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SELECTMEN'S MINUTES September 11, 2001
PRESENT:  Theodore Bailey, Jeffrey Jordan, Judy Kenneally


The minutes of 9/4/01 were not available.  


SUBJECT:  Police Chief, Ann Emerson

The Chief introduced Mark Loomis to the Board members.  The body discussed his interest in the part-time position.  He is willing to be certified part-time at the Police academy.

Discussed repairs to the ’98 cruiser.

SUBJECT:  Earl Weir

Mr. Weir submitted laws pertaining to roads being accepted by the Town.  He has an approved subdivision and wishes to improve the right-of-way to the lots. RSA 231 allows a petition to lay out a road over an existing right-of-way.  However, the subdivision laws can be interpreted otherwise.  With the transfer of ownership the lots are vested and are not subject to new zoning.  The Board will review the laws and vote on the situation with a full Board.

SUBJECT:  Bruce and Polly Atkinson

Present:  A J May

Mr. & Mrs. Atkinson were invited by the Board to discuss the stone wall built in front of their house.  The wall is a problem for snow removal as it allows for very little room.  The Atkinson’s submitted their concerns for speed and signs.  The Board agreed that the wall should be moved.  A J will meet with them to see if there is an agreeable solution.

SUBJECT:  Road Agent assistant, A J May

Still waiting to start the garage.
SUBJECT:  Board discussion

Building Inspector, Dave Paveglio, submitted a letter (on file) to the Board in response to a complaint about a garage being built too close to the road.  Dave measured and if the edge of the road is the identifier, the garage is legal.  The Board determined the ditch line would be the edge of the road.  

Judy met with the Department of Revenue regarding the revaluation.  We are scheduled for revaluation in 2003.  The DRA will certify the Town provided we are operating to their standard.

Respectfully submitted,
__________________________      _________________________       ___________________________
Theodore Bailey                 Jeffrey Jordan, chairman                Dennis Call