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Selectmen's Minutes July 29, 2003
Chichester Board of Selectmen
July 29, 2003    

PRESENT: Chairman Colbert, Selectmen Richard DeBold, Selectman Spook Arey, and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens.

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:00pm.

SUBJECT: Building Inspector
Present: David Paveglio   

The Board and Mr. Paveglio discussed the need for inspections to be done on all town buildings.  The Fire Department has not been able to schedule time to get these done and the Board is asking the Building Inspector if he would take over the responsibility of those inspections.  Mr. Paveglio said he doesn’t mind doing it and has previously inspected the school and the historical building. The Selectmen informed Dave there was not any money in this years budget to account for this extra time, but to include it in next years budget request. Dave updated the board on various building projects happening around town.  The Board has received a complaint on 54 Swiggey Brook Road and asked the Building Inspector to review his files and forward copies of all building permits for that property to the selectmen’s office.  Discussed Dave attending board meetings with the other department heads beginning in August.

SUBJECT:Police Department  
Present: Chief Clarke  

The Board discussed the new schedule for attending selectmen’s meetings.  Chairman Colbert had spoken to Chief  Prickett and the suggestion was to try every other week.  Lisa will put together a schedule and notify the department heads.   

SUBJECT: Mr. & Mrs. Luksza

Mr. Luksza made a formal complaint to the Board regarding a zoning violation on Map 9 Lot 17, the Vermette property.  Mr. Luksza first brought a complaint to the Board regarding zoning violations on this property in November 2002.  Bruce feels nothing has been done and it has been 8 months.  ‘Everybody should be treated equally and I’m not being treated equally.’  Chairman Colbert told Mr. Luksza that his complaints had been forward to the planning board and Mr. Vermette was asked to come before the planning board for a site review.  Tonight’s complaint regarding a new addition to an existing structure without a permit and infringing on the setbacks will be handled expeditiously.  The Selectmen directed Lisa to send a letter to Mr. Vermette, via certified mail, notifying him of the complaint against his property.

SUBJECT: Carl Mahlstedt

Mr. Mahlstedt is working on an expansion project and came before the Board for assistance in determining the location of a lot that appears to be located within his lot.  The Selectmen advised Mr. Mahlstedt that his options were to further research deeds at the registry, contact the abutter for further information if any or have a legal survey done.  The tax maps are not legal documents, deeds and surveys are.   

SUBJECT: Melinda Ritchie

Melinda invited the Selectmen to the Fire Department v. Police Department softball game at Old Home Day on August 16, at 4pm.  The Fire Department has put together a flyer to promote volunteerism. It will be mailed to all residents prior to Old Home Day.  Melinda would like to update the Fire Department information on the web site link and move it to the Chichester web page. The Selectmen are not comfortable with photos or any personal information going on the site. The Board asked her to show them a sample layout before anything went live.   

Motion Selectman Arey and seconded by Selectman DeBold to approve medical benefits for Mr. Kenneally.      Motion carried.

Personnel Policies are still being edited, the Board would like to have a work session for this item.  Nothing was scheduled at this time

The Junkyard Survey was tabled.

The Treasurer has been having difficulty connecting with her Deputy.  The Board asked Lisa to draft a letter to Phyllis.  The Selectmen will need to appoint a replacement if Phyllis is no longer interested.  

General discussion was held with Tracy Scott on pending Planning Board issues.    

Being no further business, Chairman Colbert adjourned the meeting at 9:40pm.  

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant

Chairman David Colbert

Approved As Corrected      
____________________________                            8/5/03
Richard DeBold

Harold Arey                                     Page two of two, July 29, 2003