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Selectmen's Minutes July 22, 2003
Chichester Board of Selectmen
July 22, 2003    

PRESENT: Chairman Colbert, Selectman Spook Arey, and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens.
ABSENT: Selectman DeBold  

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:08pm.

SUBJECT: Highway Department
Present: David Kenneally, Road Agent  

The Hutchinson Road project is scheduled to begin August 1, 2003.  Pound Road and Trap Road have been ditched and top dressed.  The road agent would like to attend an expo on roads and equipment on the 25th of July.  The board okayed that request.  Mr. Kenneally is scheduled to meet with the power company on Thursday morning out on Hutchinson Road.  He invited the selectmen to join him.  

SUBJECT:Fire Department
Present: Deputy Chief Mike Paveglio

Mr. Paveglio informed the board that the heavy rescue vehicle will be ready on Friday.  He asked if the board had made a decision regarding the old one.  They stated that they accepted the offer from the Farmington Fire Department and had notified the Fire Chief and the other fire department.  Mr. Paveglio asked the two board members what their reasons were for not recommending a study committee to look at a full time Fire Chief position.  The two stated their personal feelings only. Mike informed the board of an injury to a department member during the recent Loudon fire. The Chief has notified the office and has filed the necessary paperwork.  

SUBJECT: Community Building Use
Present: Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Downey

The selectmen asked Mr. & Mrs. Downey to tonight’s meeting because they are the scout leaders in town who oversee the troops who are using the Community Building.  The board shared their concerns over the squirrel problem and asked that the boy scouts remove the items they have stored in the building for the time being, especially any food.  Ideas were discussed as to coming up with a plan for better storage for the scouts.  The Downey’s will meet with their fellow leaders and discuss options.  The board updated The Downey’s on the new handicap signs that will be placed in front of the building.  This will eliminate parking for all others in front of the building.  Safety concerns were discussed and a crosswalk was suggested and some signage.  The selectmen will inquire with Division 5 from the State DOT.  Selectman Arey informed the Downey’s that it is the intent of the town to repair the fire escape, bids are being sought at this time.  Proper lighting and signage around the entrance and exit needs to be addressed as well.


The board reviewed mail and signed the minutes of July 15, 2003.    

Personnel Policies and the Junkyard Survey were tabled until a full board was present.

Spook has asked a couple contractors for bids for the repair work needed on the fire escape at the Community Building.  

The board asked Lisa to respond to the letter from the Historical Society regarding the meeting with the abutters to Thunder Bridge.

Lisa notified the board that the ad for the Bulldozer Bid had been placed in the Suncook Sun.

Selectman Arey  spoke with Mrs. Harkness recently due to a recent discoloration problem with her water.  She informed Spook that when the problem with the water began, the Harkness’s hired a hydrologist to look into the matter. She will try to locate her copies of the paperwork.  Selectmen Arey reiterated to Mrs. Harkness the board’s intent to resolve the situation permanently  for all involved.  

The board asked Lisa to inform the Board of Adjustment of the new Town Attorney.  

Selectman Arey wished to thank Linda Rauter for her excellent work on keeping the Selectmen  updated on the transportation meetings she has been attending as a representative for the town.  He suggested she may want to assist in trying to persuade the State to mark a crosswalk between the grange building and the community building or perhaps at least a caution light.  Lisa will contact Ms. Rauter.  

Being no further business, Chairman Colbert adjourned the meeting at 9:10pm.  

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant

Chairman David Colbert

Approved As Written     
_____________________________                           7/29/03
Richard DeBold

Harold Arey

Page two of two, July 22, 2003