of the non-public session sealed under RSA 91-A: 3,11(c).  All were in favor.

Deputy Paveglio informed the board that on the second Monday in April, the department would be holding a Mutual Aid Drill.  He invited the board to attend.  

SUBJECT:        Rte 4 Corridor Study
PRESENT: Mike Tardiff from CNHRP and Ansel Sanborn from DOT

Mr. Tardiff was here this evening asking the town for volunteers to serve on a subcommittee for the Rte 4 project.  The study will be looking at how to move traffic, the area within this transportation corridor and it’s use.  The committee ideally will include a Selectman, a Planning Board member, property owners on Rte 4; business as well as residential along with members at large from the community.  There will be an informational meeting and then a couple of public hearings.  Central New Hampshire Regional Planning will be the facilitator at these meetings.  Mr. Tardiff will draft a sample letter for Selectman DeBold to send out to potential members.  It would also benefit to have a member from each town department represented.  Mr. Tardiff would like to have the first meeting one-month from today.


The board granted an abatement on Map 5 Lot 37 and denied an abatement on Map 3 Lot 85 – 20.  
The board signed a welfare lien.

Andrea Deachman informed the board of the urgency for replacing members on the Planning Board.  They are at the minimum number, now having to replace Spook as well.
The board reviewed the signup sheet from town meeting, but no decisions were made.  

Ex-officio’s were selected for the upcoming year.  Selectman Arey will serve on the BCEP, Chairman Colbert will remain on the Planning Board and Selectman DeBold will serve on the Board of Adjustment.  

There should be no smoking in any town building.  Lisa was asked to locate the policy in place and perhaps bring it before the current board for review or updating.  Smoking is occurring in the highway shed.  Lisa will let the road agent know this is not acceptable.  

The board would like Lisa and Heather to contact the area towns currently using the software we are looking into and visit these offices to get a first hand in depth look.  There was discussion as to how to proceed with the interested volunteers from the sign up sheet.  All agreed they would like their input at the technical stage of putting the package together.  Lisa will arrange the office visits and get back to the board with input before going further.

Judy informed the board of the duties of Chairman and the responsibilities of a selectman for the newest member.

Judy is still working on the water issue for the Harness property.  She has contacted Aqua Specialties without any response, but has initiated contact with Allied Clear Water, which is going well.
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The vacuum at the town offices is not working correctly.   The cleaning girl asked for a replacement.  Lisa will put in a call for service to determine the problem.  She will inform Jennifer of the outcome.

Franchise fee requests from departments were reviewed and placed on hold for the time being.  

Motion Selectman Arey seconded by Selectman DeBold to accept the phone proposal from TDS.  Lisa will contact them and order the new system.

Being no further business, Chairman Colbert adjourned the meeting at 10:00pm.  

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Office Assistant

                                                                Approved as Written  
_____________________________                           3/25/03
Chairman David Colbert


Richard DeBold

Harold Arey

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