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Selectmen's Minutes May 20, 2003
Chichester Board of Selectmen
May 20, 2003   

PRESENT: Chairman David Colbert, Selectman Richard DeBold, Selectman Spook Arey, and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:00pm.

SUBJECT: Mr. Fuat Ari – Driveway Permit

Mr. Ari came to the board requesting to relocate his driveway on a lot he purchased on Hilliard Road.
The highway department wanted clarification from the board if in fact the lot in question had enough road frontage to be considered a legal building lot and eligible for a driveway permit.  The location of the road and range way was questioned in relation to the boundaries of private property.  The original driveway permit issued to the previous owner, may be the only location where a driveway can exist on that lot.  The board will research further and respond back to Mr. Ari.  

SUBJECT: Highway Department

PRESENT: Road Agent, Jeff Jordan,

Mr. Drew has been putting material on Lovers Lane.  The highway department has spoken to Mr. Drew and looked at the condition of the road.  Mr. Drew has done a decent job with smoothing the material over the road. Some raking and rock removal is needed.  The board asked the highway department to grade the road. Jeff stated the road had been graded last fall.  The town is responsible for all maintenance on that road.  

Cross Road was discussed next.  Mr. Bailat has cooperated and moved the rocks out of the town’s right of way.  

The board directed the highway department to sweep all the town roads.  They feel the sand build up is a potential hazard to motorists.  

The board asked Jeff what his plans were for Summer Projects.  Jeff indicated that completing the paving on Horse Corner Road was a priority along with finishing paving on the end of Center Road.  

The selectmen expressed their gratitude for a job well done with the parking lot sweeping and the grading done on Pound Road.  

Selectman DeBold gave Jeff the updated timesheets.  The intention is to start using them immediately.

Jeff reported that the recently attended workshop on drainage was very informative.  Good drainage is key to a good road.

SUBJECT: Police Department

PRESENT: Chief Clarke

The board relayed concerns from the residents on Hutchinson Road regarding the speed.  They asked if the department could make more attempts to patrol this road during the time that the highschoolers are entering or leaving school.  The department will be happy to accommodate this to the best of their ability.  

When work begins on Hutchinson Road the police and fire departments would like to be made aware of when the road will be closed.  

Pat informed the board he will be attending a class on Tuesday and Thursday nights for the next three weeks and won’t be able to attend the selectmen’s meetings.  If they have any concerns, please relay them to Lisa.

SUBJECT: Fire Department

PRESENT: Deputy Chief, Mike Paveglio

The department has been awarded the bid from East Moriches Fire Department for the used heavy rescue vehicle, for $82,500. The three chiefs are going to New York next Wednesday to pick up the truck.  Once the truck is here the department will evaluate its needs for further enhancements and submit a list to the board.  Mr. Paveglio thinks it will take about a month to equip and put on the road.

Mike mentioned the department was discussing the possibility of mailing the paychecks.  Until a formal request from the department is received, Chairman Colbert will deliver the checks as previously agreed to.  

Mike asked the board how to move forward with getting the trim painted on the fire station.  The board asked him to submit the estimate received by the department.

The dead trees around the station need to be cut down.  They are a safety hazard. The board asked Lisa to put this item on the agenda to discuss with the highway department at next weeks selectmen’s meeting.  

SUBJECT: Mr. Jim Mullaney

Mr. Mullaney was here to discuss the procedure for obtaining a building permit.  He is requesting the selectmen change the definition of a completed application. Currently, the Town of Chichester’s  Zoning Regulations state; for a new dwelling, you must have an approved driveway permit, an approved septic design and  building plans,  to even be placed on the waiting list to receive a building permit.  Mr. Mullaney is in the process of getting planning board approval for phase II of the Mulachy Glen Subdivision.  He stated he does not even qualify to get in line for building permits until the road is bonded.  He intends to solicit the Zoning Board of Adjustment for a variance for a more reasonable time of phasing. The board asked Mr. Mullaney to put the changes he would like to see in the zoning regulations in writing and submit them to the selectmen.

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SUBJECT: Mr. Alan Perron  

Mr. Perron came before the board with a junkyard complaint on 72 King Road.  The board had Mr. Perron fill out a Zoning Violation Report and told Mr. Perron they would follow up on this immediately.  


The board approved and signed the minutes of May 13, 2003 as written.

The slate roof on the grange building is losing some slates.  Also, there is a hole on the end eave where flying squirrels are getting in.  Chairman Colbert will block up the hole.  Selectman Arey will get someone to come and access the condition of the roof.  

The board reviewed a letter received from the Historical Society regarding repairs needed to the building and the lack of cleaning being done in the upstairs community room.  A squirrel has gotten inside and caused quite a bit of damage upstairs and down.  Selectman Arey will make arrangements to eradicate the squirrel.  Discussion arose regarding the scheduling of the upstairs and contacting those that use it and ask for more cooperation in keeping it clean.  Estimates for repairs to the fire escape and doors will need to be submitted to the board.  
The board signed the Septage Agreement with the City of Concord.  

Selectman DeBold reminded the board that the Town needed to respond to the mailing from the Office of Emergency Management regarding the upcoming State Homeland Security Grant by June 1, 2003.  Lisa and Richard will work on this together.  

The board discussed interest in soliciting for a new town attorney, one who specialized in municipal law.  Some recommendations have already been received.  Lisa will work on it.   

Chairman Colbert has spoken to Mr. Baas regarding vehicles parked in the right of way blocking access to Thunder Bridge.  This has been resolved however, the board will need to look into the ownership of the shed on the opposite side of the right of way and notify the homeowner of its need to be removed from within the town’s right of way.  

The outstanding issue of a stonewall, on Pleasant Street, located within the town’s right of way was discussed.  Selectman Arey will contact former selectman Ted Bailey for information and status on this issue.  

The board asked Lisa to check with Chief Clarke and ask if he is still interested in the old trailer at the highway shed.  If so, they would like him to remove it within two weeks.  

The board reviewed mail and correspondence.

Being no further business, Chairman Colbert adjourned the meeting at 10:20pm.  

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Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Office Assistant
                                                                    Approved as Written
Chairman David Colbert


Richard DeBold

Harold Arey  

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