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Selectmen's Minutes April 08, 2003
Chichester Board of Selectmen
April 8, 2003  

PRESENT: Chairman David Colbert, Selectman Richard DeBold, Selectman Spook Arey, And Office Assistant Lisa Stevens.

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:00pm.

SUBJECT: Highway Department     

PRESENT: Road Agent, Jeff Jordan  

Discussion for the Hutchinson Road project centered on the need for a public hearing to be held and the board requesting a plan from the road agent as to what the job will entail.  The board would like the Town engineer’s advice.  Lisa will contact Vollmar Associates and arrange for the engineer to meet with the board and the road agent next week.  A Chain of Command document signed by the board was given to the road agent.  

SUBJECT: State Bridge Aid

PRESENT: Mr. Tom French – Hoyle Tanner & Associates

Mr. French introduced himself and gave the board an overview of the state process for securing funds available through the program.  6.8 million dollars has been secured for funding through the fiscal year 2007.  The program is an 80/20 match.  The status of the Webster Mills Bridge was discussed.  Mr. French has spoken to former selectman Ted Bailey regarding this bridge in the past.  A letter has been written to DOT and an estimate for repairs was done.  Selectman DeBold asked Mr. French if he could find out if a new estimate could be done and what time frame that would be.  The next step is for the town to write a letter to the state indicating their commitment of funds.  Chairman Colbert stated the project was in the CIP for fiscal year 2008.  Currently $88,000 is in the capital reserve fund for this project.

SUBJECT: Fire Department

PRESENT: Fire Chief, John Prickett

The department has found a used heavy rescue vehicle in Machais, NY.  It is a 1989, with less than 9,000 miles and it is all aluminum.  The fire department is planning to offer $82,000 for the truck and use the rest of the monies, not to exceed $115,000, to finish outfitting the truck.  The truck will need to be lettered, some new wiring, radios and the department would like to outfit it with a fragmentation chamber.  The cost for these items will be about $33,000. The board asked the chief to itemize a list and forward it to them.  The truck should last the department at least ten (10) years. The current heavy rescue vehicle will be stripped of all usable equipment and then disposed of per the selectmen’s direction.  
The chief is not available to attend the RTE 4 Corridor Study meeting on Monday April 14th.  He is however, still looking for a volunteer from the department that may be able to attend.  
Chief Prickett explained to the board his interpretation of the job responsibilities for an Emergency Management Director.  Civil Defense handles a wide variety of disaster issues from flooding, tornados, snowstorms, man-made disasters, as well as hazard preparedness, mitigation planning and acts of terrorism.  The chief recommends the board think about hiring a full-time position that would include a Fire Chief/Building Inspector/Emergency Management Director.  The chief also advised the board that the current emergency plan for Chichester is five (5) years old and is a very generic one.


The board approved the minutes of April 1, 2003 as written.
Correction to last week’s minutes, the board signed the minutes of March 25, 2003.

Grounds maintenance was discussed.  Selectman DeBold will finalize the specifications and forward to Lisa to send out the four landscaping companies in town.  Shaw’s field was discussed.  The board would like to have the sheep graze the field again.  Lisa will pull out the contract from last year and redraft if necessary.   

Lisa is still working on the Marilyn Stevens/Owner Unknown lot on Map 4.  She will get back to the board with her findings.

The board denied an Impact Fee Waiver requested by Earl Weir, based on the property sited is not his primary residence. Lisa will notify Mr. Weir in writing.

Lisa informed the board of a request by assessor Andrea Lewy, asking the board for their intentions regarding updating Current Use.  Due to the state mandated certification, all current use applications need to be reviewed and updated, much like the exemption review.  The board asked Lisa to find out the cost and report back.  

The board signed the final draft of the letter regarding the positions within the selectmen’s office.

The board adopted a No Smoking policy for all town buildings.  Lisa will finalize and have ready for signatures next week.

Being no further business, Chairman Colbert adjourned the meeting at 10:30pm.  

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Office Assistant
                                                                  Approved As Written    
_____________________________                             4/15/03
Chairman David Colbert


Richard DeBold

Harold Arey  