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Selectmens Minutes December 10, 2002
Chichester Board of Selectmen
December 10, 2002

PRESENT:  Chairman Theodore Bailey, Selectman David Colbert, Selectman Richard DeBold, Heather Briggs and Judy Kenneally via telephone


The minutes of December 03, 2002 were approved as written, signed and will be posted to our web page.


Chairman Bailey called the Board Meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

Subject: Mr. Bill Stevens

Regarding: Davis Road

Bill Stevens presented the Board with additional supporting information, including a plan survey done August 1983, book 1126, page 488 by Survey Field Services, to support his claim that Davis Road extends to his property.  The Board will take under advisement the information presented by Bill and requested Bill attend the next scheduled Meeting regarding a decision on his request to upgrade Davis Road from Class VI to a Class V.
Subject: Budget Committee

Present: Chairman Stephen MacCleery, John Martel, Walter Sanborn, Marie McKay, and Joanna McIntosh

Marie McKay needed to excuse herself at 8:15.

Subject: Highway Department

Present: Mr. Jeffrey Jordan

The submitted 2003 budget was reviewed and discussed.  

Subject: Building Inspector

Present: David Paveglio

The submitted 2003 budget was reviewed and discussed.  The practical and time saving use of the cell phone was also discussed.

Subject: Recreation Committee

Present: Richard DeBold and David Colbert

The submitted 2003 budget was reviewed and discussed.  

Subject: Board and Budget Committee Discussion

Heather was excused at 8:30.  Judy Kenneally and the tape recorder were available for note taking.

The Board discussed the CIP and the Departments long range plans.

The Board discussed the budget at length.

The Board also reviewed the general Government budget with Judy that she proposes for the Town.  

Judy will make changes to the budget and make dated copies for the Board.

Judy would like to add a line item for Engineering for a rough estimate on costs to add onto the grange Building.  Selectman DeBold will inquire regarding this and give Judy a number for next meeting.

The Police Chief is attending the next scheduled meeting to discuss the proposed 2003 budget.  No other department has been requested to attend by the Budget committee.

Subject: Board Discussion

Judy took to issue the proper right to know laws in adopting a town policy.  

Richard would like to be consistent in using a letterhead.  Judy has no problem with this when Richard brings to the town office a copy of his letterhead on disk to use.

Judy agreed to mention to Heather in the following morning, a possible conflict in scheduling with the Grange Meeting and the BCEP Budget meeting being held in the Grange Building on the same day.  The Board of Selectmen has given the Grange Meetings exclusive use of the building for their meetings.

Judy explained that any over expenditure in a budget needs to come before the Board of Selectmen prior to the monies spent.  The Board then votes on the over expenditure and where the money will come from.  Richard DeBold still needs to give to Judy in writing the explanation for the Recreational Committee’s overspending for the Town Report.

Judy will request from Heather the following morning a current year to date so the Board will know where to pull the over expenditure from the Recreation Committee.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned by Chairman Bailey at 10:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Theodore Bailey, Chairman

David Colbert, Selectman

Richard DeBold, Selectman

Page two of two * Minutes of December 10, 2002