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Selectmen's Minutes July 15, 2003
Chichester Board of Selectmen
July 15, 2003    

PRESENT: Selectman Richard DeBold, Selectman Spook Arey, and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens.
ABSENT: Chairman Colbert

Selectman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:05pm.

SUBJECT: Highway Department
Present: David Kenneally, Road Agent  

Tree cutting has started on Hutchinson Road. Procedure for making wood available to those in need within the community was discussed.  Mr. Kenneally will talk with Ms. Pike for possibilities.    Concord Electric will wait until the dirt work is done before moving poles.  All of Mr. Marston’s trucks have been removed from the highway shed. Some of Mr. Stevens’s equipment is still there but he is working on removing it. Selectman DeBold and Mr. Kenneally made arrangements to meet at Carpenter Park to coordinate the parking lot project.  The handicap parking signs for the historical society are on order.  

SUBJECT:Citizens Comments
Present: Mr. Brandon Giuda

Mr. Giuda stopped by to collect any information from the board relative to the questionnaire for the Master Plan Update.  Brandon also asked the board if compensation of town employees was being worked on.  The board assured Mr. Giuda this was a topic being reviewed.  

SUBJECT: Advice 246 Horse Corner Road
Present: Mr. Mark Hubbard

Mr. Hubbard is the new owner of the property and was here to discuss options for building a new home on the site.  Options presented to Mr. Hubbard were, build on the original footprint, which would not be subject to an impact fee, continue to rent the property and contact the building inspector to get on the list for a new dwelling for next year(new dwelling would be subject to an impact fee) or simply put on an addition to the house and get a building permit this year.  Mr. Hubbard will contact the building inspector when he makes his decision as to how he is going to proceed.

SUBJECT: Old Man in the Mountain Picture
Present: Mr. Udo Rauter

Mr. Rauter has taken possibly the last known close-up photo of the Old Man in the Mountain.  A copy of which appeared in the Concord Monitor. Mr. Rauter would like to present the town with a copy of this photograph at Old Home Day.  The board suggested Mr. Rauter contact John West who is a member of the Old Home Day Committee to discuss it.  The board thanked Mr. Rauter for his generous offer.


The board reviewed mail and signed the minutes of July 8, 2003.    

A response from the office concerning a recent e-mail was discussed.  The selectmen took it as an affront and found it to be unprofessional.  The e-mail and web site is strictly for business and personal opinions need to be kept off .  Motion Selectman Arey and seconded by Selectman DeBold to remove Heather’s pictures and text from the web site along with the additional links under the selectmen’s office. Both were in favor.   Further discussion remains regarding a business listing link for the web site.  

Mr. May’s resignation was accepted with regret.

The selectmen asked Lisa to respond with a letter of acknowledgement regarding the correspondence received from Ms. Lucier.  
Selectman Arey passed out draft personnel policies.  No discussion was held tonight due to the fact there was not a full board present.  They will be reviewed individually during the week and discussed at the next board meeting.  

The response to the junkyard survey was tabled until next week.

Motion Selectman Arey and seconded by Selectman DeBold to accept the offer from the Farmington Fire Department for the used heavy rescue vehicle. Both were in favor.

In an effort to improve communications between the board and department heads, the board is requesting all departments attend future board meetings at the same time.  Due to the absence of two departments tonight, the board directed Lisa to send a memo to the departments advising them of this change.  Effective August 5, 2003, all departments will be scheduled for 7:00pm.

The board recommended Lisa contact the town attorney for advice regarding the IRS problem.

Motion Selectman DeBold and seconded by Selectman Arey to send a letter to Mr. Vermette on Swiggy Brook Road, requesting documentation of a home occupancy permit.  Both were in favor.

Motion Selectman Arey and seconded by Selectman DeBold to put the bulldozer out for bid.  Both were in favor.  

Selectman DeBold will work on a procedure to be followed for requiring background checks on new hires.  

Being no further business, Selectman DeBold adjourned the meeting at 9:05pm.  

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Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant

Chairman David Colbert

Approved As Written     
_____________________________                           7/23/03
Richard DeBold

Harold Arey

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