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Selectmen's Minutes February 18, 2003
Chichester Board of Selectmen
February 18, 2003

PRESENT:  Chairman Theodore Bailey, Selectman David Colbert, Selectman Richard DeBold, Office Assistant Lisa Stevens, and Administrative Assistant Judy Kenneally via telephone.

Chairman Bailey called the Board Meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

Subject: Police Department

Present: Chief Patrick Clarke   

Pat requested he be allowed to spend $150.00 from the Police Department Office Equipment Capital Fund to replace the printer for the computer.  The Board approved this expense.
Pat also asked that any and all complaints about the department be forwarded to him personally so he can follow up with the complainant.

Subject:   Impact Fee Waiver  

Present: Mr. Marsh  

Mr. Marsh read a letter of request to the board to waive the Impact Fee Requirement on Map 4 Lot 58-F3.  Having met the criteria, the waiver was granted.

Subject:  Final Budget Review    

Present: Budget Committee Members- Walter Sanborn, Stephen MacCleery, and John Martell

Recommendations were given for Article #4 and Article #23.  The selectmen signed the warrant.  The budget changes were reviewed.  The 2003 proposed budget (MS-6) was signed by the board.

Subject: Septage Disposal

Present: Pat Hannon – NHDES Septage Coordinator

Ms. Hannon spoke to the board about Chichester’s responsibility under RSA 485-A:5-b, which states: Each municipality shall either provide, or assure access to, a Department of Environmental Services approved septage facility for its residents for a minimum of a 5 year period. Chichester has not responded to correspondence from the state nor does it have an agreement in place with a neighboring facility.  The time frame to comply has already passed.  She spoke of several options for the board to consider; perhaps talking with the communities that are already in the BCEP Agreement and set up something similar, especially where Pittsfield already has a Waste Water Treatment Facility; or the taking advantage of grant monies approved under house bill HB 207.  She suggested the board contact Mike Hanscom, who is the wastewater treatment plant superintendent for the City of Concord to discuss municipal agreements.  Pat explained that Concord could receive 20% for facilitating the grant and an additional 2% per community signed on up to a 50% maximum.

Subject: Highway Department

Present: Jeffrey Jordan, Road Agent

The board notified Jeff that they have recommended his warrant article for upgrades to Hutchinson Road, but they would like him to have contractors go out and look at the project and submit bids.  They would like some solid number ready for town meeting if possible.  Having just paid an unexpected high electrical repair bill determined to be at the highway shed, the board asked that any significant repairs be run by the board first. Next year the THOB maintenance and repair budget line may have to be increased to include the two new highway buildings.

Subject: Davis Road

Present: Mr. William Stevens

Bill was informed that the pending hearing scheduled for February 20, 2003 has been continued.  No new date as yet.  The board asked Bill if he had submitted a petition to the town, as one cannot be located in the office file.  Bill stated he had handed to Mr. Bailey at a board meeting last February.  He stated Mr. Jordan was on the board at that time.  Not being able to locate one, and Bill not having a copy either, the board asked that he resubmit a petition and the process can begin a new.  Discussion surrounding the length of the road as well as its beginning point was determined to be a key issue.  More deed research needs to be done.  Bill feels it doesn’t make any sense to start again until the length of road is established.

General Board Discussion:

Judy notified the board that we are in need of a Civil Defense Director and 3 Planning Board alternates.  The board reviewed a list of residents that have expressed an interest in serving on town committees.  The board took it under advisement.

Information for town meeting was discussed.  Lisa will put together a list of topics for the board to divide up at their next meeting.

The board signed documentation allowing the town clerk to collect boat fees.

The minutes of February 11, 2003 were approved as written.

Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Chairman Bailey at 10:08pm.

February 18, 2003 Page two of three

Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Stevens
Office Assistant

Theodore Bailey, Chairman
                                                                                 Approved 2/25/03                                                                                        
David Colbert, Selectman

Richard DeBold, Selectman   

                                                                                        Posted 2/26/03

Chichester Board of Selectmen
February 18, 2003

PRESENT:  Chairman Theodore Bailey, Selectman David Colbert, Selectman Richard DeBold, Office Assistant Lisa Stevens, and Administrative Assistant Judy Kenneally via telephone.

Chairman Bailey called the Board Meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

Subject: Police Department

Present: Chief Patrick Clarke   

Pat requested he be allowed to spend $150.00 from the Police Department Office Equipment Capital Fund to replace the printer for the computer.  The Board approved this expense.
Pat also asked that any and all complaints about the department be forwarded to him personally so he can follow up with the complainant.

Subject:   Impact Fee Waiver  

Present: Mr. Marsh  

Mr. Marsh read a letter of request to the board to waive the Impact Fee Requirement on Map 4 Lot 58-F3.  Having met the criteria, the waiver was granted.

Subject:  Final Budget Review    

Present: Budget Committee Members- Walter Sanborn, Stephen MacCleery, and John Martell

Recommendations were given for Article #4 and Article #23.  The selectmen signed the warrant.  The budget changes were reviewed.  The 2003 proposed budget (MS-6) was signed by the board.

Subject: Septage Disposal

Present: Pat Hannon – NHDES Septage Coordinator

Ms. Hannon spoke to the board about Chichester’s responsibility under RSA 485-A:5-b, which states: Each municipality shall either provide, or assure access to, a Department of Environmental Services approved septage facility for its residents for a minimum of a 5 year period. Chichester has not responded to correspondence from the state nor does it have an agreement in place with a neighboring facility.  The time frame to comply has already passed.  She spoke of several options for the board to consider; perhaps talking with the communities that are already in the BCEP Agreement and set up something similar, especially where Pittsfield already has a Waste Water Treatment Facility; or the taking advantage of grant monies approved under house bill HB 207.  She suggested the board contact Mike Hanscom, who is the wastewater treatment plant superintendent for the City of Concord to discuss municipal agreements.  Pat explained that Concord could receive 20% for facilitating the grant and an additional 2% per community signed on up to a 50% maximum.

Subject: Highway Department

Present: Jeffrey Jordan, Road Agent

The board notified Jeff that they have recommended his warrant article for upgrades to Hutchinson Road, but they would like him to have contractors go out and look at the project and submit bids.  They would like some solid number ready for town meeting if possible.  Having just paid an unexpected high electrical repair bill determined to be at the highway shed, the board asked that any significant repairs be run by the board first. Next year the THOB maintenance and repair budget line may have to be increased to include the two new highway buildings.

Subject: Davis Road

Present: Mr. William Stevens

Bill was informed that the pending hearing scheduled for February 20, 2003 has been continued.  No new date as yet.  The board asked Bill if he had submitted a petition to the town, as one cannot be located in the office file.  Bill stated he had handed to Mr. Bailey at a board meeting last February.  He stated Mr. Jordan was on the board at that time.  Not being able to locate one, and Bill not having a copy either, the board asked that he resubmit a petition and the process can begin a new.  Discussion surrounding the length of the road as well as its beginning point was determined to be a key issue.  More deed research needs to be done.  Bill feels it doesn’t make any sense to start again until the length of road is established.

General Board Discussion:

Judy notified the board that we are in need of a Civil Defense Director and 3 Planning Board alternates.  The board reviewed a list of residents that have expressed an interest in serving on town committees.  The board took it under advisement.

Information for town meeting was discussed.  Lisa will put together a list of topics for the board to divide up at their next meeting.

The board signed documentation allowing the town clerk to collect boat fees.

The minutes of February 11, 2003 were approved as written.

Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Chairman Bailey at 10:08pm.

February 18, 2003 Page two of three

Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Stevens
Office Assistant

Theodore Bailey, Chairman
                                                                                 Approved 2/25/03                                                                                        
David Colbert, Selectman

Richard DeBold, Selectman   

                                                                                        Posted 2/26/03


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