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Selectmen's Minutes August 5, 2003
Chichester Board of Selectmen
August 5, 2003    

PRESENT: Chairman Colbert, Selectmen Richard DeBold, Selectman Spook Arey, and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens.

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:00pm.

SUBJECT: Highway Department
Present: David Kenneally   

HIGHLIGHTS:  The tree work on Hutchinson Road is behind schedule, the billing is way ahead of their work.  The department still needs one flagger for the Hutchinson Road Project. An additional 500 ft. of road from Ruoff’s to the next pole will need to be dug out and re-graveled.  There is no base left.  This area has been historically muddy.  The town can not allow volunteers to work on the road project.  They must be hired help.  If work is being sub-contracted out, the contractor must provide the town with a Certificate of Insurance.

The Bulldozer Bids were opened at this time.  The town received four bids in all.  Motion to award the bid to B & B Contracting for the amount of $5,151.00 by Selectman Arey and seconded by Selectman DeBold.  All were in favor.  The other bids were: B & R Construction - $3,100.00; Paul Twoomey - $2,300.00; Francis Pike - $1,558.00.    

SUBJECT: Fire Department   
Present: Chief Prickett   

HIGHLIGHTS: John invited the Board of Selectmen to participate in a controlled burn exercise at the Fire Academy in October.  Representatives of the Farmington Fire and Rescue Department came to pick up the used heavy rescue vehicle and present the Selectmen with the check.  Chief Prickett will come in the end of the week to work out the new accounting numbers and finalize the transition of the selectmen’s office paying all bills and the fire department closing out their checking account.

SUBJECT: Davis Road  
HIGHLIGHTS: William Stevens  

Mr. Stevens would like permission to work on a Class VI road.  Chairman Colbert informed Mr. Stevens that he would need to prove that the length of road goes to his property.  The burden of proof rests on the homeowner.  You have to be an abutter on the road in order to do a betterment to the road, at your cost.  This issue has been in court and will end up in court again if legal documentation is not provided proving the length of the road.  Mr. Stevens stated he has done all the deed research and has a survey plan but it is not stamped by a licensed surveyor. He feels he has enough proof.  The Board reiterated in order for this to hold up in court, Mr. Stevens needs to have a legal survey done proving the length of the road goes to his property.  

SUBJECT: Trail Easement
HIGHLIGHTS: Mr. Kevin Gagne

Mr. Gagne and fellow members from the NH Traildogs Snowmobile Club are looking for access to a right of way off Hutchinson Road for a snowmobile trail. They need to have a signed easement.  The Selectmen referred them to the Conservation Commission.  


Minutes of July 29, 2003 were corrected to include the words “motion carried” on page 2, paragraph 3 and then signed.

The certified notice of an alleged Zoning Violation on the Vermette property was refused.  The Board will make one further attempt by the Police Department to notify Mr. Vermette before they begin procedures for a cease and desist.

The Board scheduled a work session for Monday, August 10, 2003, at 6:00pm at the library to work on updating Personnel Policies.   

The draft letter to the Deputy Treasurer was discussed.  Chairman Colbert will make another attempt to contact Ms. Ricker before mailing.  

The Board asked Lisa to put the Budget Committee on the agenda for next week; they would like to set the budget schedule for the fall.  Lisa will contact the members.  

The Board reviewed the Master Plan Questionnaire and had several questions.  A conference call took place with Brandon Giuda to go over these topics. The Selectmen’s concern were; that this should be a planning tool and not an evaluation, clarification in regards to what lighting is being referred to on number 16, that the space needs area was not extensive enough and why the questions regarding professionalism on questions #24 and #25 . The questions need to stick to Master Plan issues.  Mr. Giuda disagreed and stated that the scope of the Master Plan includes every aspect of the town’s development; it is an all inclusive document to the planning of the town.  Mr. Giuda did ask for input from the Selectmen prior to the compilation of the questionnaire and the input received from the Board was not this extensive or specific. The Police Department requested professionalism be included and the fire department agreed it was a good idea to ask.  A lot of work has been done to compile the questionnaire.

Selectmen DeBold is still working on a sample background check policy for new hires.

The Rte 4 Corridor Study Committee is wrapping up.  Richard updated the other board  members on their findings.

The Selectmen reviewed literature from Doug Hall and the DRA pertaining to property revaluation.  The Board would like to include something like it with the upcoming mailing from Avitar.  Lisa will contact Avitar to see if this is possible.  Selectmen DeBold will talk with Mr. Hall and prepare a finalized version.   

Selectmen Arey updated the board members on the water issue.  Tests have been performed today and the Board will await the results.

Selectmen DeBold is ready to make the Space Needs Committee active.  He asked the other board members for names of  possible members.  The Board would like to see input from the employees and officials using the grange building on a daily basis.    

Being no further business, Chairman Colbert adjourned the meeting at 10:45pm.  

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Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant

Chairman David Colbert

Approved  As Written     
____________________________                            8/12/03
Richard DeBold

Harold Arey

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