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Heritage Commission Minutes 10/15/2015
October 15, 2015

Members present: Lucille Noel, Ann Davis, Richard DeBold, Michelle Plunkett, Dawn Marshall

Members excused: Bob McAnney, Kate Rafferty-Hall

Minutes read and accepted.

Richard questioned the breach in the stone wall on Towle Rd. Lucille said it was a logging company. The logging company did tell Lucille they would rebuild the stone wall.

Beverly Thomas, NH Preservation Alliance, visited Barbara's barn and took pictures.  

Lucille cut the brambles on the trees on Canterbury Rd.  There are a couple trees that did not make it.

Card Fundraiser
Kate bought card stock so Anne could sell cards at the November 14th craft fair.  
Reimburse Kate $9.99 for card stock and $19.83 to Lucille for prints. Motions by Richard and Ann

Lucille sent suggested ideas for the signs for the two buildings, Library and Town/Grange Hall. We are waiting for a price and image from Mr. Leonard in Maine. We also sent an image and text to Rowland's Studio.  Lucille presented text for the signs.

Review of 2015 initiatives.
What should we do for the upcoming year?
Work on facilitating barn easements.
Canterbury Rd. Tree Project
Beautification of Main St.
Signage program for historic areas in town.
Work on Charrette plan.

Increase to $650

Seven to Save announcement, October 21.  Lucille, Michelle & Dawn to attend.  
Master Plan to Planning Board in November.

Meeting adjourned @ 7:47
Respectfully submitted
Michelle Plunkett