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Selectmen's Minutes October 12, 2003
Chichester Board of Selectmen
October 14, 2003

Present: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman Arey and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 6:05 pm.

SUBJECT: Department Heads   
PRESENT: Police Chief Patrick Clarke, Road Agent David Kenneally, Building Inspector Dave Paveglio and Deputy Fire Chief Mike Paveglio  

HYW – The department is back on Hutchinson Road to finish up this years portion of the road project.  David asked when the highway shed would be having its safety inspection.  Deputy Paveglio indicated they would be the next building scheduled.  Two of the selectmen have taken a look at the condition of Blackman Bridge and have contacted a stone mason for options for repairing.  Any ditching or repairs will have to take place next spring.

The Board approved the use of the Road Maintenance Contract drawn up by the road agent.

Deputy Paveglio reminded David to post the sign at the cistern on Connemara Drive.    

PD – Pat informed the Board of the gas change.  They are now filling up at the State pumps in Pittsfield and savings over $.20cents on the gallon.  

One laptop has crashed.  Pat would like to purchase a refurbished laptop with a two year warranty for $1125.00.  Motion Selectman Arey and seconded by Selectman DeBold to spend $1125.00 for a refurbished laptop from the Police Department Office Equipment Capital Reserve Fund.  All were in favor.

Pat informed the Board of a motor vehicle stop this afternoon that resulted in his foot being run over by the motorist.  

The police budget is almost complete; Pat is waiting to work out the costs of heat and electricity with the Fire Department.  

 The police log is once again in the Suncook Valley Sun.

FD - Deputy Paveglio briefly reviewed his notes on the inspection of the grange building.  A written report will follow.  The most noticeable concerns were that the emergency lights throughout the building did not work, the fire door to the furnace room has broken hinges, the kitchen area in the grange should be disconnected if no longer in use and a push bar should be installed on the door in the selectmen’s office.  Also an assembly permit needs to be posted for the upstairs meeting room.  

The volume of calls is up, mostly medical calls.  The department is doing a lot of training.  The department will be involved in a Disaster Drill at the Fire Academy in Concord on Sunday.

Bldg. Inspector – Dave asked for clarification of whether or not a lot approved prior to the change in the wetlands setbacks was subject to the change.  The answer was no.  

A question was asked on a lot (Map 3 Lot 25B) considered grandfathered but with no improvements having been done to it, is it subject to the twelve permits a year or is it eligible for a permit anytime?  The Board will look into it and inquire with the Planning Board for clarification.  

As point of procedure, the Board reviewed the process on driveway permitting and follows through to the issuance of the occupancy permit.  Mr. Paveglio did state it was his mistake in not having the driveways signed off on by the road agent.  The procedure in place does work when followed through.  The Board would like Mr. Paveglio to forward a copy of the final checklist he uses, signed off by the appropriate department heads, to the office to be kept in the property record files.  

SUBJECT: Town Emergency Plan
PRESENT: John Martell- Emergency Management Director & Dave Vallencourt-Office of Emergency Planning & Ben Brown-Chairman School Board

John and Dave joined the department heads and Ben Brown as school representative to discuss updating the town’s Emergency Operations Plan.  The Board was pleased with the consulting done by Jane Hubbard on the recently completed All Hazard Plan and agreed to contract with her again to complete the Emergency plan. As with the All Hazard Plan, Chichester has received grant money from the State to cover the cost of this project.  The scope of the project was reviewed with special attention given to the first three sections needing immediate attention; completing the resource list; updating Table 14 of the existing plan; and completing the frequency list.    Paperwork was given to each department with their respective information required for updating.  The departments felt meeting with Jane initially one on one would be beneficial prior to a group meeting.  Dave will let Jane know and pass along the contact numbers.  John Martell will set up the initial committee meeting and contact the departments.

SUBJECT:  Upgrading Lovers Lane  
PRESENT:  Mark Drew

Mr. Drew is interested in upgrading just less than 400ft of road on Lovers Lane.  The Selectmen discussed the necessary procedure to follow.  A petition must be received by the Board to start the process.  The Board asked that the petition clearly state the amount of road to be upgraded.  Mr. Drew will return to the Board with his petition.  
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The approval for the Employee Policies was tabled until the Board could talk with the department heads once again for any feedback.  Lisa will put this on the agenda for the next department head meeting.  

Due to the recent resignation from Ms. Pike, the town is in need of a volunteer to spearhead the upcoming Holiday Baskets.  Selectman DeBold is willing to pitch in and will co-ordinate the upcoming food drive with the boy scouts. Several names were discussed and the Board asked Lisa to contact those people and inquire of their availability.  The Food Pantry is also in need of a volunteer to oversee the ordering and reporting of food. Reports are due by the 10th of the month to the Capital Region Food Program.   It is the intention of the Board to continue to provide this service to the town so long as a co-coordinator is available.  

Minutes of October 14, 2003 were approved as written.  

Payroll and accounts payable were signed.

Mail and e-mail were reviewed.

Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:35pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant

Chairman David Colbert

Richard DeBold

Harold Arey

                                                                Approved as written
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