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SELECTMEN'S MINUTES November 6, 2001

PRESENT: Jeffrey Jordan, Theodore Bailey, Dennis Call, Judy Kenneally, and Heather Briggs


The minutes of 10/30/01 were accepted as written, signed and posted to the web page.


SUBJECT: Road Agent assistant, A J May

The prep work for Horse Corner Road will be completed this fall.  The paving will be applied in the spring.

SUBJECT: Chief of Police, Ann Emerson

Present: Police Chief Ann Emerson and Cpl. Pat Clarke

Cpl. Clarke reported that Wayne Preve no longer has the time to fulfill his obligation to Chichester.  He will introduce a replacement candidate next week.

Selectman Call distributed draft copies of the employment agreement.  Cpl. Clarke will review his copy and discuss it with the Board next week.

SUBJECT: Fire Chief, John Prickett

Chief Prickett delivered his presentation for a new/used heavy rescue vehicle.

He also submitted a preliminary 2002 budget.

SUBJECT:  Pittsfield High School, Decca

Two representatives from the Decca group presented their request to use the Grange Hall for a dance to raise money for the terrorism incident in New York.  The Board determined that the space available was not enough to meet their needs.

SUBJECT:  Paul Adams

Mr. Adams reported on his progress with the elderly housing project.  He will submit a petition to be included as an article in the warrant to include elderly in the zoning ordinance.

SUBJECT:  Board discussion

Reviewed the budget proposal for 2002.

Chairman Jordan presented Selectman Bailey with his volunteer appreciation award.

The Board was updated on the Valotto and Dragon complaints.

The Board voted to enter into non-public session pursuant to RSA 91-A3:, II c, matters which, if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation of a person.  

Jeffrey Jordan – yes    Theodore Bailey – yes   Dennis Call – yes

The Board voted to seal the minutes pursuant to RSA 91-A:3, III, Divulgence of the information likely would affect adversely the reputation of a person.

Jeffrey Jordan – yes    Theodore Bailey – yes   Dennis Call – yes

Respectfully submitted,

________________________        __________________________      __________________________
Jeffrey Jordan                  Theodore Bailey                 Dennis Call