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Selectmen's Minutes February 25, 2003
Chichester Board of Selectmen
February 25, 2003

PRESENT:  Chairman Theodore Bailey, Selectman David Colbert, Selectman Richard DeBold, Office Assistant Lisa Stevens, and Administrative Assistant Judy Kenneally via telephone.

Chairman Bailey called the Board Meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

Subject: Highway Department

Present: Road Agent, Jeff Jordan

Jeff reported on the condition of the roads after the last snowstorm.  He indicated that the dirt roads were a little rough.  Also some trees have come down and will need to be attended to.

Subject: Historical Society

Present: Lucille Noel, Walter Sanborn, Bernd Reinhardt, Joann Luikmil and Ruth Hammen     

The society gave an overview presentation to the Board on The Thunder Bridge Project.  They have been working diligently to get the bridge enrolled on the National Historic Register.  The group expressed their concerns regarding the upcoming warrant article (by petition) to discontinue/abandon a portion of Depot Road.  This includes the land that allows for public use and access to the bridge. Maintaining pubic access to the bridge is an important factor for consideration for being put on the historical register.  Thunder Bridge would be the first one of its type in New Hampshire to be put on the historical register.

 Subject:   Fire Department   

Present: Deputy Chief, Mike Paviglio  

Mr. Paveglio informed the Board of incidents of misconduct among the students staying at the Fire Station.  As a result, one student due to breach of contract was asked to leave and not return and the others were asked to leave for a two-week period in which time the department is going to reassess their agreement and expectations with the students participating in the program.  The Board shared an e-mail they had received with Mike regarding snowmobiling on private property.  Mr. Paveglio indicated that issue had been taken care of.  Selectman Colbert asked Lisa to send a letter to the homeowner letting them know the matter had been taken care of. Mike stated the department would like to have a table set up on voting day with information on the used rescue vehicle they are looking to purchase.  The Board told him to call the moderator and ask him what the procedure to do so is.

General Business/Board Discussion:

The Board signed a veteran’s exemption, a current use application and a land use change tax penalty.

The minutes of February 13, 2003 and February 18, 2003, were approved as written.

Lisa reminded the board of the upcoming certification workshop at DRA on March 5, 2003.  Lisa will post notice to the public.

Judy informed the board that she has begun the process of setting up individual accounts from vendors for the fire department as we are still experiencing invoices not getting paid on time.  In an effort to correct this problem, the board asked her to continue setting up these new accounts.

The board agreed to donate $100.00 to the Northwood Police Department Canine Association.  The canine that recently assisted in locating two missing children here in Chichester, passed away.

Mr. Paul Adams would like to donate an American Flag for the hall upstairs.  The selectmen gratefully accepted.  Judy will let Paul know.

The board would like to meet with moderator, Doug Hall next week to go over final preparations for the town meeting.  Lisa will call and arrange a time.

Warrant articles were reviewed and the board determined who would speak to each one.

It was decided that a sign up sheet be made available for town meeting day, stating the need for a civil defense director, three planning board alternates and people to form a space needs committee.

Selectman Colbert shared concerns he received regarding an ongoing violation on the Vermette Property.  This is before the planning board.  The violation policy was reviewed and discussion involved amending it to include a time frame.  Selectmen DeBold will work on this.

The Selectmen will not have a board meeting on Tuesday March 11, 2003, due to town elections taking place.   

Being no further business, Chairman Bailey adjourned the meeting at 10:15pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Office Assistant

                                                                Approved as Written
_____________________________                           3/4/03
Chairman Theodore Bailey


David Colbert

Richard DeBold

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