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Selectmen's Minutes May 27, 2003
Chichester Board of Selectmen
May 27, 2003   

PRESENT: Chairman David Colbert, Selectman Richard DeBold, Selectman Spook Arey, and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens.

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:00pm.

SUBJECT: Highway Department

PRESENT: Road Agent, Jeff Jordan and AJ May

Mr. Jordan requested to go into non-public session.  Motion made at 7:03pm by selectman DeBold and seconded by Chairman Colbert to enter non-public session under RSA 91-A:3.ll(c), to discuss a personnel matter.  All were in favor.

At 7:25pm, motion made by selectman Arey and seconded by selectman DeBold to close the non-public session.  All were in favor.  

The action taken during non-public session was acceptance of the resignation from the road agent by a majority of the Board of Selectmen with Chairman Colbert and Selectmen Arey accepting the resignation; Selectman DeBold not accepting.  

SUBJECT: Hazard Mitigation Plan-Office of Emergency Management

PRESENT: Emergency Management Director, John Martell, Dave Vallencourt, Office of Emergency Management, Jane Hubbard, Hazard Mitigation Consultant and Fire Chief John Prickett


John Martell was sworn in by Chairman Colbert as the Town of Chichester’s Emergency Management Director.  Dave Vallencourt informed the board of another grant available as a 75/25 grant with a maximum of $6,667.00 available for equipment and training.  He gave the information to John Martell.  

Money has been committed to the Town of Chichester for updating the town’s emergency operations plan.  Discussion centered on finding a contact capable of steering this project. The plan must be updated no later than January1, 2004 to comply with the time-frame for receiving the grant money.

Jane Hubbard gave an overview on what a Hazard Mitigation Plan was and explained the scope of the project. FEMA is now requiring all towns have such a plan by November 1, 2004 in order to remain eligible for Disaster Relief Money.  The board was very grateful for her commitment to helping Chichester with this project.  A committee comprised of town officials and the general public will need to be formed as soon as possible.  The project is scheduled to begin with a public meeting on Thursday June 12, 2003 at 6:30pm at the grange hall.  Lisa will send out letters to potential members and put a press release in the paper and get the information posted to the web. The project is targeted for completion by September 30, 2003.  

SUBJECT: Fire Department
PRESENT: Chief John Prickett, Deputy Chief Paul Sanborn and Deputy Chief Mike Paveglio

The chiefs discussed future planning issues with the board.  They shared their concerns about lack of response to calls.  The department is not always meeting adequate staffing for calls.  They stated this is not unique to Chichester; it is a nation wide problem. They have sent out a questionnaire to members looking for feedback on ways to improve participation. If the trend continues, the department may have to hire people on a per diem basis and looking long term; some thought needs to be given as to the town’s need to hire full time firefighters.  The chiefs are encouraging the younger members to get involved with recruitment.  

Secondly, the department recommended the board appoint a study committee to look at the need to hire a full-time Fire Chief.  They suggested the committee consist of community members, fire department personnel and town officials.  There was discussion to combine several part-time duties such as building inspector, code enforcement, emergency management and fire chief in order to fund the position.  Selectman Arey went on record to say that what other towns are doing should not be the criteria for what Chichester must do.  

Chairman Colbert asked the fire department to share the survey results with the selectmen.

In regards as to whether or not the town needs a  consultant to determine if the town needs a full-time fire chief, Deputy Chief Sanborn recommended a good resource contact, Rick Mason, Director of the New Hampshire Fire Academy.

Chief Prickett indicated the young people on the department will be doing some type of  recruitment on Old Home Day.

The automatic defibrillators have arrived.  Chief Prickett gave an overview of their use.  One is located in the police cruiser; one here at the town offices and one will be placed in the library.

There is a small generator not being used at the fire department.   The department offered it for use at the highway shed.  All agreed it would be a great asset to the shed during a power outage.  


The board approved and signed the minutes of May 20, 2003 and May 22, 2003 as written.

Selectman Arey is working on the squirrel problem in the historical building.  Due to the extent of the mess, the board agreed to ask Ms. Boswak to clean the upstairs once the squirrel has been eradicated.    

Until a new road agent is appointed, the Chairman of the Board will assume his duties as per statute.  
The board will seek applicants until noon on Monday June 9, 2003.  The applicants will be asked to come in at the selectmen’s meeting on June 10, 2003.
Chairman Colbert will speak to Division 5 regarding the dead tree at the fire station; it’s believed to be within the states’ right of way.  

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The board reviewed mail and correspondence.

Being no further business, Chairman Colbert adjourned the meeting at 11:20pm.  

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant
Chairman David Colbert

Approved As Written
_____________________________                           6/3/03
Richard DeBold

Harold Arey  

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