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SELECTMEN'S MINUTES November 13, 2001

Present:  Jeffrey Jordan, Theodore Bailey, Dennis Call, Judy Kenneally, Heather Briggs


The minutes of 11/06/2001 were accepted as written, signed and posted to the web page.


SUBJECT:  Road Agent assistant, A J May

A J submitted the 2002 budget proposal.

Would like to try snow fence on West Road.

SUBJECT:  Police Chief, Ann Emerson

Present:  Patrick Clarke, Frank Chimalecky

Cpl.. Clarke introduced Mr. Chimalecky to the Board.   Mr. Chimalecky is a candidate for a part-time officer position.  

Cpl. Clarke submitted the 2002 budget proposal.  The Board agreed to pay the PD dues from the Regional Assn. Line item.

The job description and contract were reviewed.  Selectman Call described the corrections and will submit the revised contract next week.

SUBJECT:  Fire Chief, John Prickett

Chief Prickett submitted his 2002  budget proposal.  Discussed adding paid fire personnel.

The Board viewed a video of the requested rescue truck.

SUBJECT:  Board discussion

Discussed proposed 2002 budget.

The old Apple computer is of no use to us any longer.  If Earl can get the information off of it and on to our new machine, does the Board want to offer the old machine to Earl.  The Board agreed to give Earl the machine if he wants it.

The welfare client of last weeks discussion, was denied services because the billing service was willing to accept a payment plan.

The Board agreed to purchase a freezer for the welfare food pantry.

Evelyn was not included on the list of volunteers for the appreciation dinner.  Evelyn has donated her time for many years to the food pantry, the holiday baskets and the Christmas tree.  She will be included next year.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeffrey Jordan                  Theodore Bailey                         Dennis Call