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Selectmen's Minutes 2/26/02

Present:  Jeffrey Jordan, Theodore Bailey, Dennis Call, Judy Kenneally

Old Business:

The minutes of 2/22/02 and the minutes of the public hearing on the budget were approved as written and signed.


Subject:  Robert Gagne

Mr. Gagne has a building permit from 1999 for his property on Ferrin Road.  He has been waiting for the road to be improved to build his house.  The building inspector would not approve the extension of the permit without the approval of the Board.  The road is now passable and Mr. Gagne would like to proceed.  The Board approved the extension of the permit.  The building inspector will be notified.

Subject:  William Stevens

Bill would like to improve Davis Road to a Class V road approximately one mile.  Bill will let us know the exact length.   The project will take a number of years.   The Board approved the improvement.

Subject:  Police Chief, Patrick Clarke

The Chief would like to establish a policy in regard to complaints regarding the Police Department.  He would prefer to have complaints referred to the department first then discussed with the Board.

The Chief also explained that any function with more than 100 people in attendance and alcohol present requires a police officer present.

Subject:  Deputy Fire Chief, Michael Paveglio

The Department uses the 1992 cruiser for fire service.  He would like to acquire the 1998 police cruiser that will be taken out of service if a new cruiser is approved.  The 1992 has been a good vehicle but is now requiring some work.  

The Board asked that the plates be taken off the old tanker.  It is not inspected and is not road worthy.  The insurance will be discontinued.  The Deputy Chief will deliver the plates to the office.

The Fire Dept. received a grant for a hazardous materials class.  The Police Dept. was invited to attend.

Chairman Jordan complimented the Fire Dept. and Police Dept. for the good relationship that has been established.

Subject:  Road Agent assistant, A J May

No concerns.

Subject:  Fred Chagnon

Mr. Chagnon attended the meeting on behalf of Jeffrey Swain.  Mr. Swain has been a resident of Chichester for more than ten years.  This would exempt him from the impact fees under the provision of zoning under waivers.  
The Board approved the waiver.  The office will process the refund.
Subject:  Board discussion

The Board discussed whether or not to tax deed the Booth property.  It was decided that since everything had been done to help Mr. Booth keep the property and he still defaulted on paying the taxes that property would be taken for delinquent property tax.  The Tax Collector will be notified.

The Board discussed the Dalbec property on Dover Road doing yard sales two to three days a week.  This would be considered a business.  The letter previously written will go out.  

The Board discussed the Leppard property on Dover Road.  Mr. Leppard stopped by the office to inform the Board that he is working on the requirements of the site plan.  

Fire Chief Prickett phoned the Board and spoke with Chairman Jordan to discuss the old tanker.  The plates are requested because the vehicle is not road worthy and the insurance is being cancelled.  Chief Prickett would like to keep the plates on the truck to drive it to the repair shop.  Selectmen Call called the Fire Chief back to discuss the tanker.  The plates will be delivered to the office.  

Joanna McIntosh requested the use of the Grange Hall for square dancing.  The Board agreed that too much damage is done  by dancing.

Voting hours are 10-7.

CNHRPC and Merrimack County are updating road maps.  These maps are used for Federal and State funding.  The maps were reviewed and changes made.

The Dept. of Revenue reviewed the warrant and made changes to the wording.  The warrant has been posted.  The changes will be amended at Town Meeting.

Judy submitted the actual figures for health insurance costs.  The estimate included all employees at family coverage rates.  The actual figures were much lower.  The amount will be amended at Town Meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeffrey Jordan, chairman

Theodore Bailey

Dennis Call