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Selectmen's Minutes August 13, 2002
August 13, 2002

PRESENT:  Theodore Bailey, David Colbert, Richard DeBold, Heather Briggs, and Judy Kenneally via telephone


The minutes of August 06, 2002 were approved as written, signed and will be posted to our web page.


Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Ted Bailey.

Subject:   Highway Department

Present:  Jeffrey Jordan, Road Agent

The Highway Department worked with the Cemetery Commission to clean up and chip the big oak trees that had been cut down.

The Highway Department has put flake calcium down on the dirt roads to help with the dust.

The mower is still not working well.

Selectmen Colbert and DeBold asked the Highway Department if they had the time to grade the gravel left on the Park and Recreation area at Carpenter Park. Mr. Jordan said they would meet Selectman Colbert on the field at 7:30 AM Wednesday.

It was agreed by the Board to bill the appropriate departments that the Highway is working for/with, including installing the ramps at the Grange building.

Mr. Jordan has been checking on the road for Mr. Marsh.  It is going well but Mr. Jordan would like to slope it better.  The Board agreed.

Subject: Mr. James Robinson

Mr. Robinson requested there be a traffic signal for the intersection of Dover Road and King Road.  The Board stated that the decision would have to go through Division V of DOT.  Judy will work with Heather with the process.

Mr. Robinson also requested a reason why the Town of Chichester is not using his wrecking service.  The Board said that they would contact the Police Department and inquire.

Subject: Julie Patterson and Tim Benjamin

Ms. Patterson would like to use her sheep to maintain the 31-acre Town-owned field on Main Street.  She would like to exchange this maintenance for the right to hay the fields next year as well as to continue to maintain them.  

Ms. Patterson and Mr. Benjamin contract their sheep for maintenance for different companies including Public Service and for the Audubon Society. She would like to have a place for the sheep between contracts.  What is not maintained with the sheep will be mowed.

The Board liked the idea and requested a written proposal as well as a copy of their liability insurance.

Subject:  Board Discussion

The Board discussed the request from Mr. Depalma for an abatement of taxes for his proposed commercial building.  Judy will continue to look into it through NHMA.

The Board discussed the request from Mr. Weir for an impact fee waiver.  The Board asked Judy to write to the Planning Board for the written intent of the zoning regarding impact fee waivers.

Mrs. Barbara Frangione found a globe for the light upstairs in the Grange building.  The Board gave her permission to purchase it.

The Board discussed the salary and payroll of the Highway Department.  Selectman Colbert has concerns regarding the hourly pay and the budget.  The Board would like to speak with Road Agent Jordan regarding these concerns at the August 20, 2002 board meeting.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 9 PM.

Theodore Bailey, Chairman

David Colbert, Selectman

Richard DeBold, Selectman